Chapter 11

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I woke up next to Luke and i smiled as he cuddled with me even more. I tried to get out of his arms but he groaned and held me tighter. "I need to get up and get ready for school" "I don't want to go today how about we skip today?". I thought about it for a moment and i said "Fine but we are going tomorrow" "Deal" i got back in bed and went back to sleep in Luke's arms.

I woke up at 11 and Luke was already up. I got up and took a shower and put clothes and pulled up my brown hair in a messy bun and headed downs stairs. I saw Luke and Ashton playing video games. I went too the kitchen and made me coffee and a pop tart in the toaster. After my coffee got brewed i got my Cherry pop tart and went to watch them play video games. "Who's winning?" "Me!!!!!" ashton exclaimed. I laughed and sat next Luke and he put his arm around me. I felt protected and safe with him liked he is my superman. After that we were laying around the room bored. "Ugh I'm so bored!" I said. "I have an idea how about we go to the beach?" Luke said. I haven't been to the beach cause i don't swim because of my scars, but they know about them but Ashton doesn't know how many i have. "Umm why not?" ash said. We all agreed and i got ready in my room. I was getting my bikini on and someone knocked on the door. "What is it?" "Its me Luke i was wondering if your done." No I'm not don't please don't come in". He said ok and walked back downstairs. I got my shoes and headed out the door.

we made it to the beach and no one was there. Thank you no paparazzi!! I had my cover on over  my bikini and i walked on the sand it felt really nice on my feet. I took out my beach towel and sat down. "Aren't you coming in Alexia?" ashton said. "no I'm fine I'm just gonna sit here". ashton begged me and i finally said yes. I was really nervous about the paps coming and seeing us here especially me and Luke they don't know we're dating. I took off my shorts and my shirt and Ashton looked at me. "You have all these?" and he pointed at my stomach and my arms. "Yep" i said and he showed me his wrists. "you cut too?" "I used to but i stopped when i was 15". i was surprised at what he showed there was a lot of scars on his and it broke my heart. I ran to the water and it felt like a bathtub. Luke came up to me and put his arms around my waist. I went underwater and my face as on fire. When Kayla and me fought she scratched my face all up so my face was an ugly mess. "Ow my face!!!!!" i screamed. Luke held me and i put my legs around his waist and all of sudden i saw a flashing light and i looked there was paparazzi everywhere. "Oh no" I whispered. "I don't care if they take pictures you my girl and i want people to know it. Then he kissed me and of course i kissed back. The paparazzi was flashing their cameras at us as we have a make out session right in front of them. Ashton came up to us and screamed "You guys!!!" "sorry" we said and laughed. We got out and went back home.

We came home to see girls swarming the whole house. "How did they find our house!!" I said. I had to stay in the car while Luke and Ashton signed girls arm and stuff like that and took pictures. i saw a girl noticed me and she came to me and said "Can i have an autograph please?". "Umm sure" i smiled. I was stunned a lot of girls came over here and wanted pictures and autographs and stuff and some even asked for me and Luke to kiss. After all the girls left i called mom and we talked for ages. "Ok love you too mom bye" I hung up the phone and went upstairs to see Luke in my shower singing. I slowly went in the bathroom and turned off the lights. He screamed like a girl and i tried not to laugh. I remember him coming up to me he felt my face. "Alexia is that you?" "umm no?". He turned on the light and i saw him completely naked. " 

Oh my god Luke get some clothes on!!!" "But you like it though" he winked. I had to admit he had a nice body!! "Well I'm going to get out now I'm scared now for life" I said. He laughed and now i can be the luckiest girl saying i saw Luke Hemmings naked yeah!!! I went on twitter and tweeted : Just saw Luke Hemming's naked i am so lucky be jealous bitches!!!!". i laughed when A lot of girls were freaking out and asked me if i took pictures. why would i take naked pictures of Luke?. got off it when Luke came back in the room and looked at me. "Really?" "Really what?" "What you tweeted". I laughed and told him a few girls asked me if i took pictures. we talked until he had to leave. "Why are you leaving me!1" i whined. "Because I'm planning our surprise second date". we hugged and of course kissed and he left. i went downstairs to see Ashton asleep on the couch and i made myself dinner. I made mac and cheese. I went to my room and watched TV. I went downstairs and cleaned the kitchen and i got my PJ's on and went to sleep.

A/N update yay i know this isn't a lot but votes yay thanks to all who voted and keep sharing my story :)

Love ya <3 :)

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