Chapter 68

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I was rocking the drums and i heard Alyssa start singing the new song we added to our music playlist to sing was Just keep Breathing by We the Kings. I loved this song because the drums were amazing in it and we all got to sing the woah parts. I saw Luke standing there and Rose was there and she smiled at me and blew me a kiss and i smiled and then focused back on my drumming and i saw Ash come out and  he gave me 2 thumbs up and i smiled really big and i saw the girls who were giving me and Rose nasty glares look up at me and they started to throw things. On thing was a shoe that hit Cassie in the leg causing her to lose her balance for a second but she got it back and another was a book and it hit me straight in the face! I  dropped my drumsticks and i felt blood rushing from my nose and  Luke ran out and Alyssa screamed, "Security get those freaking girls over there out of here!!!". The girls looked at me and smirked and i flipped them off and Luke yelled at them, "Fuck you girls you aren't true fans if you don't love my own fiancé !"  I stood there smiling with my head up trying to get the bleeding to stop and my mom came out on stage and walked me to the door and she checked my nose and she said, "It isn't broken which is good its just a little bruised but it will be fine" "Can i go back out?" "Yes dear you can" She said kissing my forehead. I walked out and then we started top play again like nothing happened.

After about another hour of rocking out it was our last song which was our cover of I miss you by Blink 182 and i was getting my drums on and finally the song ended and I screamed, "BOSTON YOU GUYS WERE AMAZING WE LOVE YOU ALL GOODNIGHT!!" and we all ran off stage and Rose ran after me and she asked frantically, "Are you ok Alexia did they hurt you?" "No i'm fine just  a little bruise but i'll be fine" "Ok i don't like them girls they are buttheads!" "Yes they are" Calum said picking her up and kissing her cheek. Her cheeks heated up and i smiled. "When do you guys go out?" "I'm about 30 minutes" "Ok thanks Cal" "Your welcome bestie!" and he hugged me and put Rose on his shoulders and she squealed with joy. I walked to see Michael and i decided to scare him. I walked really quietly and i opened the door to see Michael and Alyssa cuddling and they were watching a movie and I turned off the light and Alyssa screamed because she is absolutely terrified of the dark and Michael said, "Alexia" "Crap" I said running to im and giving him a hug and he said, "Well i knew it was you because i know like the back of my hand" "Well i just wanted to see how you were doing so by Mickey i love you!" "I love you more bestie!" Mikey said giving me a gentle hug and i smiled and hugged Alyssa and i walked out. I see Luke and i ran to him and he threw his arms around my waist and kissed me and he said "Hello my love" "Well hello there" I said kissing his nose and he picked me  up and he said, "Your probably tired so i'm gonna carry you" "No i'm too heavy!" "Your not heavy your quite light for an almost 3 month pregnant woman" I giggled and i put my head in the crook of his neck and the last thing i remembered was Luke humming to me and i was in a dreamy slumber.


I woke up to heard someone scream, "GET UP IT'S TIME TO GET ON THE BUS!!" and i looked to  see it was Kayla and i groaned and i saw Ashton and he picked me up bridal-style and i rubbing my eyes and i said, "Where are we going?" "We are going to North Carolina to go to Rose mom's funeral" "Aww her mom died" I said bursting into tears and hugging Ash and crying into his shirr and he rubbed my back and comforted me and i saw my mom and she asked, "Mood swings?" "Yep he said still rubbing my back as i continued to sob and i heard Luke saying, "What's going on why is she crying?" "Mood swings" Ash said and finally dried it up and hugged Luke and he cradled me and i smiled at him and said, "Sorry if i woke you up" "It's fine babe i really wanted to sleep with you anyways and i couldn't sleep anyways" "Well can you stay with me?" "Of course i will forever and always"  "I love you Luke" "I love you Alexia" and after that  i fell into  an abyss of sleep.


I woke up in Luke's arms around my waist  and rubbing my belly in my sleep and i smiled and kissed him and his ocean blue eyes fluttered open and i smiled and said, "Good morning sunshine!" I said and he kissed me and he said in his sexy morning voice, "Good morning to you too babe" and he  unwrapped his arms and we both got up and my mom said, "We are about an hour away from Raleigh" "OK i said sadly and i looked at Rose who also looked sad and she said, I miss mommy why did she do this?" "She was really sad and she reached her limit she needed to be with daddy" "I know mommy is probably happy now" She said smiling up at me with her contagious smile and me and Luke both smiled. she ate her fruit loops and i took out my favorite cereal of all time! Honey bunches of Oats like the best cereal ever! I grabbed a bowl and some milk and poured it in my cereal.  I grabbed a spoon and  sat next to Rose and she  asked my mom," Grandma can you give me a bath please?" "Of course sweetie just let me finish the dishes " "Ok" she said getting on the couch and  turning on the TV . I ate me cereal and my mom took Rose to go get a bath and i saw Michael and Alyssa get out of bed and Alyssa had her fiery red hair in a bun and she walked in the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and some Apple Jacks and a spoon and milk and she started to eat.

After everyone was done eating and getting dressed mom said, "We are here" she said pulling in the funeral home's parking lot. I got out and we walked in and a lady greeted us and we arranged the date which is tomorrow and we picked her coffin and Rose got the say in where she will be buried. "Right next to my daddy because they want that" She said looking really said and trying not to cry and the lady said, "Your a very strong girl Rose your lucky to have such nice adoptive parents" "I know i do" she said looking up and me and Luke and she said, "Oh your expecting?" "Yes i am" "Well congrats for that" she said hugging me. After that we decided to  go out to eat. We parked in a Outback Steakhouse which is amazing! We all walked in and i saw some ladies looking at Luke like they are undressing him with their eyes and he noticed and he put his arm around me The girls stopped looking at him and  jealousy went away and i looked to see someone that i hoped we would've never saw again...................Kelsey.

{A/N Uh oh what is going to happen you will find out in the next chapter so how is everyone's weekend so far? Mine has been going good :) I hope you like this chapter and question of the day is: Who is your favorite singer(s)? Mine are Ellie Goulding, Cher Lloyd, Ed Sheeran, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato :) comment yours down below and Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me and the book recommendation is Called the Styles Triplets it really good it will be in the external link :)}

Love ya<3 :*

Ps. This is what Rose looks like in case you were wondering :)

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