Chapter 30

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I woke up the next morning feeling like i could just run around the house. I went and got a shower and got out and got dressed and did my makeup. Today was my last full day here in Aussie and i wanted to tell the girls the name news. I texted them to come over and they all replied ok and i was waiting for them. I went downstairs to get something to eat and saw Ashton making breakfast. "Hey Ashton why are you cooking??" "Because today is our last day here and why not have a big breakfast". He has a point there and I saw Cassie's car and everyone came out of the car . "Hey why did you want us here for?" Kelsey said. "For a breakfast and an announcement too". "Ok well which one are we doing first?" Cassie said. "Well the announcement first well i thought of the name of the band.." "What??" Kayla said. "The Redemptions?". They all thought for a second then everyone had a smile on their faces. "That was..... AN AMAZING NAME!!!!" They all said. "Good I'm glad  you guys like it". "Yeah i can't believe we are going to be opening for our boyfriend's band yay!!!" Cassie exclaimed. I was super happy and super hungry too and Ashton told us  to come in the dining room and sit down. "WE have to wait for the guys to get here and mom is coming down here". "Ok they better hurry up I'm really hungry!!" I said. I saw all the guys coming in the door and saw Luke there. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and i couldn't help but smile and blush. I still get that feeling even though we have been dating for almost 2 months. Then all of sudden i forgot TODAY WAS PROM!!!. I looked at Cassie to come here and i whispered in her ear, "Today is prom!!" "Oh crap we forgot!!". "Forget what?" Asked Calum. "Prom it's today" I said sadly. i really wanted to go and know i can't i don't have a dress nothing. We just stopped talking about it and we started to eat.

I couldn't help thinking about prom i promised all of my friends i will be going at school and now I'm not and i feel like crap for breaking a promise to everyone of them.  I finally decided to speak up about it "I'm going dress shopping anyone want to go with me?" . All the girls raised their hands even Luke did and that made me happy. "Well I'm going shopping let's go ladies and Luke" i smiled. All the guys looked excited for prom and i said to Luke "How about you and the guys go shopping for some tux's and we'll  be back with everything we need ok?" "Ok  I'll get the guys". We ran to my car and luckily we all fit in my car and we drove to the dress shop.

We made it into the dress shop and i saw a huge selections of dresses. I had no idea what i wanted but luckily our little personal  stylist, Kayla, gave us ideas on what colors would look good with us and things like that. We tried on like literally hundreds of  dresses and we finally all found one. Kayla's was a really cute light blue dress that was strapless that went to her mid-thigh and it was really sparkly on the top and lessened it when it went down and it was really flowy. Kelsey's  was a really dark purple dress that went all the way down her body and it showed her figure well and it had one strap on it and it had roses on it and they were black. Cassie's dress was pink and it was a high low dress. It went to her mid-thigh in the front and then it went to her ankles in the back and it was ruffled and it had a lot of sparkles on it. Mine was a really pretty one I'm not saying it though (A/n its the picture :)). After that we all bought our dresses and decided to go shoe shopping.

We headed to all kinds of shoe stores and then we found one. WE all found our shoes and Kayla's shoes were a pair of white high heels with a strap on them and they weren't too high, but they weren't too short and they looked perfect with the dress. Kelsey's shoes were just a pair of Black open-toed wedges she likes simple but cute. Cassie's shoes were a pair of  pink sparkly wedges that were also open-toed and i went great with the dress. Mine is also a surprise (A/N also will be in the picture :)). WE bought the shoes and a couple of accessories and we were off to Starbucks for a drink!. We put all our bags in the trunk and we got in my car and headed to Starbucks that was only like a 5 minute drive.  We parked the car and went inside and i saw Jessica. "Hey Jessica mind if i come back here and make us some coffee?" " No not at all go right on ahead" She said "But you have still pay". We laughed and said "Ok". I was making my mocha and i saw all the guys coming in. "Hey your  not supposed to work today?" Luke said. "Duh I'm making our drinks and what are you guys doing here??" "Oh just to get some coffee"  Michael said.  "Hey Jessica can you  get the guys drinks while we get ours please?? " "Yeah sure" . After all the ordering we got all of our drinks and we talked and said our goodbyes so we could get ready for prom!!.

Me and the girls decided to back to my house because the guys are going to Calum's to get ready. We did our hair and makeup, which took ages because hey we're girls we have to look nice! So i was ready to put on my dress and my shoes and accessories on and all the girls looked completely shocked "I told you you would look good with that dress!!"  " I know i know" I said. And all the girls got their stuff on and we all looked  at each other and man we looked like models no joke!! We texted the guys we were done and they all rushed here. Kelsey decided to go first so we all left and only Kelsey and Michael were there . Kelsey started to walk down the stairs and she made it down there and Michael was like starstruck and he couldn't keep his eyes off her!! "Wow you look beautiful Kelsey" "Well thank you you look might handsome tonight " Kelsey winked. after that it was Cassie's turn. She walked down the stairs and i saw Calum in a tux and he was so cute!. She was walked and Calum seen her and i swore he almost fainted. "W-wow Cassie you look so gorgeous!" Calum said. Thanks Calum that means so much i love the black converses with the tux it suits you!". After all that it was  Kayla's turn. "I'm really nervous I'm scared he won't like me!"  "Of course he will now go he's waiting for his princess!" "Ok thanks for the talk". "Anytime". After she started to walk down the stairs. Ashton caught a glimpse of her and i swore i saw his eyes light up. It made me feel awesome that my brother found someone like him. He was stunned "Wow Kayla your looking mighty fabulous" "Well thanks Ashton your looking cute today!!". After it my turn. i started to walk down the stairs. i looked at Luke's face and he had the biggest smile on his face and he ran to me. He hugged me and said "You look really, really beautiful tonight Alexia" "Thanks that was really the best compliment you could ever give me thank you Luke for saving me!!" I said starting to tear up. He hugged me back and said "Your welcome I'm your superman so of course i would save you!". i laughed and my mom took picture and looked at me.

"I'm so happy your going to prom Alexia i can't believe it my little girl is going to prom I'm so proud of all of you"  My mom said crying. I went up to my mom and hugged and  then it got super emotional "Thank you mom but I'll always be your little girl and we should be proud of you, you handled dad's death and the plane crash and me so well and i love you for that and I'm proud of you mom for being there  for me and Ashton for being a single mother of two teenagers you deserve an mom award for being the best mom on earth!!" "Well thank you Alexia that means a lot now go out to prom and have the time of your life!" "I will mom bye i love you" "Bye i  love you too". After that we all drove to prom. Get ready here we come!!......

{A/N Here's your chapter for ya i hope you enjoy it! :). Question of the day is: are you going to prom? Why or why not? I'm definitely going because it only happens twice in your life!. put your answers in the comments  and keep reading, Voting, And sharing, and follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :)

Save Me ( Luke Hemmings love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें