Chapter 73

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I watched the boys as they announced, "Hello Everyone we are here to play something that just came out we are playing our new single Don't Stop!!" and the fans screamed very loudly and Cassie came running screaming, "I LOVE DON'T STOP!!!! GO BABE!!" She said cheering Calum on and Calum winked at her and she blushed.

I smiled and blew a kiss to Luke and he caught it and placed it on his heart and i blushed and Kelsey decided to come out and Ashton saw her and he stared for a minute but Kelsey turned to look at Ash and he quickly turned away and i smiled and got really giddy and i smiled and looked at Cassie and she knew what i was talking about because girl instincts. "Ash totally likes her its so obvious!" "I know right Alyssa saw and i am waiting to tell Luke even though i'm not supposed to tell anyone"

"Pshh who cares what Ashton says im surprised Kelsey doesn't see it yet but Her "Friend" Kyle is going to come here and i guess he must be a good guy" Cassie said Picking Rose up and placing her on her hip. "Why can't Uncle Ashton and Kelsey date i think they like each other who cares for Kyle!" Rose screamed and Cassie immediately put her hand on Rose's mouth and she giggled and licked her hand and Cassie said, "Eww Rose you licked my hand" "Sorry i don't like hands by my mouth" Rose said smiling at her.

After the boys finished their show they came off stage and Luke came to me and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and took Rose from Cassie. "Daddy!" "Hey Rose how are you sweetheart?" "I'm just great dad" She said kissing Luke on his sweaty cheek and i smiled and mentally "Awed" In my head. After all the guys quickly showered we hurried to the tour bus and i sat on the couch and sighed and said, "I cant believe our last concert is tomorrow in New York City!"

"And Kyle will be there" "No one cares about Kyle!" Ashton screamed from the back of the bus and Kelsey screamed back, "Your just jealous!!" "Am not!" Ashton said defensively. "Ashton you have a girlfriend remember" "Yeah i know that, but not anymore we both mutually decided to break it off because we are not going to see each other" Ashton said sadly and I felt really bad for him. I walked back there and i said, "I know you like Kelsey, but she isn't the one for you"

"Then who is Alexia!?" Ashton snapped at me and i looked at him and i said sternly, "For one you don't to your sister like that i'm just trying to help you and two Kelsey really likes Kyle and he is our cousin for fuck's sakes!" I said moving my hands everywhere. "I can't get over Kelsey I've liked her for a long time even when she was dating Michael and then Kayla came along and i liked for a while and then i just felt like i was losing feelings for her , she's a really sweet girl don't get me wrong but she isn't really my type" He said scratching his neck nervously.

"It's fine to like Kelsey, but just kinda show her that you have feelings for her give her hints because to be honest i don't see her with Kyle anyways, he was a total douche in school to me and i hate his guts" "I hate his guts too, and i don't want to see Kelsey get hurt by him because he is known in school as the heartbreaker " He said very worried and i said, "You really like her don't you?" "I like her, but this feels different like no other like i was meant to be with her" He said smiling and i said, "i have a plan Ash and it involves texting Kyle" "What is it??" Ashton said rather eagerly.

"Well in the middle of the night we should call Kyle pretending to be the airport and say to him that the flight to NYC is cancelled and there isn't another one till two weeks and then you could have a chance to make a move on Kelsey" "That is....A GREAT IDEA!!!" Ashton said cheerfully. "Let's get to work them" I said smirking and i did an evil laugh.

After we finished planning out evil plan we searched for the phone number of the airport and then we went to the back of the bus and closer the sliding door and then we called him. It started to ring and Ashton muffled his laughter. "Hello" "Hello is this Kyle Styles?" "Yes it is who is this?" "Well we needed to call you saying your flight is cancelled because the airplane is having real bad engine problems so the next flight to NYC is in two weeks" "WHAT NO I HAVE TO GO TONIGHT MY FRIEND IS COUNTING ON ME BEING THERE IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN GET THERE?!" He said clearly agitated.

"I'm sorry sir there isn't any till two weeks im really sorry about your inconvenience" "No no this can't be happening well then I have to go thanks for telling me" He said glumly and then he hung up and then me and Ashton started to laugh. "Greatest prank ever!!" Ash said and I nodded in agreement.

We walked out from the back of the bus and then we heard Kelsey,"NO KYLE CAN'T COME!!" She said very angry. "That sucks" I said holding in my laughter for dear life. "I was excited for you guys to meet him he is super sweet" "Well we can go get ice cream to cheer you up" Ashton said smiling at her and she said, "Ice cream sounds amazing let's go" She said smiling at him and as they were walking out he winked at me and I smiled and winked back.

I decided to do a horror movie marathon with all the girls, "Every one who isn't a girl go to the back of the bus!" I said and Luke asked, "What are you doing?" "Us ladies are going to have a girl's night and no boys allowed Rose you get to choose" "I want to go with Dad" She said sitting on her dad's lap and I nodded and they walked off and Cassie and Alyssa came in and asked, "Horror?" "Horror!" I squealed in excitement.

I looked in the DVD pile for a horror movie and found Grave Encounters and put it in the DVD player and Kelsey went to get the popcorn out of the microwave. "Let's do this!" Cassie said cheerfully. I got some Sour Patch Kids and handed another box to Alyssa and I sat on the couch and we pressed play and the movie started .


"That was so creepy!!" Kelsey said grabbing her blanket to cover her. "It wasn't that scary to me" Alyssa said. "I loved it!!" Cassie said and I heard the guys coming back to the room and Ashton came out and said, "I put Rose to sleep for you" "Thanks bro love ya!!" "Love ya too!" Ash said hugging me. Calum and Michael came and hugged me and then Luke came out if the bathroom and came up from behind me and placed his arms around my waist. "How many months are you again?" "4 months", I said placing his hands on my belly, then placing my small hands in top if his big hands.

"Only 5 more months till I see my little girl" "How do you know it's a girl?" I said amused. "I have a gut feeling it is?" "What if it's a boy?" "Then I'll teach him how to play Football (soccer)." I smiled and turned around and placed my lips on his luscious pink lips and it was like the first time I kissed him. Fireworks. After we broke the kiss I went to my bunk and Luke got in and I snuggled my face in his chest and I felt my eyes droop and I fell asleep listening to his soft rhythm of his heartbeat.

{A/N: Hello readers I'm really really sorry I haven't updated I was in Washington, D.C. And I didn't have enough time to update but I hope you like it and I love you guys so much and Question of the Day is: Where is your favorite vacation spot?? Mine is Florida comment yours down below and Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and follow me:

Twitter: @salemloves1d

Instagram: salem_ann_nicole

Love ya <3 :*

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