Chapter 33

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I woke up the morning and i heard the shower running and i decided to go downstairs to get some breakfast. I was in my PJ's but i don't really care. I walked up tot the waffle maker and made me and Luke some waffles and brought us some apple juice. I came back upstairs and saw Luke with only a towel and his toned chest. Damn!!!  "I brought up breakfast" "Yay waffles my favorite and apple juice you  know me so well" "Well i am your girlfriend so of course i do" I said smiling. We ate then i got in the shower. I got out and got dressed and i was about to blow dry until someone knocked on our door. I opened it to see mom! "Hey mom!!" "Hey honey how was breakfast?" "It was good how was yours?" "Delicious and did you see that hot pool boy?" my mom said winking. "?Gross mom but its your thoughts not mine and go for him!" "Honey you know i can't  do that" "Oh sorry forgot" "Its ok sweetie excited for your band to play?" "I'm really excited we are going to rock it tonight!!" "Good I'll be there for ya i love you" "I love you too mom". After i finished doing my hair.

After i got ready we headed to the arena early so us girls can warm up. I got on my drum set and i felt alive and powerful. I played really well i think. After we finished playing ashton was standing there clapping his hands. "Great job sis it runs in the family you know?" "What? playing the drums?" "Yeah duh your really good a natural" he said with a smile on his face. I ran to him and hugged him "That means a lot to me" "Your welcome wait till you hear me play ill give you some tips" "Ok tip away" "Well you are really stiff and you need to be relaxed when you play so loosen up a bit i can tell your nervous, but that's alright" "That's good i'll be loosened up then" i said smiling. I decided to play "Try Hard" for him and after i finished he had the biggest smile on his face. "Your really good almost as good as me" "Thanks well i practice on your drum set when you used to leave for tour" "Hey you weren't supposed to touch those but hey you became really good" "Yeah doing that really paid off now there is the rest of the girls we need to practice". After all the girls came back and we rocked the whole warm-up.

After warm-up we went to the dressing room to play X box and of course we all decided to play Dead Space 2 and me and Kelsey were playing will the lights off. "I'm scared that alien thing is going to get me!" I said. "Shh we need to be quiet for it to come". We made it to the room where you got locked in and had to find the teleport thing. "Where is it??" Cassie said. "Found it!!" i said. i picked it up and opened the door and a freaking alien screamed and flew at us! "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We all screamed really high. All the guys came in and said "Is everyone ok?" "Yeah why?" Kayla said. "You guys screamed so loud we could hear it while warming up" "Wow we scream pretty loud" Cassie said  smiling until Calum tackled Cassie and hugging her saying "My babe is ok yay!!!" "Get off me Calum or ill hit you in the balls!!" "Ok sheesh you took that too far those are my baby makers!!" "Oh yeah forgot" Cassie said smiling. After we all  decided to play and the only people that were left were me and Ashton. "Your going down Ashton!" "No your going down it's my time to shine!" WE started to play and we were both attacked and i was the one to kill first so i won!! "Take that i won!!" "Cheater you cheated!!" Ashton whined "Baby your a crybaby!!" I screamed while running down the hallway. I was running and i bumped into a person i never thought i would bump into!!....My friend Claire!!

"Oh my god hey Claire!" "Hey where is Ashton?" "Oh hold on i'll find him". Oh crap! Claire followed me and she saw Kayla and Ashton kissing "Hey Ashton" "Oh hey Claire" "Um who is this your girlfriend?" "Yeah her name is Kayla" "Hello Kayla I'm Claire, His Ex" "Oh hello Claire can you give all of us a few minutes please?" "Yeah sure". "Why in the hell is Claire here??" "I don't know i just bumped into her and yeah" "Well Kayla you shouldn't worry i love you and only you" "Good i love you too". After that Claire walked back in i can tell she was super jealous. "Hey Ashton could i talk to you?" "Umm sure?". they walked out and Claire looked pissed. "Why are with that Kayla bitch!?!?" "Number one she isn't a bitch and two is because i love her why can't you get over it?" "Because your mine"  "Sorry but last time i checked I'm not so back off or ill get security and your not going to get me this time i'm in love with her not you go find  someone else to use" "What did you just say to me!?!" "You heard me!". Kayla walked out and said "Is there any problems babe?" She said smirking. "No i was just leaving and tell Alexia we aren't friends with her too" "Ok she doesn't care anyway Claire so yeah bye bitch!" Kayla said. Everyone was behind the door cracking up and i walked outside and said "Good Claire you were a bitch anyways not goodbye and never come back!" said trying not to laugh. "Who she calling a bitch?" Kayla said. "Don't listen to her she is jealous she doesn't get this ass!" We all laughed and headed back in the dressing room.

After waiting a couple hours we were about to go on stage and play the Redemptions  about to play in front of thousand!! i was really excited and when we were seconds away from going on stage we yelled " WE ARE 5SOS'S GIRLFRIENDS BE JEALOUS!!"  WE laughed and headed on stage. I got on my drum stool and started to play like i was a pro and Kelsey was an amazing singer!! and Cassie is a great bass player and Kayla is a really good guitarist!! And i was a  pretty good drummer!  WE were rocking them with covers of songs and i felt like a superstar it was amazing and an adrenaline rush!! After we were done we said "We are the Redemptions goodnight!!!! " We all screamed and went backstage and i was really sweaty but really happy. "Yay Ashton i did it!!"  "Good job sis you were great out there all of you were" "Yeah especially you Alexia" Luke said . "Thanks babe and i think you'll be amazing out there i love you and break a leg" I said kissing him "Will do babe". They went on and they went on stage!!

{A/N hope you like this chapter and question of the day is if the Redemptions were a real band would you like them?  They are like 5sos so yeah i would answer in the comments and keep reading, voting, sharing and follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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