Chapter 49

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Positive it said positive. I looked at it and i started to cry and Luke ran to the door and he said, "What is it?" "Positive its positive I'm pregnant" I said crying. i was happy and scared at the same time. "Take all of the tests to make it more accurate" "Ok". I took all the tests and i sat there in the bed crying waiting anxiously for the tests to be done and the timer on my phone went off and i went to the bathroom and guess what.. THEY ALL WERE POSITIVE!. "Oh my god i am not ready t-to be a mom yet" I said crying. "Shh don't worry Alexia you'll be ready when its time you have 9 months to prepare" He said smiling tears running down his cheeks smiling. I smiled and something hit me. I need to tell everyone. "Luke how are we going to tell everyone and Harry and Ashton will kill you" "They won't kill me they know i wont leave you i am going to be a dad now, this has been my biggest dream to become a dad with somebody i love" "Me too Luke me too" Rubbing my eyes and placing my hands on my stomach.

I walked out and we went into Cassie's room and they all looked at me and Harry looked at me and he knew right there why i was crying and he said, "I'll be back Alexia can we talk please?" "Y-yeah" I said nervously. We walked to one of the empty room and he closed the door and said, "Why were you crying i  heard you, you said you weren't ready. What aren't you ready?" He said looking me straight in the eyes with his concerned green eyes. "Uh um" "You can tell me" "I am pregnant!" I said bursting into tears. "YOU ARE WHAT?" He shouted. "II-i am pregnant" I said ears streaming down my face. "I can't believe you Alexia!" "I didn't plan this Harry I'm not ready yet Luke is though" I said looking down. Harry came up and hugged me and said, "Come here i am disappointed in you but i am always going to be here even though i have only known you for a couple days, If you need any help you can always call and i'll be there ok?" "Ok" I said smiling. "But you need to tell everyone sooner or later because this little thing is going to be poking out soon" He said touching my belly. "I know i am going to tell them today its better to tell them know to find later" I said looking down at my belly.   He laughed 

We walked out and i opened the door and everyone looked at me and Luke smiled at me. I smiled back and Harry said something, "Guys Alexia has some very unexpected news to tell us". My palms started to get sweaty and mom said "What is it honey" she looked at me with  concern. "Well, um, eh, there is no way to say this but me and Luke are.." "getting married?" Alyssa said. "No i am pregnant". Everyone gasped and Ashton looked at me and Luke with anger and he screamed "WHAT THE HELL ALEXIA ARE YOU STUPID WHY DIDN'T YOU USE PROTECTION!!?!?" "Because for one it was in the heat of the moment and two we were ready"  "YOUR ONLY 16 ALEXIA YOU DON'T NEED A BABY RIGHT NOW YOU CAN'T HANDLE AND YOU LUKE I AM GOING TO RIP YOU TO SHREDS!!" He shouted scaring me and i held his hand and i said bravely, "If you are going to hurt  him you are going to hurt me" I said and his eyes softened and he started to cry and ran to him and hugged him. "Shh its going to ok Ashton just think you are going to be and Uncle. "I- know b-but you're growing up so f-fast i just want you to be ok" He said hiccuping. "Its going to ok Ashton i'll be ok i have Luke and he wants to be a father surprisingly" I said laughing looking at Luke and Ashton said, "But i have to protect you" "As i said i have You, Luke, and Harry and the rest of the boys i think i am pretty protected and i'll hide from he paps" I said. "Good well then i want a boy!" Ashton screamed and Kayla said, "Umm excuse me ill be the aunt and i want a girl and i can spoil her."  "What do you want to have Alexia?" "I want a girl" I said "I want twins" Luke said. "Haha uh nope!" I said laughing at him. 

After that everyone was silent and Cassie was out like a light and me and Luke walked out to the car and he opened the door for me such a gentleman and closed and got in the car and headed for the hotel we are staying in. "I am so tired it has been a very long day" I said "Me too babe now lets go to sleep". He pulled into the hotel parking lot and i got out and i walked into the hotel and  went to the elevator and i looked for the room key and i walked in and i had the urge to get sick, so i ran to the toilet and Luke ran in and held my hair while i got sick and i stopped and i was exhausted "Morning sickness" I said. I got into my PJ's and Luke came to the bed and he tucked me in and i fell in a blissful slumber.


I heard my alarm go off and i checked the time and it was 6:30 and i got up and went straight to the toilet and got sick. I have to deal with this for 3 months what fun. I got undressed and got in the shower and i got out quickly and pulled up my wet hair and got some clothes on and put a little makeup on and brushed my teeth and got my purse and jacket and i had to wait for Luke. After he got done we went ot the car and headed to the hospital. I ran into the hospital and ran to Cassie's room and i walked in to see Cassie with tubes in her and she looked pale as ever and she said, "I am finally gonna get healthy and congrats for you and Luke" She said smiling weakly and the nurses told us,"We are going to get her in 5 minutes" "Ok thanks" I said sitting down. "How are you feeling?" Luke asked. "Not good  but i hope i don't die today because that would suck if i did i wouldnt see my godchild" she said smiling at me. "Find you are the godmother of our baby" I said smiling at her. "Yay! i hope its a girl or a boy it would be cute either way" She said smiling. "You bet" Luke said smiling. After everyone came in and Alyssa and Michael came in and Alyssa said "Congrats alexia!" Alyssa exclaimed Michael hugged me and said, "I'll alwyas be here ok?" "Ok thanks Mikey" I said hugging him and he kissed me on the nose and smiled . I sat down and Calum came in and hugged me and said , "Congrats Alexia and Luke  i hope its a boy so  i could play video games with  him" Calum said smiling. This is the first time i have seen Calum since the shooting. 

Everyone was talking and the nurses came in and  siad "We need Cassie now" They said. Cassie looked terrified. "I hugged her and said, "You'll be okay" I said reassuring her and she said, "Thanks Alexia i love you guys see you in a couple hours" she said smiling. Calum started to cry and he kissed her and they rolled her into the O.R. Its going to a long day......

{A/N Hey guys sorry i haven't updated in foreer but Alexia is pregnant!!! so question of the day is:  What do you want Alexia's baby be a boy or a girl?  Comment you answer in the comments and keep reading, voting, sharing, and follow me <3}

Love ya <3 :*

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