Chapter 76

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   I woke up the next morning to see Luke holding a bag and saying, "Wake up Sleeping Beauty I have clothes for you we are leaving we can't be late to our NYC show!" "Wait what I thought I'm supposed to be leaving here tomorrow?" "You were but I convinced them to let you be released today!" Luke exclaimed handing me the bag.

    "Do you need help getting dressed?" Luke asked helping me to the bathroom. "No I can handle it on my own I'm not that sore anymore". I got my clothes on that Luke brought me and they surprisingly matched. I put on my shoes and walked out placing my hand on my sore abdomen. "Excited about coming back?" "Yes I absolutely hate hospitals so much" I said cringing my nose. "You’re so cute when you cringe your nose that way" Luke said kissing my nose and I felt my face heat up and he said, “I also love when you blush when I compliment you". I felt my face get even hotter and I hugged him and I said, “I love when smile and your cute dimples show" I said poking his dimples and I smiled.

    "And I love it when you make me feel better when I'm at my worst and when I'm crying you hold me and tell me sweet things and when you hug me and tell me you love me" I said kissing him passionately. "You know what I love the most about you Lucas Robert Hemmings?" "And what will that be?" "When you play with me hair" I said placing myself on Luke's lap. "I can't help that I love your hair" "I know I love my hair too" I said twirling my hair on my index finger. "You’re so adorable" Luke said placing his hand on my shoulder.

    "Ms. Irwin I have your release papers" "Great thank you" I said taking the papers from the nurse's hand. Your welcome I hope you feel better and I'm extremely sorry about what happened" "Thanks but I'm just going to keep moving I have a really busy life" "Oh yeah you do your in The Redemptions I love you guys" The nurse admits her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "That's awesome well we do have one more concert in NYC I could maybe get you and a friend in" I said signing my release papers and handing them back to her.

    "You would do that?!" She silently shouted. "Of course you were so lovely and you took care of me so I'm this is just a token of my gratitude to you I'll get the tickets and I'll give them to you the day of the concert I'll tell the driver to pick you and your friend up and you can hang out backstage with us and you could meet the boys too" I said getting my bag and walking out with her. "Thank you so much!" She said hugging me. "I'm sorry to end this hugging feat but Alexia we need to go" "Oh okay I'll see you tomorrow!" O shouted to her walking out of the hospital doors.

    I saw the bus and got in and I saw all the girls and guys and mom and they screamed, "SUPRISE!!". I jumped and smiled and I saw mom walked to me and hugged me," I'm so happy your out of that place I hate hospitals" "I'm happy to be out of there it smells like old people “I said cringing my nose in disgust and when I did that in the corner of my eye I saw Luke wink.

    I felt my face getting flushed again and I quickly put my bag down and went straight to my bunk. "Hey I have surprising news Alexia!!" Kelsey said running to my bunk. "What is it?" "Well your cousin Harry called because he heard about the miscarriage-" "I'm really sorry to interrupt you but can you please not say that word" "Oh I'm sorry I'll just say the "M" word" 'That's much better" "Okay now back to my surprising news so Tomorrow Harry and Hanna are coming to the NYC concert!!".

    "Are you serious?!?!" "Yes they are supposed to be coming tomorrow morning and if you feel like you can play then you can but if you can't Hanna plays the drums so she can cover for you" "No I want to play and if it feels like I need to stop then I'll signal Hanna to come on stage and take my place" "Okay that sounds like a plan now let's go out to the front so you can see everyone!" Kelsey said pulling me out of my bunk.

    I got to the front and Ash came to me and hugged me and said, "I'm so glad you’re okay" "Of course I'm okay why wouldn't I be?" "Well you did just have-" "Can we please not talk about that please I really don't want to talk about it anymore" I snapped. Ashton's eyes flashed with hurt and I hugged and I said, "I'm sorry Ash I didn't mean to snap at you". "It's okay I did kind of deserve that" "No you didn't I'm sorry" I hugged him and he kissed me on the cheek and said, "You're such a strong girl Alexia I can't believe you haven't mentally broke down yet"

    "I can't believe I haven't either but this almost made me lose it" I said going to the fridge to grab bottled water. Cassie looked up from her phone and said, "How about we go on Netflix and watch a movie Alexia it's your pick" She said handing me the remote. Rose came up to me and whispered in my ear, "You should pick a Disney movie" "Okay which Disney movie?" "Monsters Inc.". I nodded in agreement and I announced, "Guys we are going to watch Monsters Inc.!".

    "Yay I love that movie lets find it and watch it!!" Kelsey exclaimed getting the popcorn from the cabinet and putting it in the microwave. After the popcorn was ready we all say down by the TV and I pressed play on the movie and it began.


     I felt my eyes getting droopier and droopier and I looked down and my mom, Calum, Kelsey, Cassie and Michael were all dead asleep on the floor and I looked and I saw Rose and Ashton sleeping on the other couch and Rose's head was cuddled in Ashton's chest and he had his arm around her. It was so freaking adorable!! I saw Luke sleeping and I decided to place my head on the pillow and I felt Luke put his arm around my waist and kissed my neck and said in his sexy, raspy voice," Goodnight my love I love you" "Goodnight I love you too" and I closed my eyes and I was out.

{A/N Hey guys so here is the new update sorry it took so long I’ve been pretty busy with planning a vacation and I also have been starting some major editing lately so my story will look better and The Question of the day is: What is your favorite amusement park? Mine is right now Universal Studios I love that place! Comment yours down below and I love you guys and Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me:)}

Twitter: @salemloves1d

Instagram: salem_ann_nicole

Love you <3 :*

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