Chapter 66

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I woke up to Cassie hugging my waist and i got out of her grip and i saw Rose and Luke sleeping together and it was so cute! Luke had his arm around Rose and she held on to his arms and I saw her face frown and she said, "Mommy what are you doing?" "Mommy stop!!!" Rose started to scream and Luke Eyes flutter opened to see Rose tossing and turning saying, "Mommy no come back!!" Don't die mommy i'll get you down!!" Rose exclaimed tears streaming down her angelic face and Luke lightly shook her and she opened her eyes and she said, "Daddy help me!" She said looking at Luke and i felt tears starting to rise and he hugged her tightly and she cried in his shirt and she said, "I miss mommy Dad" She said holding on to Luke for dear life. "Shh baby it's ok i'm right here" "Alexia" She said holding her arms out and i picked her up and she cried in my chest and she said, "I'm sorry i can't call you mommy now" "It's fine babe you can wait till your comfortable then you can call me mommy" "I'll call you  mommy when i say goodbye to my real mommy then she will let me" She said rubbing her eyes. "Here let's go give you a bath so you can feel good we are going to the zoo today"

"Really?!?" She said smiling sniffling. "Yes Uncle Ashton and the rest of us are going and we are going  to see the Dolphin show!" "Yay! Get everyone up we need to go!" "Well we aren't going till everyone can get up and we eat then we will go" "But that will take forever" Rose whined I smiled and i said, "Well i have a little something in mind" I said getting an air horn and she gasped "An air horn lets do it!". We both giggle and we got our air horns and Luke fell back asleep and i said, "We do it in 3..2..1..GO!!" and we hit the button and i heard everyone scream and my mom said, "What the heck is going on here!?!?" "Well everyone needed to wake up so we did it" Rose said smiling and my mom laughed and she said, "Good job guys i would've helped but i was asleep" she said giving a Rose and high five and hug and she hugged me and she looked down at my 2 1/2 month baby bump and she smiled and she whispered and she said, "I hope its a girl" "I want a baby brother" Rose said, "That was what mommy was going to have before she killed herself" She said looking down.

"Well we will figure it out when i give birth to him or her" I said poking her belly and i picked her p and i said, "Let's go give you a  bath now" "Ok can i bring my toys with me" "Ok but your only in the bath for 20 minutes so i can shower ok?" "Ok" She said going to get her toys. I started her water and she walked with a rubber ducky, a Barbie doll, and a boat. "All set" she said taking off her night gown and i got her in the tub and i washed her hair and body and i gave her 10 minutes of playtime in the tub and i walked out and i heard her singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow and it was the cutest thing! I walked out in my sweats and baggy shirt and i heard my phone buzz and i saw Hanna Texted me and she said, "Hey babe i miss you me and Harry really want to see you and the rest of the peeps and i wanna see little Rose and i hope to be seeing you soon in a couple weeks Love you xoxo" I smiled and replied to her and i got a bowl of cereal and started to eat while watching Bubble Guppies. I love that show even if it's for kids! I grabbed a spoon and i put a little sugar in my cheerios and walked to check on Rose and she was still playing and i walked back and i ate my breakfast and i washed my dish and i said, "Rose pull the drain time to get out" "Ok" She said pulling the drain and i wrapped her in a towel and i wrapped her hair in a smaller towel and i walked out to get her outfit and i dried her off and she got dressed and i decided to pull her hair in a ponytail and i let her use some of my lip gloss and she was all done.

After that i showered and i got dressed and crimped my hair and wore minimum makeup and  went to go look for my shoes and i  found them and after that everyone else got ready and in about 2 hours of waiting everyone was done and ready and uncle Ashton asked Rose, "Are you excited to see the animals?" "Yes I love you Uncle Ashton!" she said hugging him. "I saw his eyes sparkle with happiness and he hugged her and said, "I love you too buddy" After the driver of the bus stopped at the zoo parking lot and i grabbed some water and my purse and we were off the bus waiting to get in the zoo and Rose was jumping up and down. "Why are you so excited?"  "I've never been to a zoo my mommy didn't like them but we always went to Disney world all the time" she said and my face softened. "Well you're going to love it here" I said smiling down at her and she smiled really big and giggled and I saw Luke and he picked her up and he said, "I'm going to show all the penguins" "I' love penguins!" "Me too!" Luke said smiling his lip ring showing. "That thing just turns me on but anyways, we finally were inside and Rose ran to the Birds and she got to hold a parrot and i did too and it was so cool! :I feel like a little kid in a candy store" Alyssa smiling looking at Michael and he kissed her on the lips and he pulled on her newly pierced lip ring and it was so cool! "When did you get your lip pierced?" "Oh i had it pierced i just never wore the lip rings till now i had to or they will close" "Oh" was all i said and Rose shouted, "Come here Ashton has to show you something!" "Ok i'm coming" trying to run to him and i saw my favorite animal  there is....POLAR BEARS!! "Polar bears oh my gosh Ash i love you so much right now!!" I squealed looking at the beard swimming underwater and i placed my hand on the tank and the bear pressed his paw on it and i smiled.

After a couple hours we were finally going to the dolphin show and Rose and Calum were pretty excited and he picked her up and they ran to the little stadium and i smiled and Luke held my hand and rubbed his thumb and he smiled and i felt and tingles and i rubbed my swollen belly and we made it tot eh stadium and Rose and Calum were already sitting down in the soak zone and i was debating whether or not to sit there but i did anyways because Rose begged me too. I saw the trainer come out and announced, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Dolphin show!" and everyone cheered and i heard Calum and Rose cheer and Cassie was on the other said of Calum holding his hand smiling at him and Rose and i smiled and i winked at Cassie and she ;laughed and so did i and then the show started and the dolphin did a huge flip and everyone in the soak zone got pretty soaked and i wore a shirt and it made my belly pretty noticeable and i wrapped my arms around my body and Luke grabbed my arms and said, "There is no need to worry your body is perfect" And i smiled and my confidence rose and i sat down and the trainer asked, "I need a volunteer for this raise your hand now". Rose raised her hands and jumped up and down and she got picked! She walked down the aisle and the trainer gave a small bucket to her and she said, "You will make the dolphin do a flip and once he does throw him a fish" "Ok" MY confident Rose said. and she did it and threw the fish to the dolphin and i smiled and took a picture of her and then reality hit me straight in the face. She is my new daughter and i smiled and took a couple more pictures of her and i felt teas threatening to come out but t i pushed them back in and after that the trainer said, "That's all of the dolphin have a good day at the Boston Zoo!"

After we ate we went back tot eh bus and everyone was exhausted, especially me because i am carrying another person and that takes work if i do say so myself. I decided to go to the bathroom and wash my face and i put my hair in a messy bun and i pulled on some sweats and a tank top and you could definitely see my bump and  i walked out with my slippers and everyone was in bed except Luke and he said, "Already put her to bed babe" He said kissing me. "Good she is really tired she needs some sleep" "Are you taking your pills?" "Yeah" "Ok because hurry up i want to go to sleep with you" "Ok" I said smiling and i took my pills and we walked to my bunk and we both got in it and i laid my head on his chest and he started to hum and rub my back and in a few minutes i fell asleep from is heartbeats and humming.

{A/N Hello everyone sorry i haven't updated in a while I've had homework and all that and i hope your having a good week :) I want to recommend a book Called Georgia Rose it's a one direction fan fiction and it's really good and i'll put it in the external link and question of the day: What is your biggest pet peeve? Mine is people are backstabbers and talk behind your back i absolutely hate it.. so tell me yours down below in the comments and I love you guys and Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :*

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