Chapter 40

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. "Ow Ash can you get me some Aspirin please?" "Sure". He walked to my bunk and gave me the pill and a glass of water. I took them and got up and went to the kitchen and found some Trix cereal and some milk and a bowl and made me some cereal. I looked at Cassie with a come-here-i-need-to-talk-you look. We both went to the back of the bus with our cereal.

"Why you want to talk?" "Its about yesterday what you told me" "You didn't tell anybody did you?" "No" "Good he called me again and left a voicemail and i didn't want to hear it and i don't want to hear it alone" "Lets listen to it them" "Ok". Cassie started the voicemail: Hello my lovely daughter Cassie i haven't seen you in forever i miss you i want to see you i haven't seen you in 12 years and i am going to track you down if you don't answer my calls or texts I'm getting out of jail in 3 weeks get prepared because hell is coming Cassie you deserve it 3 weeks and counting bye.". After it Cassie was in tears. "He i-is going t-to find me Alexia what am i going to do?!?!" "Shh Cassie i thought you didn't want people to hear you?" "Uh oh i hear footsteps I'm screwed!". Calum came rushing in. "What's going on Cassie are you ok??" "Y-yeah" "No she isn't " "Alexia!! what are you doing!" "This is life or death Cassie they deserve to know" "no they don't!!" "Yes they do Cassie real father it trying to contact her and he stabbed her when she was 4 and he sent a voicemail this morning saying she has to contact him or he is going to track her down and probably is going to kill her , he was supposed to when she was 4"

Everyone was silent and Cassie looked at me with hateful eyes "How dare you Alexia!!!" "They deserve to know this you can't handle this yourself Cassie you know that yourself!!!" "Still i didn't want anyone to know Alexia i don't even know why i trust when your a backstabbing bitch!!". Cassie stormed out and i just stood there trying to hold in tears. Luke walked up and said "Don't cry you know she didn't mean it" "I'm not sure about that Luke" "I'm positively sure it was the right thing babe and I'm proud of you for it" He said while he kissed me. "Thanks but i think she needs someone needs to talk to her because i don't feel like getting punched today" "I'll get Calum he can talk to her". He ran off and got Calum in here "Hey Calum can you do me a favor please?" "What?" "Talk to Cassie" "Umm ok ill be back with the details" "Ok thanks Cal" ""Your welcome". Then Calum left and went to the living room to talk to her.

I never took a shower yet so i decided to do it first. I got all my clothes and went to the bathroom. I let the heat relax me and i decided to put some music on. I put on "Slow Down by Selena Gomez. I was singing the whole and of course dance because who wouldn't its a great dancing song? After i finished i got out and put on a towel and was heading to go get the hair dryer and i heard screams "NO I'M NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT ANYMORE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHERE I AM ANYWAYS!!!" "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!?!?!". Then it got silent again so i walked out and went to the girl supply closet and i someone bumped into me "Oh sorry" Kayla said "Its fine everything ok with Cassie?" "Nope she stormed out and nobody knows where she is" "I probably just give me a couple of minutes and ill search for her" "Ok". i got everything and i got dressed and did my hair and went to my rental car i got yesterday.

I was searching everywhere and i saw a park. Cassie loves parks. I parked my car and i ran into the park and guess who was there Cassie. I know her so well. I walked to her and she looked me with red, puffy eyes. "Hey" "What do you want? To ruin my life?" "No i just want to talk that's all" "Ok talk" "Ok well i'm sorry for saying everything it was bothering me to pieces and i just had to do and i thought everyone deserved to know and this is was a life or death situation and i don't really want you to die because your like my best friend and i think Calum wouldn't want you to die" "I guess your right Alexia i'm sorry for calling a backstabbing bitch i know your not i was just angry at you i guess everyone need to know and i don't want to die either i was being rude and i should've told everyone but its a really touchy subject you now?" "yeah i know and don't ever freaking run away when your father wants to freaking kill you, you understand??" "Yes i understand MOM!!". We laughed and walked to my car.

We came up to my car and decided to go to Starbucks because im in the mood for some coffee!! "What do you want Cassie?" "I want a Peppermint Mocha with extra whipped cream" "Ok im getting my usual an iced coffee". We ordered and got our drinks and headed back to the bus. We made it back and i walked in and my mom came in and hugged both of us. "Thank goodness you guys are ok i was worried sick about you two" "Well we are back we had coffee and talked about it and next concert get extra security" Got that right" Michael said sitting close to Alyssa. I swear they are so freaking cute together it isn't even funny! It was getting dark and me and Luke decided to go into my bunk and cuddle and watch some movies. WE were watching grown ups 2 and it was hilarious!! All you could hear was me and Luke laughing after we finished that movie we wanted to watch something scary so i chose Grave encounters. About halfway into the movie i screamed twice. I was really tired so i kept going in and out of consciousness until i fell into a deep sleep.

{A/N I'm really sorry i haven't updated in a long time i have school drama and sickness but i wanted to update today and question of the day is: what is your favorite movie? Mine is This is us in 3D i loved it!! <3 answer in the comments i love getting them and keep reading, sharing, voting, and follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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