Chapter 78

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    I sat in my seat on my way back from London. Luke was sleeping next to me and so was Rose. I was listening to Coldplay and reading a book. I hear the pilot say, "We are about 2 hours away from our destination so please be patient and have a nice nap thank you" and in sighed and mentally said, "Two more hours really it's been almost a day I'm so bored!" I decided to just turn up my music higher and rest my eyes for a bit then I slowly fell asleep...


   "Hey Alexia wake up we're here" Luke said shaking me gently. I slowly opened my eyes to see my hometown and I smiled. "I'm so glad to me home" I said putting my book and phone in my carry-on bag. "Mom can we go shopping when we get off the plane?" "No not today we are going to have to enroll you in school I'll just ask grandma to do that and I have to go back to school and so do you Luke" I said sticking my tongue at him. "Ugh I totally forgot about school!!"

    "It's okay Luke you are a senior and I'm junior so this is your last year I still have another whole year" I said reminding him. "Oh yeah sucks to be you!" He said getting all of his carry on together. The plane was going downward and I was mentally excited. I am finally home!!! I grabbed my bag and collected Rose's bag. "Are you excited to be here?' I asked Rose. "Yes i have always wanted to come here!" She said putting her backpack on her back. The airline attendant said through the speaker, "Hell ladies and gentlemen we have just now landed have a great trip and we hope to see you again" She said and I grabbed all my items and ran off the plane.

  I went to the grab our luggage. I saw Ashton and Kelsey together with his arm around her. I ran to Ashton and hugged him with tears running down my face. "I've missed you so, much Ash!" "I've missed you too kiddo" He said hugging me tighter. I hugged Kelsey and she kissed me on the cheek and she said, "I've missed you so much!!" I saw Rose jump out of Luke's arms and ran to Ashton's arm. "Uncle Ash!!!" She screamed running to Ash's arms. "Aww I’ve missed you too Rose!" I grabbed our entire luggage and Luke helped me. Luke put his arms around me waist and said, "Excited to be back home baby?" "Heck yes I can't wait to go back to normal but first I want to make a demo CD for a record company so The Redemptions can be real and have our own music and stuff like that." I said hugging him.

     "That's a wonderful idea Alexia you guys should that!" Luke said showing off his pearly whites. "Yeah i am going to propose a meeting of all of us and we'll make our own songs and make our own beats and send it to Capitol Records and hopefully we can get a record deal!" I said jumping up and down in his arms. I broke off the hug and grabbed my suitcase and I was rolling down the escalator. I saw my car in the parking lot and I screamed. "MY BABY!!!" I screaming running to my all black Dodge Challenger. "Someone is happy to see their car" Ashton said running toward me. I opened the door and sat in my seat and started the car and I squealed. "My baby is still perfect!" I said putting it in reverse and driving up to the entry way to the airport to pick up Luke and Rose.

    I rolled down my window and had my black sunglasses on and I said in my low voice, "Get in". Rose laughed and opened the door and got in and there was already a booster seat for her and she buckled herself in and said, "Lets roll mommy" Luke put all the luggage in the car and hopped in the passenger seat and I blew a kiss to Kelsey and hit the accelerator and sped back to the house.

   "Woo Hoo!!"Rose screamed laughing. "Mommy is crazy!" Luke said slapping my arm playfully. I scrunched my nose and smiled and he smiled. "Are we almost time?" "Yeah we have only a couple minutes baby" I said looking in the mirror at my little Rose and smiled. I turned down my street and pulled in the driveway. I turned off the car and took the key out of the ignition and pulled the seat so Rose climbed out and she looked at the house and she gasped and said, "Mom this is Cinderella’s castle!" "It sure is" Luke said looking at me and I felt my cheeks heat up. I opened the trunk and got the entire luggage and I went to the front door and opened it and Cassie and Alyssa ran to me and hugged me and Cassie asked, "How was London?" "It was amazing I saw every site I could see" I said smiling placing my bags down. "Tell us all about it! “My mom said coming out of the kitchen. I ran and hugged her.

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