Chapter 79

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   I woke up and saw Luke softly snoring beside me. I smiled and got out of bed quietly so I wouldn't wake him up. I tip toed to my bathroom and I grabbed my towel and turned on the shower. I stripped and I got in and I relaxed there for a minute and realized I was back home and I jumped in excitement and I slipped and made a really big THUD! I heard someone fall out of bed and run to the door and Luke pounded on the door saying, "Alexia are you alight?? Are you hurt??" "I'm alright I just slipped" I said laughing at his overreaction.

    I grabbed my strawberry shampoo and put it in my hair. I washed it out throwing suds everywhere. After I did my shower business and I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel and stepped out. I blow dried my hair and straightened it. I got dressed and I saw Rose coming in the bathroom and she said, "Grandma said I can shower all by myself I am finally a big girl mommy!" She said her light hazel eyes sparkling with joy and I smiled. "I'll get out so you can have your privacy" "Okay mommy see you when I get out" She said cheerfully. I walked to my vanity and put some concealer and some mascara on and walked down the stairs.

  "Good morning beautiful!!!" Cassie said walking through the door giving me a hug. "Are you registered for school yet?" "Yup my mom did online the first is tomorrow" Cassie said glumly. "I heard Calum is going to just drop out" I said heading toward the kitchen to make some coffee. "Do you want a cup?" "Yeah sure you know how I like it" "Yup double espresso with 4 creamers and 3 sugar packs." "You know me so well" Cassie said handing me a cup. I grabbed a bowl and some cereal and poured it in. I heard rustling from Ash's room and I saw Ash, Michael, and Calum heading toward the kitchen in their pajamas and I saw Luke fully clothed with Rose on her back. "Done mom!" "I can see" I said smiling.

   I grabbed the cereal from the pantry and poured Rose and Luke some cereal because Luke loves cereal. I think he has an obsession over it and its annoying, but his cuteness makes up for it. I gave Cassie her cup of coffee and I made myself one and grabbed a granola bar and sat on the breakfast bar. Michael opened the fridge and screamed and looked at me, "BACON!!!" "Yes!!!!!" I screamed back and I snatched it out of his and I grabbed the pan and began cooking it. "Can I have some bacon when it's done?" Calum asked grabbing the chocolate milk. "Yes Calum you can." I said beaming with beaming with happiness. "Kelsey and Alyssa are coming over!" Mom shouted from the living room. "Okay looks like I need to make more breakfast" I said under my breath. "Here let me take over" Luke said coming up to me and taking the fork away from me. "No I got it and I don't trust you" I said snatching the fork back.

    "I can totally cook bacon I have did it a million times do you not remember when you were sick and I made you breakfast in bed?" "Yeah and you burned the bread and under cooking the eggs." I said matter-of-factly. “Well I did an incredible job on cooking the bacon so I can handle it" Luke said taking the fork back from me. I huffed and gave in but I warned him, "If you burn this bacon I will not kiss you for 3 days." "Deal." Luke said shaking me hand and he kissed me on the lips and said, "I will win" "We'll see about that." I said smirking. I sat down and let Luke start on cooking the bacon. I heard my phone vibrate and I saw it was my old manager from Starbucks. "Hello" "Hey Alexia it's me Jessica I was wondering if you would like your job back, I have had our new employee Ben take your spot for your time on tour" "Oh yeah sure I would love to have it back and tell Ben I said thank you I’ll come in tomorrow" "Okay that'll be great see you tomorrow at 10 sharp" "Okay bye" I laughed hanging up the phone.

      I decided to scroll through Instagram and I saw Harry's post with a picture of Gemma, Harry, Hanna, and I at big ben pointing and smiling and his caption was "Miss my cousin :("  I smiled and liked it and commented on it and said I loved him. I grabbed my drink and Luke screamed, "DONE I COOKED THE BACON!!! NOW I CAN KISS YOU WHENEVER I WANT!" Luke said running toward me kissing me on the cheek and smiling at me, showing off his world famous dimples.

  I smiled as he turned away grabbing the bacon and throwing it on everyone's plate. I ate all my food and washed my dish and I walked up to Luke and said "Let's stay at your house tonight" "Whatever you want babe" Luke said winking at me. I rolled my eyes at him and walked to the living room and sat down and turned on the television. I turned on MTV and Awkward was on, so I decided to watch it.

   Cassie walked I and said to me, "Rose is now officially registered for elementary school she is a kindergartener." "Aww she is a kindergartener did my mom register me in school?" "Yup so now is our junior year excited?" 'Not really I like being on tour I don’t really want to go back to school." "Calum isn't going back to school he is dropping out he said he doesn't need any more education." "Well Luke and Michael are officially seniors and Ashton has to be there for a semester so he can graduate then there will only be two." Cassie said plopping down on the couch.

     Kelsey opened the front door and screamed, "Alexia where are you?" "Living room!" "Okay I got a job at Pizza Hut, Which is right next door to Starbucks!"

    "That's awesome Kelsey! Now I can come over and get free pizza!" "And I get free coffee!" "I am applying to Starbucks!" Cassie said jumping off the couch. "Yay work buddies!!" We all squealed and Alyssa walked in and got a confused look on her face.

   "What's going on here?" "We are all working next to each other!" "Well I am working at Hot Topic so suck it!" "Freaking lucky!" I said running to her hugging her. "I start work after school tomorrow"  She said and I said, "I start at 10 sharp tomorrow so I am missing the first 3 hours of school take that!" "Lucky you are leaving me in History with all the annoying honors kids!" Kelsey wailed. "I am sorry babe but Jessica wants me in there to get a bit refreshed on my skills again." "Whatever as long as you're there at lunch" Kelsey grumbled.

    A few hours have past and the girls and I have played some video games, watched Frozen and sang along to all the songs, Took a little cat nap, and talked about on what we are going to wear tomorrow. "Well it's a little late so I have to get home or my mom will have a hissy fit" Kelsey said and Ashton walked out and hugged her and said, "I can take you home" "Um yeah sure that’ll be great" Kelsey said blushing. I smiled at the cute couple and walked them out the door and Alyssa and Cassie both had to leave so I walked them out and I closed the door and all of a sudden someone tickled my sides and I screamed and fell and I heard Luke laughing and I stared with a fake angry expression, which I guess I was pretty good at it because he looked pretty scared.

   He got out his blue puppy eyes and pouted his bottom lip and I smiled and hugged him and he said, "Have you packed your bag yet?" "Oh no I’ll get right to that" I said squeezing his bum and winked at him. He smirked and I know what he is thinking. I hurried up the stair and went to my bedroom and I grabbed my book bag, a bag to stuff my clothes and shower stuff. Once I finished packing, I hurried down the stairs and Luke took my bag and I carried my book bag to his car and I put it in the car. Luke, being such a gentleman, opened the door for me and I silently thanked him and got in. He closed the door and went to his side. He climbed in and put the key into the ignition. "Ready baby?" "I've always been ready" I said and he slammed on the gas pedal and we were off.

{A/N: Hello everyone finally an update is completed! It took me so long because I have a lot of other things popping up and I just wasn't really in the mood. Anyways Question of The Day is: How was your day today? Comment down below and I love you guys so much! Thanks for all the support Also I just wanted to show you guys what my favorite song of the week and it is called: Blame  By Calvin Harris Ft. John Newman it is so good the video will be on the chapter so listen to it if you want:). And Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me :)}

Twitter: @salemloves1d

Instagram: salem_ann_nicole

Love ya <3:*


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