Chapter 7

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    Cassie and I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. "PANCAKES!!!!" we screamed. We ran downstairs to see all the boys cooking breakfast. "All of you guys can cook??" "Yeah we can Alex" all the boys said. We sat at the table and waited for breakfast. I decided to get on twitter to see the trends. My heart melted when I saw these: #WeLoveAlexia #WeShipLuxia.  

    I started to cry and showed Cassie and she hugged me. I dried up all of tears before the guys came in.  Luke served me a stack of pancakes and a side of bacon. Cassie got that too. Ours lit up with joy and we ate all the food. After that we headed upstairs to shower. "I can go to my parent’s room to shower you can use my shower". "Okay". We got our showers and did our hair and our makeup, and then we headed to Starbucks for some coffee. WE took my car and dove away. We made it to Starbucks and there were paparazzi everywhere. We were surrounded by them. Cassie started to get Claustrophobic. "Just look up and breathe". She did and she calmed down and we made it inside and go our coffee. "Why are the paps here?" "Remember I was trending on Twitter and stuff like that?" "Oh yeah". We finally left when the paps left and we drove back to work on our history project.

"Ugh how long is this going to take Alex?" "Hey china is a big country with a lot of events"


"About time we finished this I have to get going mom wants me for dinner" "Ok I'll text you once when your home.”  After she left Luke texted me

To: Alexia

From: Luke Hemmo

I have a surprise for our second date. Be prepared J

    He knows I love surprises so I am really happy. After texting him and a few other people Ashton screamed "Dinner is ready!!!!”. I ran downstairs to the dinner table. We were eating and I said "I miss mom and dad they always leave and it’s not a happy family without them" " It's their job they have to travel" "Like you when you leave and never text or call me " "Hey I'm really busy when I tour" "Really so you never have a break from writing songs and stuff like that do you know what I have to deal with when you’re gone?" He was silent and I just blew up.

    "YOU HAVE NO IDEA I GET BULLIED EVERYDAY AND I GET DEATH THREATS EVERY SINGLE DAY WHEN YOUR GONE AND I TRY TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT IT BUT YOU NEVER REPLY!! IT HURTS ME I CRY MYSELF EVERY NIGHT WHEN YOUR GONE OR I CUT MY-" What you cut?”. “YES I HAVE I HAVE BEEN FOR 2 GODDAMN YEARS!!! BUT I DONT TELL ANYONE CAUSE ITS HELPS ME!!!" I ran up to my room and locked my door and cried in my pillow. Ashton was banging on the door "come on let me in!” I ran to my bathroom and got out my razor and screamed “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I GO THROUGH!!!!!". Then I slit my wrists this time a little bit more pressure this time. I saw a lot of blood this time and I started to get light-headed. Ashton kicked the door open and found me in a pool of blood. "I cut to deep" I whispered and then everything went black.


  {A/N I hope you like this chapter and I have her outfit on the side :) hope you have a wonderful day :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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