Chapter 64

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"What happened?" Rose asked. I felt tears rising and all the girls came p and i said Rose can you wait in the car for a few minutes?" "Yeah i can" She said getting in the car and Alyssa asked, "What's wrong did something happen?" "Yes" "Well spit it out" Cassie said. "Well my mom just called me a few minutes and she told me that Rose's mom killed herself where Rose's dad died and me and Luke are the legal guardians now and i-i don't k-know how to s-say it to Rose" I said tears streaming down face. All the girls looked utterly shocked and i saw Alyssa looking teary- eyed and she said, "Well we should all tell her together this is going to break her heart she already lost her dad now her mom too" she said a tear rolling off her face. "Well let's go tell her"  Kayla said walking towards the car. We all got in the car and Rose asked, "Why are you all crying is there something wrong?" "Yes there is Rose well i really don't know how to put this" I said trying to fight back tears. "I can handle it i'm a big girl" "Well Rose my mom called and she found out that your mommy is never coming back" "Why is she not coming back where is she?" "Well Rose  i'm really sorry  to say your mommy died". I looked at her and her jaw dropped and she said ,"What?" "Your mommy died so she can be with daddy she was sad but i am your new mommy now" I said finally letting my tears fall and she looked at me with glassy eyes, "I want my mommy!!" She sobbed tears running down her face.

"Alyssa go to the bus now" "Ok". "I want my mommy !!" Rose screamed while sobbing and i held her and said, "Shh its alright" "I miss mommy and daddy!" She kept saying in my crook of my neck crying. :We are almost there" Kayla said looking at Rose and trying not to cry herself. I just let Rose cry out all her tears and we finally made it to the bus and i got out of the car and she kept saying "Mommy!!" and i said "I'm right here Rose its ok" "I want my real one!" and i walked in the bus and Luke came up to me and said, "Oh my god you told her?" "Well yeah what else was i going to do?" I said handing Rose to my mom and she rocked Rose in her arms and said "Mommy is in a better place now you will see her one day" "I want her n-now!" Rose hiccupped. I looked at Luke and he hugged me and he said, "Well now we have 2 kids and is she taking my last name or yours?" "She'll take mine because we aren't married yet so Rose Irwin" "That it is then" He said kissing me and he said, "She will stop being said don't let it get to you" "Yeah but she is my new adopted daughter  i have to take care of her" I said putting my purse down and walking t the bunks and i saw my mom and she said, "She is sleeping let her be?" She said and she hugged me and she said, "t's hard seeing your child in pain i should know" she said kissing my forehead and i smiled and i decided to get in the bunk with Rose and Rose nestled into my chest we both took a nap together.


I woke up to see Rose still asleep and we both have to eat so i woke her up "Rose?" "Mmm"  She said stretching her body. "We have to get up  to eat" "I'm still tired though" "Well then you can eat then i'll give you a bath and then you can go back to sleep ok?" "Ok" She said getting up and we both walked out to get something to eat and i  made Rose a PB&J sandwich with a glass of milk and a cookie for dessert and i made a grilled cheese with some tomato soup with some crackers and some Greek yogurt for dessert. We ate in silence and Rose asked, "Will i be able to go to mommy's funeral?" "Of course you have to choose do you want her buried or do you want mommy's ashes?" "I want mommy buried right next to daddy" she said taking a drink of her milk.  "Well then she will we have to plan a funeral after the show ok?" "Ok". After we finished eating Luke decided to give Rose a bath and i finally had some relaxing time so i sat down and decided to play some Flappy Bird on my phone. Me and Flappy Bird have a love-hate relationship. But i quit the game before i threw my phone and Rose walked out with her princess PJ's and her hair was braised and i asked, "Did Luke braid your hair?" "Yeah he is good at it!"  She smiled and i finally saw her smile which i missed even though has only been a few hours and  i went to Luke and i asked, "Could you braid my hair after i get a shower? " "Of course babe" he said kissing me and then kissing my belly and i said to Rose" "Ok it is your bed time so lets go to bed and i  will Luke sing you a song so goodnight babe" I said kissing rose on the forehead and Luke picked her up and took her to one of the extra bunks and i walked to the bathroom.

I got undressed and the  water was scorching hot so i turned it down a bit and i got out the bottle of shampoo and i put it on my head and the suds going everywhere. I Rinsed out my hair and i grabbed the conditioner and put that in my hair and put it in a bun so i could wash my body and keep the conditioner in. I  heard a knock on the door and I said, "Come in" and Luke walks in and asks, "Can i join you?" "Sure" I said and i saw him get undressed and he came in the shower with me and i hugged him and i said, "Your a great new dad to a 5 year old" I said kissing his neck and he smiled and said, "Well i have to practice somehow" "Wow well in just about 7 months we will have another one but it will be ours" "Yeah but i count Rose as one of our kids now" "Yeah but i will love them equally" I said grabbing my sponge and i said "Wash me" "With pleasure my dear" He said putting soap  on it and scrubbing my body until he reached my sensitive spot and he poked out a finger and rubbed my clit and i moaned softly and said, "Not now people are here" "So we have did it all the time": He said gliding hid finger in my and i felt the pleasure caresses my body and he puts two long fingers in me and starts pumping and i moaned and he said, "I want to taste you" "uh" Was all i said and he finally started to pump faster and faster i felt my climax creeping closer and closer and i climaxed and he took out  his fingers and put them in his mouth and said huskily, "You taste scrumptious" and i felt my cheeks heating up and i said, "Could you finish  washing me? and he laughed.

After we both got finished in the shower i turned off the water and grabbed a towel for my hair and wrapped it up and wrapped a towel around me and i walked to get some undergarments and Luke got his briefs and i got dressed and put on some sweatpants and a tank top which you could see my belly and  I brushed my teeth and i let Luke braid my hair so it can be wavy tomorrow. "Well we are heading to Boston i can't wait till this tour is over and we can finally go back to Sydney" "Well before that we have to go to London for two weeks so we  can meet Harry's family" "Oh yeah forgot about that". I giggled and my phone buzzed and i saw that Harry texted me saying" Hello love we made it back safely to London and i was checking about what happened to Rose tell her i'm sorry and i miss you all love you goodnight <3 xx H" and I replied saying goodnight and an explanation and i put on y socks and walked out and check on Rose to see her fast asleep and i pulled the blanket on her and i kissed her forehead and  i walked out to take my pills and i grabbed a bottled water and my mom said, "Your a good mom i hope you know that" "Well thanks your a pretty good mom too". she smiled ad hugged me goodnight and i found all the boys and i gave them all a hug goodnight and Ashton hugged me and said, "I am planning something awesome for Rose to get her mind off this we are going some place fun" he said smiling and i said, "That's good but goodnight"  "Goodnight sis" and i took my pills and i walked to my bunk and Luke walked in my bunk and said, "I'm sleeping with you" "Ok babe goodnight i love you" "Goodnight baby i love you" and we all fell into a darkness slumber.

{A/N hey guys sorry my authors note wasnt on this one i guess i didn't save but anyways i have a  Book reccomendation its called i don't share and its a Harry Styles Fan Fiction if you like One Direction :) Anyways if you have any to shoutout let me know :) question of the day is: If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? I would live in Ireland because i have family  there :) i love you all and Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :*

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