Chapter 72

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I woke up to my iPhone alarm clock and I looked at the time ad it was 9:30 so I decided to get up and go get a shower I looked at my tummy and I looked so big! Even though our was only 3 months pregnant I look like I was like 5 months. Anyways, I got a shower and got into sweatpants and a tank top that made my belly poke out, bit I didn't care. I just brushed my hair and brushed my teeth and went out to the kitchen.

Rose walked out from the bunk and asked me, "Mommy can you give me some cereal please?" "Sure what kind Lucky Charms or Fruity Pebbles?" "Lucky Charms please" She said climbing on the couch. I made me and her some cereal and walked to the couch and I put on some cartoons for her to watch.

I was eating my cereal and I saw Ashton come out, smiled and hugged me and put his hand on my belly and said, "Hello baby I'm Uncle Ashton, Your favorite!" He said loud enough for the other guys to hear and Calum screamed,"NO I'M THE BABY'S FAVORITE UNCLE!!" "NO I AM!!" Michael screamed back and Rose giggled and she screamed, "Uncle Michael is my favorite!!" "Ha take that!" He said running out from the bunks and hugging Rose and kissing her on the cheek.

After I finished eating I decided to do dishes and Luke decided to help me. What a fine Gentleman. I was putting the dishes away and he was putting the dirty dishes in the hot, bubbly water.

"You know I can do this myself" "I know but I want to help" Luke said and I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and said "Thanks" "Your welcome" He said getting the sponge to scrub the grime of the plate and then he asked, "Is Kayla ever going to come back?" "I don't really, but I don't think she isn't going to be here at all for the last concert her sister is hurt pretty badly", I said rinsing the plate.

After we finished the dishes Luke gave Rose a shower and after that I let Alyssa find her a cute outfit and Kelsey French braided her hair. She looked so adorable!! I gave Rose some of my lip gloss because that's all she's allowed to have and she said, "I look like a pretty princess mommy!" "You are a pretty princess, your my pretty little princess" I said picking her up and she published and said "Am I daddy's princesses too?" "Of course you are" I said reassuringly.

She grinned and I smiled and then I handed her toothbrush to her and she brushed her teeth and after that we decided to watch Brave on my IPad and then during the middle I heard Rose's soft snores and it was the current thing ever so I decided to take a picture of her and post it on Instagtam after that I felt my eyes get droopy and then I feel asleep....


"GET UP GUYS WE ARE HERE!!!!" Cassie screamed in me and Rose's ears and we screamed and fell out of the bunk and Rose giggled and said, "You scared me Aunt Cassie" She said brushing off her knees. I got up and I said, "I landed straight on my butt ouch!" I said holding my butt. I got my phone and I gave Rose her coloring book and crayons and we got off the bus and I heard the screams and I waved and they screamed louder.

Rose decided to wave and she took my phone and took a picture of them and she said, "I like taking pictures of them mommy they are pretty funny" She said laughing. "They can be pretty funny" I said pointing to the one dressed up in a banana suit and Calum looked out and screamed, "Banana!!!" And the girls screamed. Let's say the security picked up Calum and put him back inside.

After we were all inside we decided to do soundcheck. I got my drum sticks and walked out there in sweats and a tank top and I didn't give a crap! I got to my drum stool and waited for the others to come out. "It's great to get this guitar out" Kelsey said tuning her guitar. " It's good to see you here on stage" Cassie said patting Kelsey on the back.

Have you heard back from Kayla?" Alyssa asked and I said," No she said she'll call me tomorrow she has been thinking whether or not to stay in the band or work on her studies so she can go to Uni" I said twirling my drum sticks around. "That sucks if she quits, but it's her choice" Cassie said tuning her bass. We started to play our playlist of songs from the New Paramore Ain't it fun to 5SOS's new song disconnected. I saw the girls sitting down and I saw my mom and Rose and they cheered us on.

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