Chapter 31

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We were all in the Limo we rented for tonight and i felt super awesome! Me and the girls were on one side and we were drinking the Sparkling apple cider. All the guys could not keep their eyes off us and i was loving every minute of it! The limo pulled  to the front of the high school and people looked speechless.  Amber was there in her slutty dress and she looked at us when we got out of the limo with our dates. "What the fuck Kayla why are you with them!?" "Because i actually found my TRUE friend except you were a horrible friend" "Whatever everyone else loves me anyways". All of  us started to laugh at her. "Honey the whole school hates you" Cassie said.  "Got that right Cassie" Kelsey said. We ignored Amber's rude comments and headed inside.

I saw the whole gym covered in awesome lights and i think the theme was Hollywood and i was loving the red carpet. "There was a photographer there taking picture and Calum and Cassie went first for their pictures. They are so cute together!! After that it was Kayla and Ashton. I swear they are so freaking cute too!! After that was the cute couple Kelsey and Michael. Michael had his blue hair and his cute little tux and Kelsey had that really cute dress and they looked like a match made in  heaven. After was me and Luke and i felt like this queen and i smiled brightly. Luke smiled too and his cute dimples showed and i almost went aw in the picture!!  We all got our pictures and we headed to the dance floor!!  me and Kayla, Cassie, and Kelsey started to dance to Clique by Kanye west.  "Ain't nobody fresher than my mother fuckin clique!!" I screamed. All the guys were laughing at us while we danced. Then my favorite song came on.... THE FOX!!!!!. " what does the fox say? RINGDINGDINGDINNGDINGADING!!!" .  I was screaming the whole song! After that i was really thirsty. i went to go get punch and i saw  Christina there. "Hey Christina" "What do you want?" "Well i heard you went to jail for smoking weed true?" "Yeah it makes you look cool why you want some?" "No I'm good why did you do it though?" "Because Amber did it". I looked at her and i told her "Lets go  to the bathroom and talk". "Ok".

We made it to the bathroom and no one was in here. "Why are even friends with Amber??" "Because she understands me ii guess" "Well she is a really bad influence remember we used to be friends  in grade school and now look at us Christina your a freaking pothead!!". "No I'm not i only did it once and yeah i remember until that bitch Claire came along and took you from me i had no one Alexia for 2 whole years i was alone with no friends!". I thought and i remembered i did do that. "I know but I'm really sorry and ever since Amber moved here from America she was nothing but bad news and now your her little follower and it's no ones fault but yours for being her friend and I'm really sorry i did that i just felt you needed someone better than me as a friend"  She walked up to me and hugged me "You were a great friend to me Alexia i was the one who was a bad friend to you i hurt you and i deserved to lose you as a friend and now look at you your about to open for 5 Seconds of Summer! and I'm a pothead who has a horrible life and now has a jail record might as well end my life now". "no Christina you deserve a better life go tell  Amber your not her friend and walk away don't listen to what she has to say she doesn't need friends right now" "Your right thank you Alexia I'm going to do that right now".  We hugged one more time and we walked out and we both walked right up to Amber and Christian said " hey Amber?" "What?" "I'm  done with you bye!" "What did you say to me!?!" "I'm  not your friend anymore now bye!!" "You can't do this to me Christina your my only friend!" "Well you need to go to rehab!!" "Fuck you Christina!!!". We just shrugged and went back to the dance floor .

We were dancing to some awesome Club music and i saw a girl come to Luke. "Luke is that you?" "Um yeah hello Hanna" "I missed you  so much!" . ok hold up .. who the hell is Hanna and why is she hugging my guy!!" "Umm excuse me um who are you??" "oh sorry I'm Hanna His Ex" "Your Ex umm Luke lets go" "Wait your dating her?" She said shocked. " yeah no go fuck off!!!" i shouted at her. "I'm going to win you back Luke!". I looked down and she was really pretty and skinny and i excused myself to the restroom and i  went into a stall and started to cry. This is the worst night ever I'm definitely going to lose Luke that bitch!! I heard the door open and i saw a pair of back converses that looked like... Luke's! "Hey you ok?" "Does it look like it Luke?" "Is it about Hanna?" "Yeah she is going to get you and I'm going to be here alone" "That's never going to happen Hanna was a bitch and she cheated on me why would i date her again?"  "Because she's way prettier than me and has really good looks  and I'm just bleh" "Your not bleh your beautiful  and way prettier than Hanna i promise you that and now i can go on tour with you and that makes me a very lucky guy". i laughed and opened the stall door and i hugged him. The fact video was right Luke gives the best hugs ever! "Know let's go out and enjoy your prom!" We ran to the gym.

We were all dancing to Gangnam Style and i still love the song. After a slow song came on and i looked at Luke. "May i have this dance Alexia?" "Yes you may Luke". He took me by the hand and we started to slow dance. My head was on the crook of his neck and he had his hands on my waist. I felt like a princess and i saw the rest of the girls slow dancing with their dates and it made me feel so grateful to have Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum and Cassie, Kayla, and Kelsey. We were like princesses with our princes. After the song ended the announcer came on. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to the announcement of the prom king and queen!". Everyone cheered and i really hope one of us gets it!. "we'll start with prom king.. Prom king is............. Luke Hemmings!!" i clapped for him and watched him go up to get the crown. "Now  last  but not least the prom queen is............. Alexia Irwin!!" Me?!? I went up there next to Luke and he grabbed my hand. "Now here are your prom king and queen!" I swore i almost started to cry. I was  so happy!! After that we slowed dance and everyone watched us. "I'm really happy we won" i whispered into his ear. "Me too and cant wait to go  on the airplane too to America!!" "Yay where are we going first?" "I think California!". Its been my dreamt to go to California and now its going to come true! After we slowed danced we had to say goodbye to everyone and the limo was waiting outside and everyone  was token home and it was just me and Ashton in the limo. "i had a really good time Ashton I'm glad we get to do this" "Me too Alexia i went to prom once and i get to  see my little sister get prom queen!" He hugged me and i smiled and we made it home and in saw mom outside and she saw my crown and ran and hugged me. "My baby girl won prom queen congrats sweetie i love you so much and we  h-have to started packing for y-you guys" My mom said hiccuping. i started to cry and i hugged her Don't worry mom your coming with us" I said. "What? I cant pos-" Yeah you can your going with us your not staying  here by your self it's not safe so your coming as a chaperone" i smiled and she hugged me and said let's start pacing then!" we went inside and started to pack.

After we finished i was so exhausted i went downstairs to see if Ashton was still awake but i found him on the couch sound asleep. Aww i took  an Instagram picture and posted and i went upstairs and got a shower and put on some PJ's on and went to a dreamy sleep.

{A/N Here's your chapter today who's excited for her to go to California!? So questions of the day: If you could live anywhere in the world right now where would it be and why??  I would move to London because i always wanted  to live there!! put your answers  in the comments and keep reading, voting, and sharing  and  Follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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