Chapter 19

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I was in a nightmare i couldn't open my eyes. I heard people talking and i was super scared. Did i really die?  I was really happy but then sad. "She is going to pull through she has to". I think it was Ashton"s voice i was crying no i was screaming i can't get out of this darkness. i kept hearing all the guys voices but i couldn't answer get me out! 

A/n I'm doing P.O.V's in this one :)

(Luke's P.O.V)

I sat there looking at my lifeless girlfriends body and can't believe me why did i not believe her?!?!  I'm so stupid!!! i wanted to cry like i have for the past 2 hours now. "Don't worry she'll get through it she has too she is an Irwin girl!" Calum said. "You don't know Cal she has been through maybe she wanted to" "Mate don't bring yourself down you have to be on the positive side now she needs those" "I guess your right I'll try my best Calum thanks for the talk" "No problem Mate". I decided i needed to take a break and eat. i went to the McDonald's they have in the hospital and got me a cheeseburger and fries and a Coke. I sat down and Cassie found me and sat next to me. "Hey Luke how ya feeling?" " Horrible you?" "Same" "i can't believe she would do that to herself" "Well she has been through rough even when she was a kid too" "Like what?" "I'm not supposed to tell so don't tell anyone so When Alexia was a kid a teacher in her Primary school raped her in the school closet". "Oh my gosh i can't believe that" "i was there when it happened and the teacher got arrested and no one is supposed to talk about it so please don't bring it up?" "Ok i  promise" "Thanks now give me a fry". She grabbed one of my fries and i just laughed and we ate together till we went back upstairs to see her.

(Alexia's P.OV)

I was really sleepy until i felt someone touch me and i heard the most nicest  i heard Luke say "I want you to know i love you to the moon and back and if you die i will never date or marry  again i love you and only you and no fake or model can take your place your my other  half and i can't live without you just please wake up".  fluttered my eyes open and i saw light i panicked I'm dead i heard my heart monitor  beat really fast. A nurse came in a gave me a shot  in the neck and i screamed "Ahhhhh". "Alexia you're alive than god!" Cassie said.  "Well I'm sorry for doing it i needed a break from life so that  is the way i did but everything was dark and scary!" "I bet" "Where did everyone go?" "They went home they needed rest especially Ash and Luke they stayed here all 2 day". "2 day!?!?" "Yeah you were in a coma for 2 days i thought i lost my best friend""  Hey you will never lose me even if i died i would still be by you like my dad does to me." " i wish my dad even talks to me he hates me". She bursted into tears and she came over to the bed and i hugged her "Shh everything is ok Cass your dad is just a douche bag he  didn't deserve a beautiful caring daughter like you" "I guess your right Alexia i need to get over him he isn't worth my time" See think positive" "I should be saying that to you your the one in the hospital". we laughed and watched movies until the guys came in.

"Alexia!!" Ashton screamed. "Hey  Ash i missed you I'm sorry i did this". "it's fine as long as you pull through" "Hey I'm a Irwin girl i can get through it. " i winked at Calum. "you heard me?"  "yeah i did I'm not deaf". We all laughed and we talked. "Luke come here". He came up to me and i said "I heard what you said and i started to cry in my darkness you make me smile and i love you too".  " can't believe you heard me". "As i said I'm not deaf". "yeah but i can't wait till you can home and we can hang and go out and might get something special" "Yay!!". He laughed and we watched The


"dang Thor is hot!!" "Hey and I'm not?" "No your smoking hot". i winked. "Yeah!" Once the movie ended everyone left but Luke. "I missed you you know that?" "Yeah i did i heard you talking to about me in the room silly" "Oh forgot about that". Then the nurse gave me another shot in the neck. "Ow!" Then she left and i got really drowsy and started to say "I lov-love  that jacket its pr-pretty it has but-butterflies on it he he!" "i think you need to sleep Alexia" "Ok whatever you say Mr. bossypants".  He came into the bed with me and sang "I miss you" and i fell asleep instantly.

{A/N Another Update yay! i think  I'm going to do a question of the day everyday i update :) so here it is Who's your favorite youtuber(s)? Mine are Pewdiepie and Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil :) answer in the comments :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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