Chapter 18

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I woke up really tired. I went to my bathroom and i got a shower and got dressed and did my makeup. I went downstairs to see mom making breakfast. "Hey mom what's for breakfast?" "omelets and bacon" Sounds yummy". She handed me my plate and i only ate only half of the omelet  and it was a small one. "Honey why didn't you eat all of your breakfast?" "Oh i wasn't really hungry" "Ok well have a good day today love you " "Ok i will i love you too" and i walked out the door and headed towards school A.K.A Hell.

I parked my car to see Kayla outside looking at me "Where the fuck were you Alexia? Oh let me guess eating your heart out when Luke cheated on you. "Can you just shut up your a fucking dumb whore so fuck off". She stepped up to my face and said "You say that again you'll get your ass beat ok?" " First of all you really can beat the shit out of me by yourself or your going to have your little posse do it for you? I smirked. "Ill do it myself i kicked your ass before and I'll do it again" "um actually i kicked your ass i broke your pretty little face so get of my way". "Whatever you say Alexia you'll regret doing this i can guarantee this". I just walked off she can't do crap. I went to my locker and Luke was there. "Hey alexia i need to talk to you about something". Oh god this can't be happening he is going to break up with me. "What did i do am i no good eno-" Alexia what are you talking about I'm not going to break up since next Friday is our month anniversary  we should go somewhere". Oh yeah i would love that where would we go though?" "Oh i know where we'll go it's a surprise since i know you love surprises" "you know me so well Hemmo". he laughed and we walked to homeroom together.

I was in history and Kayla was giving me a death glare the whole time we were in there. Once the bell rang i went to put my things away and walk to the cafeteria. Kayla walked up to me and said "Where do you think you're going bitch you don't need to eat your already fat anyways". i looked her straight I'm the eyes and said "Your really that insecure about you that you do this to people wow i think you need to fix your problems before you fix my own so get out of my way". She just looked at me and was silent. She bursted out and tears and said "I was raped ok? I was raped by my father I'm really sorry i am doing this to you i don't know what to do anymore". "I was too i was raped a week ago by a stranger and i moved on you have to move on from that but i have scars from it see". I showed her all  of the scars. "Did i have anything to do with these?" "Yeah a lot of these are by things from twitter and you guys and The incident but I've been clean for about 2 weeks now but you need to move on" "I've been trying to but its too hard Alexia i can't do alone can you please help me please?'. i had to think the person that caused me so much pain is needing me for help. but i said "I'll help you but you need to promise me that you'll never be rude to anyone again" " I promise ". We walked into lunch with Kayla.

Everyone looked shocked at me and Kayla and Cassie looked at me and said "Why in the hell are  you walking in with Kayla??" "We talked and she gave me the reason why she was being a bitch". "Ok". i went and sat down and we were talking "So what happened to Kayla?" Everyone asked. I told them the whole story. "Oh my god i can't believe her father did that to her" Calum said. "I know its a horrible thing to do". After that i went to maths. I walked into class and Kayla came up to me with smirk and said "Just kidding". "Are you really serious you don't joke about that!" "Well the whole school knows you fucked someone and it wasn't Luke". I was crushed he is definitely going to break up with me now. "Why would you do this to me!" "Because i told you you'll regret this and know your suffering the consequences". "You bitch!!". Luke walked in and said "Why would you do this to me Alexia!!!" "I didn't do it Kayla wrote that not me!" "Yeah right i thought you loved me but i guess now we're done" "No Luke i didn't do it please. I ran out of the classroom and to the bathroom. I cried "FREAK YOU LIFE I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!". I brought my razor to school just in case and i got it out and whispered "Goodbye world". I took the razor as deep as i can and i ran to the hallway and everyone looked at me and i did it again "Is this what you want Kayla to die well here you go". and i did it again as i deep as i can to both arms. "ALEXIA NO!!!" Screamed Cassie. Kayla looked at me in horror. Calum and Michael ran to me. "Don't die Alexia keep your eyes open" Calum said. "I want to die I'm done with everything Luke hates me everyone hates me" "Call 911!!!" Luke saw me and i was getting really pale i looked and i was on a pool of blood and smiled "You got what you wanted Kayla you got what you wanted." . Luke ran to me and saw me "I'm so sorry I'm so sorry don't die please ?" "Get away from me Luke please i don't want you to see me like this go away" "No" "yes Go now!!". I heard ambulance and they picked me up in the stretcher and took me away.

I was in the ambulance and i heard people talking but it was really fuzzy to me and the last thing i remember was saying is "He is going to save me i know it" and all went black.

{A/N wow thanks for over 200 reads that means a lot to me and here is your chapter and here is a question who's your favorite member in 5SOS? Comment and keep sharing and reading my story thank :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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