Chapter 71

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I woke up the next morning to the sweet scent of Cinnamon rolls and I immediately get up and head straight toward the kitchen. "I smell cinnamon rolls!"I exclaimed and Luke chuckled and said, "Master chef Luke Hemmings is making the cinnamon rolls!". I giggled and I went to wake up the rest of everyone and i heard someone crying.

I kept walking until I found Kayla in her bunk crying. I sat beside her and I asked softly, "What's wrong?" "M-my sister was j-just in a bad c-car crash!" She sobbed into my chest and I rubbed her back and I said, "Do you want to go back to Sydney and see him it's fine if you do" "I can't do that I can't just leave you guys here" "It's fine Kelsey can fill in for you for this concert and when you come back you can play again family before friends am I right?"

"Yeah but you guys are my second family and I feel like I'm letting you guys down" "Your not letting us down Kayla you have to go to your family and see if your sister is all right". It was silent for a second and she finally spoke, "I guess your right Alexia when is the next flight to Sydney?" "Let me check", i said unlocking my phone.

"The next flight is at 7:30 p.m" I said to her and she checked the time and I said, "The airport is about an hour and a half away so you would probably have to leave at 5" I said and she said glumly, "I guess I'll start packing now" She said getting her suitcase. I helped her fold her clothes and I heard little patter of feet and I saw Rose and she asked, "Where is Aunt Kayla going?"

"Well, Aunt Kayla has to go back to Sydney because her sister got hurt" I said hugging her and she hugged Kayla and I told her, "Go to daddy and tell him you want a cinnamon roll" "Ok DADDY I WANT A CINNAMON ROLL PLEASE!" "Got it angelcake!" Luke screamed back. I smiled and I went to the bathroom and got her toiletries and out them in her makeup bag along with her makeup and I heard Cassie ask Kayla, "Hey why are you packing?"

"My sister is critically injured and I need to go back and take care of her" She said putting her jeans in her suitcase. "That sucks we are going to miss you" Kelsey came out of the living room. "Yeah but family before band family" She said zipping her suitcase up. I decided to go get something to eat because me and the baby are hungry so cinnamon rolls here I come!!

After my 5th cinnamon roll I drank the rest of my milk and I went to Luke and Rose sitting on the the couch and I went to Rose and picked her up and said, "Bath time!" "Yay!!" ,She squealed and I saw my mom in the corner of my eye smiling and I smiled back and went to the bathroom and slid the door shut. I gave Rose a bubble bath and I was letting her get dressed and I sent her to Aunt Cassie to do her hair.

I got a shower for myself and I heard the door slide open and Luke closed the door and asked, "May I join your shower to save water?" "Yes of course fine sir" I did in a British accent and we both laughed and he got in. He wrapped his long, muscular arms around my swollen baby bump and he kissed my neck and I moaned softly and he whispered in my ear,"6 more months" and I smiled and I turned around and kissed him full with passion and let's say things got a little steamy.

After our love making session we both got out and I wrapped a towel around my pregnant body and grabbed some clothes and got the hair dryer and dried my hair and decided it was a messy bun day. After I got Rose in the bathroom to brush her teeth and she had her hair French braided and it was so cute!! After we brushed our teeth we all decided to go out for lunch because it was Kayla's last day in tour with us. "I'm still really sorry about me leaving you guys" "Kayla it's fine you need to go" Kelsey said. We all nodded in agreement and we stopped at Kayla's favorite restaurant: Panera Bread.

We all ordered our food and we all sat down and I sat next to Ashton and Luke and Kayla spoke up, "Ashton can I talk to you alone for a minute?" "Umm yeah sure". We walked into the hallway leading to the restroom. "So are you and Kayla still going to be together?" "Yes of course just because she isn't going to be here for a little bit doesn't mean we can't talk everyday" He said defensively. "Sheesh I was just wondering but that's good she needs a support system right now"

"I know that I want to go back with her but I can't because I am not leaving the guys" he said walking back to the table. We both sat down and I checked the time and I said, "Kayla it's almost time to leave we should go now". "Ok" she said bluntly and we paid our check and went back to the car. We all headed to the airport and I see Ashton and Kayla hugging and cuddling and her wiping her tears away. It was quite sad and I felt tears threatening to fall.

Mom finally pulled up to the airport and we got out. I walked with Kayla and the rest of the girls inside but the Airports and Ashton helped grabbed the bags. "I'm really going to miss you!" Cassie exclaimed hugging her. "I am going to miss you all of you too" Kayla said hiccuping from crying earlier. The rest of guys came in and and I saw Ash's and he looked devastated. I felt really bad and we were all saying our goodbyes and Kayla finally said, "It looks like I have to go guys I love you guys so much!" She said bursting into tears. We all grouped hugged and she went to her terminal.

We all left the airport once Kayla was safely and we all went back to the bus to eat same dinner. I tried to talk to Ashton but he would just ignore everyone and i feel really bad for him. My mom made us all some chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes. I made Rose's plate then i made mine and we all sat down on the couches and floor in the little living room. We all ate silently until Rose spoke up, "Why aren't you all talking? You guys are being boring" She said putting up her plate in the dishes.

We all just looked at each other and then Kelsey said, "Guys i have an announcement!" "What is it??" Alyssa asked. "Kyle is coming here in two days and you guys can meet him!" "Cant wait to kick his ass!" Ashton said angrily. "He is a nice guy Ash don't worry about it he is super nervous too" She said giggling. After that we jut made some small talk and i was bored so me, Rose and Luke decided to go to the back of the bus and i got my Mac out and i pulled up Netflix and we decided to watch Frozen.

After the movie was over me and Rose kept singing, "Do you want to build a snowman? Come lets go and play I never see you anymore come out the door it's like you gone away!!" and Luke would just laugh at us. After that i decided to put Rose to bed and then me and Luke got in my bunk and he asked, "Are you excited for the performance tomorrow?" "Heck yes im sad about Kayla leaving but its great having Kelsey back onstage" I said cuddling into his chest, "Goodnight beautiful" He said kissing me softly "Goodnight handsome" I replied hugging him and then we feel into a peaceful abyss.

{A/N Hello everyone sorry for posting this again i had some issues for the first one. Anyways i hope you guys had a great weekend:) and I have a book shout out too a story called Meeting her Superman its a One Direction fan fiction by: _sdowkcab_ go check it out!! It will be in the external link :) Anyways question of the day is: What is your ideal first date? Mine is the guy taking me to an amusement park and him winning me huge bear and kissing on a Ferris wheel

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