Chapter 36

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Its really dark again its scary!! I feel like i'm in a horror movie because you can't see anything and its really scary. I screamed "Hello!!!!!!!". No one answered and i kept screaming but no one was there. I regret taking those pills but i feel a whole bunch better now because i have no feelings here. It feels amazing i don't have to worry about anything right now and i love it and hate it i want to get out!!!

{Luke's P.O.V}

I can't believe this. It's all my fault i broke it off and i am an emotional mess right now. I've been crying on Michael's shoulder. Calum i hate him right now i want to kick his ass!! "Luke i am so sorry!!" Calum said. "No your not you slapped her for fuck's sake!!!!!"  "I didn't know why i did it i am really sorry!!!" "Fuck off right now Calum" "Ok i understand" "Wait you need to tell Cassie about this" "Ugh i know i am right now" "See ya mate". I looked at Alexia's pale body she looked dead. She took a lot of pills and had to pump out her stomach. It was a big terrible mess. I looked at Ashton and Shelly they looked the worst. I wonder what Calum is doing?...

{Calum's P.OV}

I am extremely nervous. She is going to break up with me i know it! I walked up to her and i said "Umm Cassie can we talk please?" "Yeah sure". We walked outside and i told her. "i have to tell you something" "What?" "When Alexia was being rude i was really pissed and i talked to her and i got raged and i- i...." I choked up. "Just say it Calum" "I slapped her i fell horrible!" I started to sob. She was silent and had tears in her eyes. "She started to run and i caught up  with her and i grabbed her by the waist and that was the only i could catch her and Luke saw her and it's all my fault!!". Cassie just hugged me and said "It's ok Alexia is going to make it i know her I'm her best friend and she was on her period she didn't mean any of it and i am mad why did you slap her!!!" "Because i was trying to protect you" "Calum i can handle here i have been for  like 4 years now i can handle her" she laughed . I was stunned. I thought she was going to kill me!. "Let's go get some coffee Calum i think you need some" "Ok" I smiled  and we left for coffee.

{Alexia's P.O.V}

I am really hungry and i am hearing voices again. I  hear my moms and she sound's like she has been crying. i feel really horrible i look like an attention whore but hey i have an excuse Luke hates me now. I forgot but then i heard his voice and it made me start to cry. "Alexia i am so sorry i broke up with me  and i don't know and me and Amber are nothing and  i love you so much stay strong babe i- i love you Alexia Ann Irwin". I felt like a shocked and i gasped for air. "I started to scream and i saw a light and i swore i saw my dead cat, Mittens, I am in heaven right now i am dying ahh!!!!!!!!! After i saw  darkness and i gaped for air again and i saw really bright room and figures. "Jesus is that you!?!?!" I said. "No it's Luke". Wait i am not dead yay!!!!. "I can't breathe!!!" "I'll get the nurse for you hold on" "Ok". The nurse came in and gave me a inhaler and i took it. After i caught my breath i felt the urge to throw up. "Trash can!!!!!!" Mom gave me the trash can and i threw up. Gross!!!!!! After i was done i felt like i was like 50 ponds i want a big mac!!. "I am hungry!!!" I scream. "I bought Starbucks!!" Cassie said and she looked at me. I was as a fragile as a feather. she hugged me and said "Don't do that again!!!!" "Ok can i have a cookie now?". She gave me a cookie and i scarfed it down. I too a drink of her peppermint mocha, even though i am not supposed to have any haha i am a freaking rebel!!! After i felt stuffed. i wanted to get back on the tour bus. I took my medicine and i had to get watched like every second of the day like suicide watch.  After i changed out of my gown into some of my PJ's and they were too big!! I went and checked my weight and i was 96 pounds!! I need to stuff me with food but that could kill me.

After i changed everyone left but Luke. I was still heartbroken. "Why are you still here we broke up remember?"  "Yeah but i can't live without you can we get back together?" "Hell yeah!!!". He kissed me and with a whole bunch of Passion. I loved how he is so gentle. I feel like this never happened and we started to get heated up but i broke it off because my asthma kicked in and i had to take me inhaler. "sorry" "It's ok its because I'm weak i had it when i was 6 when i had Cancer" "You had Cancer!?!!?" "Yeah i had a cancerous  Brain tumor but it was small and growing really slowly until my 7th birthday when it started to grow rapidly and i had to get chemo. That was why i had short hair back then it was growing back from chemo but i am cancer free now" I said smiling. "You sure went through a lot and maybe that's why you can be so strong". "I guess i am not really that strong though" "I think you are you went through so much stuff i am surprised you didn't have a mental breakdown" "I have had some but i am stronger now and i love you!" "I love you too!"   After we said that we watched Juno and i fell asleep and I felt Luke tucked me in and kissed my forehead  and i had a dreamy sleep.

{A/N i hope you like this chapter i am going to update tomorrow or Wednesday and here's the question of the day: who is your favorite music artist?? Mine  is Miley Cyrus and Ed  Sheeran  comment your answers in the comments and keep reading, voting, sharing, and follow me :)}

Love ya <3

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