Chapter 63

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I help Rose into her booster seat and i walked to the other passenger door and Alyssa got in the driver's seat and Kayla sat beside Alyssa me, Cassie, and Rose all sat in the back of the SUV rental and Alyssa turned the car on and we left the parking lot and headed toward the freeway. This was our last day in Miami so we need to shop for some clothes for Boston.  "I'm so excited to go shopping!1" Kayla exclaimed. "I still have to go to the maternity store" i said  and Cassie said, "I'll go with you I've heard they have really cute clothes for to-be- mothers and i'm going to find you cute outfits!" She said smirking. Oh brother. After we parked in the mall's parking lot and we all got out and i held Rose's hand and she asked, "Is there a toy store in there?" "Well i don't really know but i will look for one do you want to go shopping with me or Alyssa?" "You" She said holding my hand and i picked her up and we all went out separate ways.

I found a cart and i placed rose in it and me and Cassie walked around the mall going to Victoria's Secret and i finally found the maternity shop and it looked like a Forever 21 and we walked in and Cassie said, "Time to start i'm going to look in the 3 month section and you look in the 4 month section" Cassie said walking to the 3 month section. "Can i find clothes here?" Rose asked and i answered, "Nope how about this we'll go to Justice and we will bye any outfit you want ok?" "I love Justice!"  Rose squealed. I smiled and pinched he cheek and Cassie came back with a handful of clothes and said, "I got everything i need in the 3 month section did you find any in the 4 month section?" "Yeah here" I said handing the two outfits i found. "Great lets go pay" She said walking up to the desk. After we paid we walked to Justice and i let Rose run loose and she ran to the store and she found a sparkly pink shirt with some black leggings with black sparkling seams and some pink glittery boots and it was so cute!  She handed it to me and i went to the counter and bought it and we decided to go to Rue 21.  I saw Alyssa and Kayla walking in there and we decided to go and meet up and i placed all the bags in the cart.

We walked in the store and Alyssa saw me and she came up to us and asked, "Did you found cute clothes at the shop?" "Actually yes about like 5 outfits" I said smiling. "Good we are going to get some sweaters and some shoes here" Alyssa said. Kayla walked up with a cute pair of hot pink combat boots and she said,, "I need these to complete my outfit!" she said smiling and we all laughed and she went to the register to pay and we walked back to the shoes and i found some cute wedges and i decided to buy them. After we got all finished shopping we decided to look for a toy store for Rose. We walked and i heard Cassie scream, "TOYS R US!!!!" She said running to the store Rose following her. "t feels like im raising kids" i said rubbing my belly. "I'm so excited when you have the baby it will be so cute!!" Kayla exclaimed hugging me. We walked into the store and i saw Rose hugging a life-size teddy bear and she said, "I want this!!" "Ok you can have it" Alyssa said picking her up and Kayla walked up picking up the teddy bear and falling. "This bear is freaking heavy!!" She said getting up and i saw Harry and Hanna and i said, "Oh Rose you have a visitor" "Who.. OH MY GOSH HARRY STYLES!!!!!" she said running to him and he picked her up i heard her cries and my instincts kicked in and i walked up and said, Is she okay?" "Yes she is just happy mommy instincts?" "Yup" I said rubbing my belly and he said, "I can see your belly pocking out little by little" He said pocking my belly.

I laughed and he hugged me and i saw Hanna running up to me hugging me said, "I can't believe this is our last day here i really wish we could stay but Harry has rehearsals and what not" She said getting a quick peck on the lips by Harry. "I know but we only have 3 shows left and after that i will be in London for about 2 weeks because i will have a 4month checkup after i leave London i will show you pictures after i get the ultrasound" I said smiling. "Great it will be so cute!!" Hanna exclaimed. After I asked, "Harry Could you pick up that bear last time Kayla fell and i'm buying it for Rose" "Sure" he said  picking it up and walking to the counter so we could get it and i saw Cassie riding a skateboard on her butt and i asked, "Are you going to buy that?" "Heck yeah!" She said picking it up and standing next Harry. I paid for the bear and Cassie got her skateboard and we finally decided to get food and  we walked to the food court and we found an Panera Bread and we walked in and i bought Rose a kid's meal. and i got chicken noodle soup with a BLT and i sat down next to rose and got her some fruit punch and i got some lemonade and we all sat down with our food and they asked, "When is the baby due?" "I think the baby is due in like in January i think i got pregnant in May" I said and they nodded. "When are you getting married?" Alyssa asked. "Well i turn 17 in February and the year after that the day after my birthday Valentine's day that's when I'm getting married so i can work off my baby weight during that time and i can get everything planned" I said taking a drink of my lemonade.

After we finished eating it was time for Harry and Hanna to go, "We already went to the bus now its time to say goodbye to you guys" Harry said hugging Cassie. After Hanna came up to me and she said, "I want baby bump pictures of every month i want to see my future Cousin " She said and i looked down at her ring and i gasped and whispered in her ear, "He proposed?!?!" "Yes last night it was so cute i'm surprised no one else noticed but you did" She smiled and ii screamed, "HARRY PROPOSED!!!!!" and all the girls gasped and Alyssa hugged Harry and said, "About damn time sheesh" He laughed and he finally hugged me and he said, "I'm going to miss hanging with you i'm special i was the first to hear that your pregnant" He said kissing my belly and i giggled. "I'm going to miss you" i said as he picked me up in a hug. "You'll see me in a month i can always text you" He said kissing my cheek and they said "Good bye and they left for the airport.

I felt tears threatening to come out when i saw that they left and i saw Rose and she said, "It's ok to cry " and i felt tears spill out and she hugged me and said ,"Mommy said it's good to cry it shows you that you have feelings" She said smiling and she kissed and she said, "My mommy cried when daddy died and that is why she left she was going to meet him where he died at the dock where he drowned". "Your dad died so did mine" "How" "He died in a plane crash and he drowned but my mom survived" "Wow" "My mommy has to get on a plane to see him but she said she said she needs to be there like she belongs there". After she said my phone rang and i saw my Mom's name pop up and i answered, "Hello" "Hey did you hear the news?" "What news what happened?" "Well its hard to say" "Spit it out mom" "The hospital called and they said Rose's mom died from hanging herself they found her at a dock hanging from a pole and she was still alive but she died in the ambulance and she left a note there saying: This note is for my little girl Rose and Alexia i am sorry it had to end this way i needed to leave i was so sad and i tried to be happy for Rose but i just couldn't do it anymore i reached my limit and i want to be with my true love and i want Alexia to take care of Rose i know you have a baby on the way which is really stressful but i know you could do it your strong i'm not i am weak and i'm ashamed on what  I've become and tell Rose mommy  is never coming back i kinda gave her hints but she didn't get it i know this is going to break her little heart but it's for the best this is my last breath and minute of my life and tell Rose i love her to the moon and back

From Lindsey Franklin

"What's going on?" Rose asked and i answered, "Well something happened......"

{A/N Ha ha cliffhanger I'm sorry i just had to do it :) anyways the book shout out is to I Thought You were Different By Cassie Hiester it is really good you should check it out and i my book recommendation is a book called: Hero// 5SOS it is a 5SOS story and it is by BritishBums i thin so go  look it up its really good and yeah you can comment down some stories that  could shoutout because i want to help and the question of the day is: Who is your favorite character in the story? comment down below and keep Reading, voting, Sharing, and Follow me <3}

Love ya <3 :*

P.S Cassie's story will be in the external link :)

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