Chapter 46

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I woke up with a robe on and i looked at Luke and he was naked! "Oh my god did we actually.." I say whispering into Luke's ear "mhmm" He said with his face in the pillow. I got up and went into the bathroom and put on my clothes and got my brush and brushed my hair . I put it in a ponytail  and walked out and saw Luke getting dressed and i saw his butt!! "Oh my gosh nice butt babe" i said smacking his bum. "Ow Alexia sheesh" he said rubbing it. Then i heard the door open and saw Harry in the doorway. "Hey guys so did you guys have fun last night?" He said winking at us. I blushed and looked at the floor. "Hey there is no need to be shy" Harry said lifting my head up. i looked at his friendly green eyes and i smiled and looked at Luke. He was smiling and picked me up and hugged me and i squealed and hugged him back. i looked at Harry and i swore i saw a bit of sadness in his eyes. Oh gosh i hope he doesn't like me fuck!  I got down and i said "Luke can you please leave me and harry alone for a sec i need tot talk to him" "Umm ok" he said walking out the door. "Hey harry?" "Uh um yeah" He said stuttering "Umm you know i just met you and everything" i said nervously "Yeah" He said looking excited. "But i need you to know i only love Luke not you". then i saw sadness in his eyes but this time twice as much "Oh i know that i wouldn't want to ruin suck a cute relationship like you guys" he smiling with a bit of happiness in his eyes.  I smiled and hugged him "Thanks Harry your the greatest friend" "Friend i am your friend" He said smiling. "Yeah you kinda saved me from dying of and anxiety and asthma attack" i said smiling.

After we finished talking we walked out of the room and headed to Cassie's room. He opened the door and i said "Thanks" quietly. I walked up to Calum and he had bags under his eyes and he smiled "Alexia i missed you so much bestie!!" Calum said hugging me. Harry looked at Calum and said "Hey mate" "Hey Harry long time no see" He said hugging him. I sat down and looked at Cassie. Her surgery was planned today in about an hour. I held her hand and looked at my friends pale almost lifeless body. I  felt tears rising and i was trying to fight it and i looked at Ashton and Kayla and they were sitting on the couch holding and i started to cry. I walked out of the room and i tried to find Alyssa so i could talk to her. i found her in the cafeteria with Michael and i just went and got my wallet and i looked at myself and i looked like i haven't ate in a while so i went to the vending machine and got myself some pretzels and went to the other vending machine and got myself a pink lemonade and sat there in the corner by myself. I have had this feeling before i felt alone even though i had a lot of people it still felt like i was alone. i just sat there trying not to cry while i ate my pretzels. I finished everything and i walked back and i saw Harry and that's when i started to cry. "What's wrong Alexia he said coming up to me. "I-i don't k-know i just f-feel like i am a s-screw-up and my life i-is screwed up" i said hiccupping. he hugged me and i put my face in his chest. he felt warm and cozy like my dad. Oh gosh don't cry again. Then i started to cry again and he said "Shh Alexia it will be ok" "M-my dad used to say that" "I thought your dada was alive" "N-no he died in a plane crash about 3 months ago but my mom survived though but my dad died for her and my mom said she is never going to date because he died with his ring so they are still married even though his body is on the ocean floor" I said rubbing my eyes. He hugged me and said "You're such a strong girl Ashton told me everything about you and he texted me when you overdosed but i was going to come but my fight got cancelled "He said. I hugged him and said I don't care i care that you are here now your the greatest friend a girl could have" I said smiling. and he smiled and asked "Do you want a piggy back ride?" "Yes yes!!".

I got up on his back and he held on my thighs an he climbed and we made it on Cassie's floor and he took me top the room and i saw the nurses giving her anesthesia and Calum looked at her crying and he looked at me and ran and hugged me "Shh Cal its ok she is going to get through this i promise you she can get through anything" I said with as much confidence as i could. He smiled and he said, "You're right Alexia i know she'll get through this she is a strong girl. My strong girl" he said squeezing her had they rolled her into the OR. I sat there in the chair and Luke came in and kissed me and said "Hey babe  how are you?" "I could be better but im good" i said smiling weakly. He hugged me and said "I have to go call my mom ill be right back" Luke said. "Ok babe" I said. I sat back down and i saw Harry looking at his screen smiling and i said "Who are you texting?" i said smirking. "No one" He said . i ran after his and snatched his phone and he started to run after it and i stuck it in my bra. "Looks like you can't get it" i said smiling evilly. "Give it back!" he said smiling. "How about a no?" I said smirking and i quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door and looked at his phone and i saw the name Hanna on the screen and i said "Oh who is Hanna?" I said smirking. "J-just a friend of mine" Harry said nervously "Ooh Harry Styles had a girlfriend!!" I screamed and i texted her "Hey this is Alexia Irwin :)". i laughed at she texted back "Who the hell are you?" "I am his friends sister i have a boyfriend he is just my friend nothing more and btw you're pretty:)". i waited for her to reply and she said "Oh sorry about that and thanks :) what's your # we should hang sometime:)" "Its 647-840-4869" "Cool  ill call you later bye" "Bye!:)". I finished texting her i came out of the bathroom and Harry ran after me and  he got the phone and he said "You texted her?!" "Yeah i ma going to call her soon" I said smiling "i approve" i said smiling and he said "Who said i need your permission?" "Me and i approve so you're good" I said laughing.

After that i walked back into Luke's room and he is asleep in the bed i took out my phone and took a picture and posted it on Instagram and said Cute wittle Luke sweeping aww!! <3. I laughed and i got one of Luke's shirt and got undressed and got into bed with him and feel into a peaceful sleep.

{A/N here is another chapter you guys <3 its snowing here yay!! <3 so question of the day is: What's your favorite movie?? mine would have to be catching fire<3 so answer your answer in the comments and keep reading, voting, sharing, and follow me :)}

Love ya <3

P.S here is what Hanna looks like :)

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