Chapter 21

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I woke up next to Luke and i smiled warmly and got out of bed and got a shower. I went into the room to see him in bed looking at me. "Hey beautiful how are you?" "I'm good you handsome?" "needing a shower" "Then go take on silly" "Ok". He left to the bathroom and i got dressed and went downstairs it was Saturday!! i went to get cereal and Ashton and Kayla were talking and i thought in my head "Awwwwww look at the two lovebirds ". "Oh hey Alexia how ya feeling?" Ashton said. "I've been better but fine my wrists hurt so bad!!" "Put some of that cream the doctor prescribed". I looked for it and found it and put it on. "Hey Alexia so you want to go shopping today i just got my allowance money today?" "Umm i cant I'm going to Starbucks to work today but i would love to tomorrow. "Oh ok that's fine". Cassie came in and screamed "WORK TIME!!!! MISS ALEXIA!!!" "I know Cassie calm your freaking nuts!!". "
Just making sure you knew because I'm getting discounted coffees" "Um no only Ashton is allowed he's family". "Not fair I'm your family but not related!" "Whatever Cassie come in during my break time at 1:30 today" "Okie dokie see you there babe". then Luke cam downstairs and said "Have a good day at work babe i love you" "I love you too and i will Lukey bear" I winked. I waved goodbye to everyone and i headed off to my first day of work!

I parked my car an walked inside. "Hello Ms. Irwin welcome  to he first day of work i need your name for your name tag" "Alexia" "Ok Alexia so you'll be working register and the other employees will help you today also" "Ok Thanks ma'am" Hey call me Jessica" "Ok Jessica" i was at the register and the first customer came in and i said "Hello welcome to Starbucks what would you like?" I smiled. "Oh i would like to have a peppermint mocha please? "Ok that will be $7.00 please. "ok" Here you go sir have a wonderful day". i felt proud of myself for giving my first order and i did that all day till break and Cassie came inside. "Hey Alexia enjoying your day so far?" "Actually yeah i am it's really fun working here everyone is so nice".  "Oh i should work here" "Sorry they have no job openings available yet and don't worry this isn't a permanent job i just need money so i can do more things." I'm broke as heck" "I am too so go get a job" "I will and i have to go i have to clean the house today see ya" "see ya" and i went back to work till i had to leave.

I was driving and "Heartbreak Girl came on and i blared it up" And when the phone call finally ends you say I'll call you tomorrow at 10!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in my car. I was singing the whole way home till i parked m car and headed to the front door. "Alexia!!!!" Luke screamed and picked me up and spun me. "I was just gone for like 6 or 7 hours" "I know but i was so lonely without you" "Aww Luke you could've have visited me or something" "I know but i ran out of gas in my car." "its ok Luke I'm here now". "Oh i have to tell you something?" "What is it spill it" "Well we are going to back on tour". I was shocked at him and angry for not telling me. "When did you find out?!" "Yesterday" "When are you leaving?" I'm 2 weeks". I felt tears threatening to come up. "Oh" I felt tears running down my face. "Oh Alexia don't cry ill Call and Text and video chat when i can i wont just be like I'm not going to talk to you everyday" "Ok but how long will you be gone?" "A month". I felt tears coming up fast and i said "No you can't  leave me it will happen again all the hate i want to come with you!" "Well i can ask if you can come with me if you want we are going to London and you might get to meet One Direction" "I WANT TO MEET THEM!!!!!!!!!!" "Calm down i haven't asked yet" "Oh yeah i forgot that but if i don't get to go get some pictures and autographs and tell Harry i love him and the rest of the boys please?" "Hey i thought you loved me" Luke said with a frown. "Of course i love you forever and always baby!" "Yay!!". We walked into the kitchen.

We saw Ashton and Mom talking and they looked at me. "Hey honey how was your first day of work?" "it was good" Oh that's good".  saw my mom looking like she was going to cry. "What's wrong mom? "Oh its just your my baby girl and your growing up so fast and i feel like i missed out a lot and i just want you to be a little girl again i don't want you to grow up but your father would be proud that you found a job and he is looking down at us with a smile on his face". My mom said crying. i started to cry i missed my dad so much "I bet he would give me a huge bear hug i miss him so much i wish we survived but he didn't!". Ashton came up to and gave me a hug and said "I'm here for you Alexia we all miss dad dearly i wish he was here to see me and you bloom to be something special but he is still is but from a different view and place." "b-but i didn't get t-to say go-goodbye to h-him" I hiccuped. "Shh alexia come here" Luke said and i ran to his arms. "Everything's going to be alright he is still with us but not in physical  form anymore only in spirit form". "I know but i just want to him say good job kiddo and give me a hug".  "He will once you go up there too" Luke said as he rubbed my back. After i finished i just ate dinner and i went to take a  shower and go to bed not wanting to talk to anyone right now.

{A/N hey sorry i am super busy this week and here is  a new chapter and question of the day what was the worst fight you had with a friend? tell me in the comments  keep sharing and reading:)} p.s here is what  Kayla look like :)

Love ya <3 :)

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