Chapter 70

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I woke up the next morning to a whole bunch of ruckus and i got out of the bunk to see everyone eating and i grabbed a plate and put everything on my plate and i am really excited i am almost 3 months i am really excited!! Kelsey walked out from the bathroom dressed and she hugged me and said ,"Good morning" "Good morning how are you feeling?" "I have been better but i am getting better with my medications i am feeling a lot better"

"That's good" "Yeah" she said walking to get breakfast and i walked into the bathroom. I undressed and got in and let the warm water relax my aching back. . After i did everything i needed to do i got all my black clothes because today is the day of Rose's mom funeral and i grabbed some black clothes and i straightened my hair and did my makeup and walked out.

I went to grab my toothbrush and brushed my teeth and Rose walked into the bathroom saying, "After this day i can start calling you mommy do you know that?" "Yes i do Rose but you don't have to" "But i want to you have been a good mommy to me ever since my real mommy left me" "Well thanks Rose now go finish eating" "Ok Alexia". she ran off and i wiped some tears off my face and put on some water-proof mascara just in case i start to cry. After i walked out and grabbed a piece of bacon and i ate it and Luke hugged me and said, "Hello babe how are you doing today?" "Not so great because i have to attend a funeral" I said glumly.

"Hey i know it's a sad day but we have to be strong for Rose" Luke said kissing me softly on the lips and i said, "I know but it's hard when i am not that strong" "You're strong Alexia you have survived getting hated and almost getting killed by your uncle and Cassie's dad" Yeah i guess your right but i am probably going to cry" "I will too" Luke said hugging me again and kissed me and walked to the bathroom.

I looked at Rose and she was sitting on my mom's lap crying said, "I don't want to go!" "Your going to have to go Rose it's your mommy" I said taking her away from my mom and she said, "But she wont be able to say that she loves me" She said hiccupping . "She said it in the note and she will say it at the funeral but she will be saying it in the sky and if you listen close enough you could probably hear her say it to you" I said hugging her and she said, "I need a bath" "I will get one now i will get daddy out ok?"

"Ok" She said sitting on the stool and i walked into the bathroom and i opened the shower curtain and Luke screamed and said, "Jeez Alexia why did you do that?" "Rose needs a bath so hurry up babe" I said kissing him and i pulled away and i smiled at him and walked out and i said to Rose, "Daddy will be out in a minute ok?" "OK Alexia can we watch TV?" "Yeah" i said and we walked to the couch and Cassie, Kayla, Calum and Ashton were sitting there and i said, "Ok guys kid show time" I said and Kayla groaned.

"Why do we have to watch stupid kid shows" Kayla whined and Rose fired back, "They are not stupid thank you very much" "Ow feisty one" Ashton said picking her up and tickled her and she squealed and giggled and i smiled and he sat on Ash's lap and i heard the bathroom door open and i took Rose from Ash and i said, "Bath time!" "Yay!" Rose smiled.

I took her to the bathroom and gave her a bath and after she was done Cassie got her dressed while i prepared everything for the funeral with Alyssa and Kelsey. I could feel the tension and i looked at Kelsey and she never made eye contact with Alyssa and Alyssa looked extremely guilty. They have a pretty fucked- up history and then Cassie picked up Rose and she said, "I think everyone is ready" "OK guys it's time to go" I said and we started to drive to the funeral home.

I could feel my palms getting sweaty. and I looked at Luke and he sat beside me and placed his hand on my back and rubbed it and i felt Rose's heartbeat speed up and she started to mess with her hair and when i asked her questions she would stutter, she was really nervous and sad. It is a pretty sad day in the tour bus family. We finally pulled in the funeral home's paring lot and i saw the hearse that was carrying Rose's moms body and I felt tears creeping up to my eyes and i blinked them away and we walked into the funeral home.

I saw some relatives of Rose's and they hugged her and we all sat in front and Alexia sat on Luke's lap and i felt my anxiety rising and i felt tears threatening to fall and they did and grabbed a tissue and wiped my tears. Thank God for Water- proof mascara! The preacher was reading and then everyone started to go up to the body and kiss it. Rose walked up with Luke and he picked her up with his muscular arms and she hugged her and kissed her and you could see the black and blue marks where the noose was on her neck.

I saw Kelsey crying and Alyssa was too but they were hugging each other. They have finally forgiven each other! I saw Cassie wiping her tears away and she was holding Calum's hand and he was comforting her. Kayla and Ashton were both crying and hugging each other.

My mom was crying and she was hugging one of Rose's relatives. Luke was rubbing my back and i saw his watery eyes and i saw Rose's eyes. She was hurt out of most of us. That was her mother she just lost. She raised her and now she is gone and she had tears running down her face and she had a runny nose and i gave her a tissue and she blew her nose and wiped her eyes and she hugged Luke saying to him, "I wanna go please?!" and i started to cry more.

My little Rose in emotional pain i wanted to fall apart, but i will try not to in front of her. Luke looked at m, tears running down his face and i felt my self fall apart and i ran out the door and i fell on my knees and i was screaming, "My little girl is in pain and I can't do anything about it!!", and Ashton ran to me and holding me and saying "Shh everything is all right. "I know b-but my little girl is on pain and i can't do anything about it" I said hiccupping. Rose walked out and ran to saying, "Mommy!!" and i felt my heart melt.

She just called me mommy. I couldn't believe it. She hugged me crying and she said, "Can we go i already said goodbye to her" "Yes we can, we all can leave" I said hugging her. After the funeral was over we all left and dried up our tears and we walked back to the bus and i sat down in my bunk and just layed and i felt someone coming and it was Luke and he got in the bunk and he wrapped his long arms around me and i kissed him and he said, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah i am better now i am just exhausted" "Well we had a long day and Kelsey screamed, "I tucked Rose in" "OK thanks babe!" "Your welcome Honey". I laughed and i layed my head on Luke's chest and he started to hum beside you and i immediately fell asleep....

{A/N Such a sad chapter in this story :( Anyways i hope you guys had a good weekend because mine is coming to an end :( but this is the last week then spring break! :) The question of the day is: What is your Zodiac Sign?? Mine is Gemini :) Comment yours down below and I love you guys

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