Chapter 67

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I woke up the next morning hearing someone giggling and i looked to see Rose shaking me saying, "Get up Alexia breakfast is ready and you have a concert tonight!" "I'm coming" I said getting my slippers on. I walked out to see everyone dressed and ready and i asked, "Why did none of you wake me?" "Because you need some sleep that's why" Calum said poking my arm. "Yeah i do" I said rubbing my eyes so i can see. "I made hash brown and red velvet pancakes and for Rose grandma made you something special chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and yogurt" "Yay thank you grandma!" "Your welcome sweetie" She said kissing her cheek. I smiled and took the syrup and poured it on my pancakes and i took a bite and about 5 more bites later i was done and i rubbed my belly and Michael gasped and said, "How can you eat so fast?" "I'm eating for two remember?" I said looking down at my growing belly. "Well when are you going to be 3 months?" "In about 3 weeks" I said wiping my moth with a napkin. "I'm gonna shower Rose did you have a bath?" "Yes Aunt Cassie gave me one" She said and i said, "Ok i'll be right out" I said grabbing some towels.

I got out of the shower and wrapped  a towel around my pregnant body and i walked out and grabbed some yoga pants and a loose shirt and i put on some socks and i didn't do my hair because in like and hour i will be getting it done anyways so why bother?  I walked out and grabbed my Nike sandals and pulled my hair in a top bun and i grabbed a jacket and i said, "Are we almost there to the arena?" "Yeah we will be there in 15 minutes" Alyssa said walking out with some of Michael's sweats and hoodie and it was so cute and Michal walked out and said, "That's where my sweatpants went" He said coming up behind here and kissed her neck and she giggled and i smiled. So freaking cute!! I got out my phone and i saw Luke walk to me and he kissed me and he asked me, "How are you feeling?" "Better than usually probably because i am almost done with my first trimester of pregnancy which means no more morning sickness!" I said. "I know and only a couple more months till i see my precious little baby!" He said placing his hand on my belly and kissed me with so much passion and i loved every minute of it! He licked my bottom lip and i let him enter his tongue in my mouth and it became really heated and i heard someone shriek and i saw Rose's face and my face turned beat red and she said, "Eww!!" and screamed, "Uncle Ashton Alexia and Daddy were kissing!!" and i saw Ashton and he smiled and he came up to me and started to tickle me. "ASH STOP OR I WILL KICK YOU IN YOUR BALLS!!" I screamed then i kicked him in the balls and he screamed and went down to the ground. Kayla came out and she said, "What's going on and why did you kick your brother in the balls?" "He tickled me therefore i am not responsible for any injuries" I said smiling and i got my purse and i heard screaming girls and i heard, "REDEMPTION, REDEMPTION, REDEMPTION!!!"  and i decided to open the window and i waved and they screamed and we parked in the garage.

I got out and walked inside and i screamed, "I LOVE YOU GUYS!!" and they screamed louder and i laughed and Rose waved at some fans and Michael picked her up and put her on his back and we were rushed to sound check and i was sitting on my band stool and i was still in yoga pants and i saw fans walking in for sound check and i waved and said, "Hello ladies come have a seat" I said and they shrieked and i saw Rose come out and sit on the stage and i heard some girls say, "Look it's Rose Irwin Alexia's new adopted daughter!! She is so cute!" and Rose smiled and said, "Thank you" and they smiled and they asked, "Can she sit next to us?" "Sure do you want to?" "Yes Aleixa i need help getting down there" and i saw Luke and i asked, "Can you get Rose down from the stage?" "Yes babe" He said kissing me and they squealed and one said, "I like your engagement ring" "Thank you" I said smiling. Rose went to the corner of the stage and  Luke said, "Ok babe i am going to count to 3 and your going to jump and i'll catch you ok?" "Ok she said nervously. "Ok 1..2..3!" and she jumped and i looked at her and she looked terrified for a second, but once Luke caught  her she smiled and hugged him and he let her down and she sat down next to the 3 girls and she said in the middle and i saw other girls walking in and i  saw their nasty glares at me and Rose and I looked at the girls and they saw them and they put their arms  around Rose and she smiled and i saw her yawn and i started to play the drums and  I looked to see Rose fast asleep in one of the girls arms and i smiled and after we were done rehearsing they handed me her and i passed her to Cassie and she walked backstage  and laid her on the boys couch so sleep.

After it was time to get ready and this is the third to the last of the tour and we end in New York City. I went to get my outfit from Alyssa and slipped it on and  then i walked to Roxie our Hair/Makeup artist and i got my bangs braided then the rest of my hair curled then i got my makeup done. I walked to the boys room and i saw Rose was still sleeping and i saw them being really quiet and i said, "You guys are so  quiet it's so weird" "Well Rose is sleeping" Ashton said kissing her forehead. I smiled and i hugged then and i said, "Roxie wants you guys in there" "Coming Roxie!" Calum exclaimed hugging me before he left. and Luke hugged me then he lifted me up and kissed me and he said, "Good luck babe i love you" I love you" I  said kissing his nose. He left for hair and make up and i saw the girls walk in and Kayla said , "There you are we have been looking all over for you" "yeah we looked everywhere even the catering room and you are in there all the time" Alyssa exclaimed. "Well i'm just hanging around my sleeping daughter"  I said petting her head. "I' really glad Rose's mom chose you to be her new mother when is the funeral?" "Umm in 2 days in North Carolina that's where Rose's dad is buried so that is where Rose's mom will be buried" I said trying not to choke up. "Well she is in a better place" Kayla said rubbing my back and i checked the time and it was 6:58 and the  stage dude said, "Up on stage now!" "Well let's go rock this place!" Cassie said getting her bass guitar and i grabbed my drum sticks  and we all got in position and i heard Kayla, "HELLO BOSTON WE ARE THE REDEMPTIONS!!!!" and that's when the fun started.....

{A/N Hello guys how are you guys doing today? Well here is a new chapter and i hope you like it :) I Really hate school it's so boring and  stupid i wish this could be school i would love it :D Anyways, Question of the day is: What is your favorite animal(s) Mine are Monkeys, penguins, and koala bears :) comment your down below and I love you guys  and Keep Reading, Voting, sharing, and Follow me and my book recommendation is called Bullied by them its a one direction Fan fic and it will be in the external link :)}

Love ya <3 :*

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