Chapter 28

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I woke up the next morning and i looked outside the window to see the beautiful backyard of Luke's house it was so beautiful with the beach and the ocean waves. I walked on the balcony and just sat there thinking. Are we ready to preform we don't even have a name for the band yet. Luke came out and put his arms around my waist. "What are you thinking of?" "Trying to figure out how to tell the girls and the name of the band" "Oh well  i just called the girls to come over so you guys can think together" He smiled. I love how he knows what I'm thinking  of and does it for me. I went into the bathroom and looked at my face. This is the only moment in my life i felt pretty and myself  now for years. I looked at my scars on my wrist and stomach and i made this important that will change my life: I promise for my life and Luke's life that i will never self-harm EVER again until the day i day.  I smiled at my mental vow and got in the shower.

I got out feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. I got dressed and decided to go to work i was on vacation. i got dressed and  put little make-up and i was off. I parked my car in the lot and put my name tag on and headed to the counter. "Good to see you back Alexia we missed you" "Thanks Jessica i missed work too" I said and she smiled and sent me to the coffee making station today. I had to learn to make latte's and mocha's and Espressos. i was making a latte and i saw Kelsey there. "Hey Kelsey what brings you here?" "Oh to see how you were doing i have a lot of homework and i heard the news and I'm really excited to perform, but one problem though.." "And what is that?" "We don't have a name". "Oh i am trying to think of one but my mind is blank". "Well how about The Redemptions?". I thought about it for a second and i said "That sounds great but you need to tell Cassie and Kayla though". "I know but  i think they'll love it!" Kelsey exclaimed. "Yeah go out there I'll be at Luke's house if you need me after work" "Ok see ya" "Bye". and i continued to make costumers drinks.

I was finished with my shift and i was walking to my car and i saw a very familiar car and i sprinted to my car and i sped off and it kept following me. "DAMN IT!" i screamed. Jim found me and he is not going to stop until he gets his way. I was swerving thought traffic and i  found Luke's road to his house so i quickly turned and he kept going straight and i sped down the street to his house. I parked my car and i ran to the front door and i ran inside afraid he might find me. Luke was sitting on the couch looking at me "Something wrong?" "He found me" I said feeling numb. my heart was starting to race and i began to sweat. Oh no. Panic attack. I started to hyperventilate Luke came to me and gave me my inhaler and i took it and took a breathe  and calmed down. "Panic attack?" "Yeah" "Don't worry i used to get those too your not alone" "Good i remember you having one" "yeah they suck but i grew out of them" "I hope i do". We talked and i fell asleep in his arms.. He picked me up and put me under the covers and he fell asleep also.

{A/N sorry for the short chapter but 3 update in 1 day you should be proud of me :) anyways keep reading, voting, and sharing, and follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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