Chapter 83

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         (3 YEARS LATER)

   Sunshine flooded the room and I heard the pitter patter of small feet heading towards Luke and I's bedroom.

"Mommy! Daddy! Get up its time for school!! It's my first day of 3rd grade!!' Rose screamed while opening the door.

I turned and smile and got up and said, "I'm up honey hold up!"

   You're probably wondering what has happened these last 3 years and let me start this really long story of interesting events that have happened. Let's start when The Redemptions got a record deal! Alyssa, Cassie, Kelsey, and I went to Capitol Records and they accepted us and we started recording our first EP. We had to move out of Australia for about 3 months, and it was the most fun and painful 3 months of my life!

    Luke and Rose came to visit every once in a while. Same with mother also. We also had to go to school still, so we took online classes and we graduated! I'm still deciding whether or not I want to go to college to get my degree in social care just in case this music band thing doesn't work! And about a month later we finished our EP and it was a pretty big hit! Luke and the rest of boys came to celebrate!

This might sound like an amazing success story about The Redemptions, but sadly it seemed like everyone was just getting fed up with each other. Kind of like what fame does to some best friends. It tears the friendship apart. Cassie and I were always fighting and Alyssa and Kelsey always seemed to be arguing. It just was getting harder to be working with them. I love them all, believe me i do, but when you are with them for a long time you start to get angry and annoyed with one another. Cassie decided to walk out the day before we were supposed to be playing one of our new songs off the EP. We tried searching for her, and next thing I know I got a text message from her saying this:

   Hey Alexia, I'm sorry for walking out on you guys, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I decided I'm collecting my stuff, and moving back to Australia to go to university and live in a normal life. Fame was changing us, and I hated it. I'm still friends with you guys, I just need a break from all this fame. Maybe I'll text you later. C Xx

   All of us were pretty angry at her for just ditching us like that. Then I realized, she was right. Fame was getting the best of us, and i think we need to stop it all. I decided to call a band meeting that day, and this is how it went down.

"Hey guys, can you come here real quickly. I need to talk to you guys." I said nervously.

"What is it Alexia? Kelsey asked jumping on the couching eating a sandwich.

"Alexia is everything okay? You seem a bit tense." Alyssa replied walking over to me.

   "I'm fine, but it seemed like Cassie wasn't. She was right about the whole the "Fame kills friendships" thing. I feel like if we continue as a band, we'll just start hating each other! I don't want to that happen to us. Cassie said she still wanted to be friends with us, but I have a feeling it won't last very long. Fame is tearing our friendship apart! We need to just move back to Australia, and live a normal life! Luke and the rest of the boys are already worried about us. They know what fame does to you. They don't want me or you guys to fall into a deep depression like me. We need to quit the band! It was fun while it lasted, but we just need to stop the band!" I ranted pacing around the room.

    Alyssa and Kelsey just looked at me like I was a crazy person. They surprisingly agreed with me on this, and we asked to get off the record deal. We moved back to Australia, and just became kind of like what we used to be. Cassie though just never talked to us again. Her family decided to move to Ireland, where her mother is actually from. Calum and Cassie broke up, and Calum was a complete mess. He would come to my house crying. I would hold him and comfort him till he was okay. Luke helped Calum find a new girl and he found one! Her name was Gracelyn Patterson and she was just sweet and gorgeous and perfect for him!

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