Chapter 45

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I woke up with the smell of coffee fill my nose. My favorite smell! I got out of bed and saw some coffee brewing in the little coffee maker we had in our hotel room. "Morning you want some coffee?"  Kayla asked. "Yeah sure" I said grabbing a cup. I poured some coffee in my cup and added some sugar and some creamer and blew on it and drank it. "That's really good wakes you up" I said smiling sitting on the sofa we had in our room. "I know i am the master of brewing coffee i always did it for my mom when we used to live in London" Kayla explained. I nodded and continued to drink my delicious coffee.

After i got finished drinking my coffee i got in the shower and Kayla was blow drying her hair and i was washing my hair when i heard my phone ring and Kayla said "You want me to answer it?"  "Yes please". She left the bathroom and got my phone and answered it. She was taking forever and i finally got out and i saw her on the phone saying "Yeah i will tell her , ok bye" Kayla hung up the phone. "What's wrong did something happen" I said very anxious "Luke is recovering really well and Cassie is awake and well but she needs to get surgery thought but they said she has a 90% chance of recovering it" Kayla said smiling. I just stood there shock smiling then it finally hit me and i started to jump around in my towel. Kayla laughed and walked back into the bathroom leaving me alone to change and i got dressed and walked back to the bathroom and got my makeup bag and set it down in the chair and walked back into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was brushing and i heard my phone go off and i went to it to see Luke's name on the screen. I smiled and answered the text and walked back to get ready.

I finished getting ready and got my purse and grabbed my wallet and put it in my purse. "Ready to go Kayla?" I shouted. "Yeah one minute". I walked and grabbed Luke's gift because today is me and Luke's 4 month anniversary. I was jumping up and down inside but the outside i was really calm and collected. I wonder what he bought me!! Kayla walked to the door and we walled out of the room and  went to the elevators and i was looking at my phone when i accidently bumped into someone I looked up to see the one and only HARRY FUCKING STYLES!!!! "Oh im sorry" "It's fine love what's your name?" "Alexia, Aleixa Irwin". "Aren't you ashton"s little sister?" "Yeah i am" I smiled and walked into the elevator and i said "What brings you here in St. Louis?" "i heard Luke got shot and i flew out  here right away" "Yeah i was on stage when it happened he is ok for now" I said smiling. "Who's gift is that for?" "Oh for Luke its our 4 month anniversary". He looked at me in surprise and said "Your dating him?" "Yeah i am". I said confidently. He smiled and  looked at Kayla. "And you are?" "Oh i am Kayla her friend nice to meet you" She said smiling. "Im harry if you didn't know" "I am dating her brother" She said smirking. "Really?!" "Yup i have been for 3 months now and we are still going strong" "Wow i never though Ashton would never find someone like him about time" He said smiling. She blushed and the elevator door opened up and he asked, "Where are you guys going?" "Oh the hospital" I said. "Oh wait we have to by Cassie some flowers and a get well card" Kayla said. "You're right". "Who is Cassie?" "Oh she is one of our friends and Calum's girlfriend i feel horrible for him he is so depressed" Kayla said with a frown.

"Aww i'm sorry you guys most be so sad here  i'll give you guys a Styles hug" He said smiling bringing me into him. He smelled like Axe and it smelt like Luke and it made me start to cry. "Why are you crying?" "Y-you smell l-like L-Luke" I said hiccupping. He hugged me more and i just melted into his arms. I finally stopped and wiped my eyes and we all walked to each others cars. We got in and i went to the passengers seat and Kayla came in the drivers seat and started the car. She started to drive and i was getting more and more anxious to see Luke and i had to calm myself down from seeing Harry Styles. Kayla pulled into the hospital's parking lot and  i saw a whole bunch of paparazzi and i started to get anxiety. I walked out and they started to swarm me and i stared to have a panic attack i fell and i saw someone push through the crowd and i saw Harry and Ashton there and Ash picked me up and i was hyperventilating and Ash said calmly "Breathe Alexia deep breaths  in and out calm down" "I.. can't.. breathe.. Ashton... help!!" i said coughing. "Oh no she is having asthma attack we need to take her in now!!" Harry said. Ashton started to run and rushed into the hospital and i saw Calum and i started to cough.  "Help my sister is having an asthma attack!!" Ashton shouted.  Ashton gave me to Harry and i felt i was getting suffocated and i started to panic and i couldn't breathe. I saw a nurse  and the gave me a stretcher and they layed me down flat it helped a little bit but i couldn't breathe and i was on the verge of crying.

They put me in the room two doors down from Luke's room and they gave me a shot and of coursed i screamed. I saw Luke walked and he looed at me and bursted through the door and looked at me and i was going in and out of consciousness. "Alexia what happened!?!?" "She had an asthma attack" Harry said walking into the room and he just looked at him and Luke said, "Why are you Harry??" "I was going to visit you and here is Alexia's gift" "Ugh i told her not to buy me one" "Well get over it she did" Harry said smirking. Luke opened it and he gasped "CALL OF DUTY GHOST OH MY GOSH YAY!!!!!!" Luke jumped up and down. He stopped very suddenly and held his stomach and he stopped to take a breath "I forgot i got shot yesterday" Luke said chuckling weakly. "Here mate sit down" Harry said getting out of his seat.. "Thanks". I was not fully conscious but i heard them and of course i heard Luke scream because of his gift. I tried opening my eyes and all i saw was bright white and i groaned "This is too bright" I said coughing. "Can you give me my inhaler Harry please?" "Sure". He handed me it and i inhaled it and i felt 10 times better i sat up and i saw Luke and he kissed me "Thank gosh your ok i was wondering why you didn't show up at noon" "Yeah i was but them i bumped into this guy and we talked and Kayla drove and i got out and my anxiety got really high and i started to have a panic attack and an asthma attack at the same time so i felt like someone was suffocating me but luckily Ashton found me and now i am here" I said laughing weakly.

Harry went to go visit Cassie and  me and Luke were in my bed watching The Grudge my favorite scary movie "I love the sound she makes" i said  "You're a weirdo but you're my weirdo" He said kissing me passionately. It got more heated and i got on top of him carefully and we had a little make out session until i saw Harry  walk in "Oh i am just going walk out". i blushed tomato red and he left and Luke said "Lets continue" He said smirking. And i obeyed him and you know what happened after...

{A/N Here you go people :) i am in a good mood today i don't know why i just am:) so question of the day is: Are you excited for Christmas?? i  am so answer down in the comments i love seeing them <3 and keep reading, voting, sharing, and follow me :)}

Love ya<3 :)

Save Me ( Luke Hemmings love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora