Chapter 57

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I woke up then next morning to Ashton screaming, "ALEXIA GET UP WE ARE GOING TO IHOP!!!". I got up took a quick shower got dressed and pulled my hair in a ponytail and got my purse and went to the living room. I got everything i needed and Harry asked, "You excited to go to Sea World today?" "Yeah!!!" I exclaimed.  We walked out of the door and walked back to the car and it was Ashton's turn to drive and we made it to the IHOP and i heard my bump growl and Harry said, "Someone must be hungry?"  Smiling at me.  I laughed and we walked into the restaurant and the waiter took us to a table and We ordered our drinks. I got chocolate milk, Ashton got  Orange juice, and Harry got apple juice. We got our drinks and Harry asked, "So When is your guy's tour over?" "In about a month then i go to London!" I said high-fiving Harry. "I texted Gemma and she is really excited to see you" He said. "I'm really excited to meet her ii just know we will get along just fine" I said smiling.  The Waiter came back and i ordered the red velvet pancakes with bacon on the side, Ashton ordered an omelet with hash browns and bacon, and Harry of course ordered the funny face pancake. I swear he is a 5 year-old .

After we finished eating our delicious breakfast we paid and went back to the car and finally we were on our way to go  to Sea World. I was so excited i was going to see penguins so Luke be jealous!  It took us 30 minutes to get there and i was so excited and i got out and i started to run until Ashton caught up with me and picked me up and he said, "The princess does not walk" He said very fancily.  "You are very correct my fine sir" I said in a British accent. We both laughed and Harry finally caught up with us and he asked, "Why did you pick Alexia up?" "Because she is Luke's princess we must take care of her" He said. I laughed and Ashton out me down and we got into Sea World and lets just say my inner child came out.

The first thing i saw was a bunch of really cool colored fish and i went to the tanks and put my face in it and said, "fishes!!!". Harry came to get me and said, "Let's go see the sharks"  "I never saw a shark before i always wanted to see one" Ashton said grinning. We went in this tube and there were sharks everywhere! I was so astonished. "Wow" Ashton said  wide-eyed. I smiled and i saw Ashton's inner child came out and Harry came up to me and put his arm around me and said, "Your brother sure is loves sharks" . After Ash's dampened down we went to see the dolphin show. I love dolphins i always see them in the ocean on the  beaches in Sydney. We sat in one of the parts where you get wet so i was really excited. I saw the first dolphin and i immediately start to take pictures. I am totally instagraming these!!" I said.  "Really? "He asked amused. "Yes i would get so much likes on them they are so cute!" I cooed.  After all these dolphins were doing flips and waving and one even waved at me!! After they asked for a volunteer and raised my hand really fast and i got picked!  I walked down to where the trainer was and they asked me to tell me to do the sign where the dolphins do flips and i did and they did it so i fed them fish! It was so much fun! After the show we decided to sit down.

I found a spot near the penguin place and i sat down and Harry asked, "Having fun?" "Yes a lot of it!!" Me and Ashton said at the same time. Harry laughed and we decided to go to the penguin place and i was bouncing off the walls. "Sheesh Alexia calm down" Ashton chuckled and i just kept giggling until i saw the best animal on Earth......A PENGUIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started to get really excited and i squealed, "Look Harry Penguins!" "Yeah i know your crazy my cousin" He said putting his arm around me.  /i got my phone out and took a picture of a penguin up close to me and i texted Luke the picture and he got mad and i laughed and he said he was gonna get me back. ha no. After my excitement party we decided to go to the Killer whale show i love those they are big but cute!. This time we didn't sit in the soak zone we sat a row above it and i saw the trainers with buckets of huge fish and i saw the first killer whale and i heard some kids gasp and scream with excitement. I smiled and watched the second one come out and flipped his tail and got everyone wet and it came up to where we were, but only a little bit. After the last two came out and they all did really cool tricks and got a lot of people wet. After the show was finished i was smiling and went to the souvenir  store and got a huge killer wale stuffed animal for only $40. Harry laughed at me because i was a tiny person carrying  a huge stuffed animal. Ashton finally took it from me because i was lagging behind.

After about another hour seeing anything from jellyfish to sea horses to a huge octopus. The boys decided to go on a ride and i was mad because i couldn't go on one. I just sat on a bench and they decided to ride a roller coaster called the manatee and i just sat there until Harry screamed, "Record us!!". So i did and all you heard was Ashton and Harry screaming like little girls and i was cracking up until the came out.  "That was so much fun!!" Ashton exclaimed. "I bet i heard you two screaming like hyenas" I said giggling. "That sucks how you can't ride rides anymore" Harry said. "Im ok with it i can enjoy being on the ground while you guys are screaming your heads off" I said smiling rubbing my little growing baby bump. "I love your little baby bump" Ashton said placing a hand on it. "I love it too but this thing makes me crave weird things and get sick all the time"  I said looking at Ashton. "That sucks"  Ashton said hugging me. We decided it was time to leave so we left and went to go get dinner.

After we left we saw an Arby's and decided to go there. We went inside and ordered our food and got it and sat down. "So what are your future plans as a band Alexia?" Harry asked. "Well i am hoping we get  more famous and hope we get a record deal" "Have you made a demo yet?" "Yes actually we did for one on one of the sound checks and we gave it to a record company they haven't replied yet" i said. "Well from experience i suggest you go to another record company" Harry said. "Well lucky for me i made copies so i can send it to other companies" I said smiling. "Good girl" Ashton said patting my head. After we finished eating we walked back to the car and headed back to the hotel.

We pulled into the hotel parking lot to see paps everywhere. "Crap we will have to go in the back" Harry said.  We ran to the back and i was on Ash's back and we hurried into the back and walked into the lobby and went to the elevator and headed o our suite. I got out the room key from my purse opened the door and walked into my room. I washed my face and put my pajama's on and texted Luke goodnight and love you and he said the same thing . I walked into the kitchen with my bottle of pills and got a glass of water and took my pills and i put my cup in the dish washer until i heard a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened the door to see someone i wished i would never have to see again......Chase.

{A/N Hello everyone here is a new chapter i hope you like it and tomorrow is Sunday no!! i don't want to go back to school i want to stay home and update :(. But anyways i hope you been having a lovely weekend and question of the day is: What do you hate about school? Mine is homework of course :) comment your answers down below and keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me <3}

Love ya <3 :*

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