Chapter 74

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I woke up to a small pain in my stomach and I got up and decided to go get a drink of water and it felt a little better and I got back to the bunk with Luke and fell asleep.


I immediately woke up to a terrible pain in my stomach and I winced at the sensation but I tried not wake up Luke, so I went to the bathroom and sat down in the toilet and I felt something going down my leg. I looked down and I saw blood rushing down my leg and I had a very bad feeling and then the pain came back and this time 10 times worse than it was and then I screamed, "Luke!!!!".

I heard someone get out of bed and run to the bathroom and he opened the door and saw me laying on the floor with a pool of blood and he ran to me and I said, "It hurts so much Luke!" I said rubbing my belly and he called my mom in here and she looked down and she said, "Oh no Alexia we need to go to the ER now!".

"What happened is my baby ok?!" I said starting to panic. "I don't know if your baby is okay we just need. To go to the ER Luke wake up Ashton and no one else I'll text everyone when we get there" "Okay" Luke said running to Ash's bunk and Ash came running and he looked down in horror and he picked me up bridal style to the rental car we rented yesterday.

They took a couple towels and put them under me for the bleeding and my mom put the keys in the ignition and she slammed in the gas pedal and headed for the nearest hospital in sight. I started to feel really tired all of a sudden and I saw black speckles Clem across my vision and then I fell unconscious.


I woke up seeing all white and with a really empty feeling inside. I tried to move but it hurt too much. "W-what happened?" I said groggily. "Your awake!" Cassie said running towards me and hugged me and i tried to rub my belly but she pushed my hand away. "What was that for?" "Nothing we'll tell you later" "Wait tell me what?" I said very confused.

Then I see a doctor come in the room and she said, "Hello Alexia my name is Dr. Davidson how are you feeling?" "I feel really sore and tired what happened?" I asked rather impatiently. "Well Alexia I'm really sorry to say this but you had a miscarriage". I looked at her and said "No no that can't happen I was healthy and I took care of myself I can't have a miscarriage!!" I said tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm truly sorry Ms.Irwin but a miscarriage can happen to anyone even if you have been taking care of yourself and the baby I'm extremely sorry". I just sobbed and put my pillow to my face and cried. I felt this pain that I wished I didn't have to feel again. Kelsey came up to me with watery eyes and hugged me saying, "I'm so sorry Alexia!" She said crying into my shoulder.

Luke came in with red, puffy eyes like he had been crying and he ran to me and hugged me and she looked at me and said, Alexia it wasn't your fault miscarriages happen a lot of healthy people like you". I just looked at him and said, "Luke please hold me" I said feeling years rising again and he got in the hospital bed with me and I cried into his chest and I said, "It feels like it was my fault I must have did something wrong or something"

"Alexia you did nothing wrong don't ever blame yourself maybe it was a sign" "A sign?" I said confused. "Maybe it wasn't our time to have a baby yet you are only 16 and I'm 18 we aren't ready to be parents yet" "But we are parents for Rose" "Yeah but she is old enough to know right from wrong sometimes if we had a baby we would have a lot stress and maybe we aren't ready for a baby yet".

I though about it for a minute and then I said "Maybe your right I was having second thoughts recently I think we can wait to have a baby" I said hugging him. "I think you need to rest" Luke said kissing my nose and I snuggled into his chest and said "Please stay with me" I said and he took of his shoes and laid there with me as the sadness came rolling back and I was in tears again and I asked him, "Will it ever get better?" "Yes but it's going to take a while".

I let the tears fall down my face and Luke held me and rubbed my back to comfort me but I was inconsolable right now. I felt like I killed my baby and I did something wrong even though it wasn't my fault. I felt worthless in this moment like I don't belong here or anywhere. Luke was still hugging me and he asked me, "Are you alright Alexia?" "No I'm not alright I feel like the most horrible person in the entire world" I said rubbing my red puffy eyes.

"I promise it'll get better it just takes time" "How much time Luke?" I said putting my head in the crook of his neck. "It will take some time but like you always said.." "I'm an Irwin girl I'm tough" I said smiling a little. "Ah there is that smile I miss" He said kissing my cheek and I blushed and a nurse came in my room and she said, "I'm here to give you your pain medication you probably will be knocked out for the rest of the night" She said filling up my IV with my pain medication and then she left.

After about 15. Minutes I started to get really tired and I said to Luke, "Stay with me please?" "Of course" he said taking of his black Vans and putting the blanket around us and the I saw darkness...

{A/N Hey everyone im realy sorry about this if really wanted her to have the baby but you never know what happens later ;) Anyways sorry it took me so long to updater i kinda had writers block for about a week till my friend helped me get ideas and i really hope you like this chapter and Question of Day is: What are you doing for your sumer vacation? I'm going to be updating, going to festivals and amusements parks and hopefully Florida!:) Comment yours down below and Keep Reading, Voting, and Follow me :)}

Twitter~ @salemloves1d


Love Ya <3 :*

P.S that is how Luke and Alexia cuddle :)

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