Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning and i felt empty inside. I really didn't want to go to school today ,but ill do it for mom.I got a shower and did my hair and makeup and went downstairs and got me some coffee from the brewer and sat down and drank it.

After i finished it i washed it and got my car keys and got in my car and headed to school. i walked into school and everyone was looking at me weird, like if they feel sorry for me. even Amber did. She Came up to me and said " I know i have been a complete bitch to you but, i want to say sorry for what happened to your parents and all the hate you i have been getting i had no idea I'm really sorry" "thanks Amber but its going to take a lot than sorry to forgive you" and i walked to homeroom

After homeroom i walked to my locker to see Luke there "Hey Alex" "hey" "What's the matter?" "Well my dad died yesterday and my mom is the hospital ,and I'm not there with her". "I'm really sorry Alexia  Shelly is going to come through ok?" "ok". After that  he walked me to history.

After what felt like ages was the final class of the day maths. I sat in the back, usually i would sit in the front but, I'm not in the mood for anything right now. Luke sat right beside me and he held my hand and i smiled a little. "I see a smile". I laughed and said "Your the reason i smile right now". Luke cheeks blushed. The bell for class to begin.

After the final bell rang i ran to my locker and got my stuff Luke followed me and told me he would be at my house at 5:30. He kissed me goodbye and i saw someone give me a glare. It was Kayla. She flipped me off so i did it right back with a smile and got in my car and drove home.

I made it home to see Ashton cleaning the house. "Hey Ash why are you cleaning the house for?" "Because mom is coming home Thursday". "yay!!" i exclaimed. I headed to my room and did my maths homework. After i decided to tidy up my room and did my hair and met Luke outside. "Hey .Lukey" "Hey my sweet little Alexia" Hey just because you are taller than mean I'm little."  He laughed and i frowned and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and couldn't help but laugh. We got in my car and we drove to the hospital.

We made it tot he hospital and the paps were following us and some even came inside but security stopped them and we mad it to my moms room and we shut the door. "hello Alexia how are you?" "I'm pretty good how about you mom feeling any better?" "I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday I can tell you that for sure". I laughed and we talked for another hour mostly about me and Luke's relationship. When visiting hours were over i hugged mom and me and Luke left.

We made it back to my house to see Ashton and a girl making out on the couch. "Get a room!!" I screamed.  Ashton looked at me and I couldn't believe who it was...... IT WAS KAYLA!!!!! "What the fuck are making out with this bitch!!!!" Kayla gave a smirk and ran up to her pulled her hair that's when serious shit went down. "You son of bitch your that desperate to get at me you make out with my brother!" "Your already a slut i hope your mom dies" that's when she punched me in the face then i punched her twice as hard in the nose and it cracked. "You broke my nose you bitch" That's when Luke pulled me off her i had a busted lip and black eye  and she had a black eyes and a broken nose. "What the hell Alexia why did you do that?!?!" Ashton screamed at me. "She bullies me that's why!!! and mom was disappointed in you when you didn't show up you should be ashamed!!" i ran to my room and Luke followed me.

 Luke was holding me for about 2 hours while i cried. "I can't believe Ash would do that to me!" "Shh Alexia everything's going to be alright Ashton didn't know." "I don't care i already have enough stress i don't need more". Luke started to sing and you looked up at him and l  laid there and fell asleep on his lap. He changed your clothes and he put sweatpants on you and tank top and then he picked you up and he pulled the covers on you and him both feel asleep cuddling

A/N I'll try to update tomorrow if i can goodnight everyone :)

Love ya <3 :)

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