Chapter 35

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I woke up on the floor on the bus on a really bumpy road Ow!!. "Ow my head hurt!!". Luke looked down at me "What are you doing down there?" He said laughing. "I fell off dipshit!!". I was in a really grumpy mood and i didn't have enough time with anything so i decided to get into the shower. I was letting the heat relax my muscles and i heard banging on the  door. I jumped and said "I'm in the shower!" "I have to pee!!!" Cassie said. "Well you have to wait" "I cant i have to go!!!!"  "Ugh fine go but really quick" "Thank you!!" "Whatever" I said laughing. After Cassie went she left and i just sat there think where are we??  well i don't really care as I'm with Luke i am fine. I got out of the shower and got dressed and did my hair and i went to make me some cereal!

After i ate i sat with Kelsey and was watching American Horror Story i love that show!!! We were watching a marathon and i was happy!! I got me a dink and some chips and got comfortable while watching the show. Michael came in and sat next to Kelsey and they started making out right in front of me so my hormonal side came in "Can you two get a fucking room please and thank you!" "Sheesh Alexia is it your time of the month?" "Why do you want to know?" "Because i know you well enough that you act like this when its your time of the month" "Eww girl talk gross!!" Michael said. WE both laughed and she was right ugh it sucks!!

About an hour later the cramps were coming and i was curled up in the ball about to freaking cry. "What's wrong Alexia?" Kayla  said. "I'm cramping!!!" I said about to cry. "Do you need Midol??" "Yes please!!" Luke walked in and saw me. "What's wrong babe??" "Not telling you" "Here's your mido-" "SHH I'm fine" "Your time of the month??" Luke said. How does he know?? "Yeah i can't move can you take me to my bunk please i need to sleep" "Ok anything for my pretty princess!" I laughed weakly and he picked me up and Kayla gave my pills and i was out like a light.

I woke up to shrieking  "EWW SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Cassie shriek, I was really bleh and moody and screaming didn't help "Can you fucking keep it down your really annoying!!!!" "Hey that spider was huge!" "I don't give a rats ass let me have my beauty sleep" . "I don't think its going to  make you any pretty" Cassie said jokily. It hurt my feeling i don't care if you were joking "Fuck you Cassie!!!" "I was joking" i don't give a fuck you know i hate ugly jokes leave me alone!!!" "Sheesh rude much" "Fuck off!" "You fuck off Alexia stop  being a bitch!!" "Whatever Cassie your really immature so yeah fuck you goodbye!!" "Slut!!". My heart shattered into a million pieces "What the hell Cassie?!!" Kayla and Kelsey screamed. "I don't give a fuck about her now she's a bitch" "She's  on her period for heaven's sake she can't control herself she has time of the month Bi- polar" Ashton said, (its not real disease just in my story ;)) I ran off the bus because we were already at our hotel. How dare she call me a slut!! Luke came to me and my eyes were already red and puffy. "Come here Alexia" "She k-know i h-have p-period bi- polar" I hiccuped. "She is just being a bitch get over it" "No she called me a slut for fucks sake!!!" I screamed angrily. See now you can tell. I'm in rage now all i see is red. That's bad. "WHERE'S CASSIE I'M GONNA KICK HER BUTT!!!!" "Try me" Cassie said. Then i punched her straight in the face then started to cry. "I am a monster!!" I said. "No your not Alexia your on your period your bi polar right now" ashton said and he brought me my medication and mom came up to me.

"Alexia Irwin what did you do!?!" "m s-so sorry m-mom!" I said. She ran and hugged me. Ashton gave me a bottle of  water and Kayla was helping Cassie up. I took my pills and these ones make me loopy I'm telling you know. "What was that Alexia you  punched me in the face!!" "Sorry i didn't  take my medication today" "its  fine" "Why did you call me a slut even though i get called it daily but my best friend though why would you do that to me??" "I don't know it was in the heat of the moment and I'm really sorry i didn't mean it at all  and I'm really sorry  but you did hurt me too" "I know but i couldn't control my emotions on my you know what" "I know that i am just really stressed out right now with everything" "You don't  think we all are especially me!". Calum just looked at me and gave me a dirty look that really got to me. Alexia can we talk alone?" Calum said. "Yeah sure" .We walked in front of the bus and he said "Don't you ever hurt my girl like that again you got that!?!" . I was sunned "Really Calum?" "Yeah" "Well you must be freaking blind i cant cont-"  "I DON'T CARE!!" then i felt a sharp pain in my cheek. He just slapped me.  "Oh my  god Alexia i am so sorry" "GET THE FUCK AWAY  FROM ME!!"  i said trying to touch my swollen cheek. i ran i don't know where but i ran. "Alexia come back" "No your a monster get away from me.!!" He caught up with me and caught me and i screamed "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!" . Luke came running and looked at me. Calum was holding me by the waist. "What?" " Luke it's not what it looks like!" "Just get away from me" "No Luke you don't understand!!" "Fuck you Alexia we are over!!". I just crumpled into a ball  and started to bawl. Ashton ran to me and saw my cheek. "Who slapped you??" "Calum did it on accident". I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I was numb i have no feeling anymore. I ran to my bunk and screamed  "I want to die!!!!!" I started to cry.

{2 days later}

I am still numb i am in a no talking stage and i hardly eat anymore. I am done with life Luke doesn't even look at me and he is trying to get with Amber now and i am numb i want to kill myself so bad so  i tweeted " hey guys this is my last tweet and i wanted to say all the luxia shippers its over I'm sorry goodbye everyone <3 . I went to my medicine cabinet and grabbed all my antidepressants and took half of them and i waited for everyone to notice. I started to feel really tired and i ran to my mom. "Mom help.. me"  "I was holding my pill bottle half empty. "No Alexia no!!!" Mom screamed and everyone saw me and even Luke looked at me. "Goodbye everyone" ."No!!!!!" Luke said. I fell and all i saw was darkness.

{A/N a twist!! i hope you guys like this chapter i wont be updating till i think Monday because my weekend is packed. but question of the day is: What do you think of the chapter and why??  Tell me in the comments and keep reading, voting, sharing and follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :)

Save Me ( Luke Hemmings love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora