Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning  and decided to make my mom breakfast because she has been feeling bleh. i went downstairs and went into the kitchen and got the pancake batter out. I made red pancakes that's her favorite color. I got strawberries out and syrup out and got orange juice out and Ashton came walking up the stairs. "What are you doing?" "Making mom pancakes why?" "I wanted to help!!" "Well you should've woken up earlier" I smiled . "You can give them to mom ok?" "Yay!!!" Ashton screamed. "Shh!!". We quietly went up the stairs and woke up mom. "Oh did you guys do this for me it isn't my birthday or mothers day?" "I know mom i made them for you because you deserve them plus they are your favorite color too" i said. "Thanks Alexia and Ashton for giving them to me" you welcome mom" We said. She ate them and said "Mmmm these are really good Alexia" "Thanks mom". She finished them and gave the plate to Ashton "Ash will you please put this in the kitchen please?" "Yeah mom". He got the plate and walked out. Me and my mom talked. "So mom are you going to start dating. "Oh no honey I'm still married to your dad still he died with his ring and i promised each other to stay married until we meet again". I began to tear up "I miss him a lot" I said. "I miss him too honey, we all do". Me and my dad had a really close relationship. i was daddy's little girl and i always will be. "He is watching over you Alexia and Ashton too and me. He also said you and Luke  were cute together too". We laughed and i said "Well i think he's the one mom  i just know it!" "I hope so Alexia I wouldn't want to get your heartbroken again." "I know Eric was a dick anyways" " language sweetie" "Oh sorry mom". We talked for another hour and i went to go get a shower.

I got out of my shower and Luke texted me saying "Hey babe :)" "Hi Baby". i went to get dressed because me and Cassie are going to a 5SOS concert!  "i cant wait to see Luke on stage staring into my eyes and pulling me on stage!" "I hope Calum does that to me!" "Don't worry he will". We were talking like fan-girls but hey we are we love 5SOS!! Ashton called us down and Luke looked at us and Calum did too. "Your looking beautiful tonight" Luke said as he kissed me. "Thanks babe your looking handsomer as ever!". I saw Calum and Cassie were talking you can see Cassie's light up when she is with Calum. We headed to the Big fancy limo. "Omg this is nice!" Cassie exclaimed. "All for you babe" Calum said. They kissed and  inside my head i was like" Aww they are so freaking adorable!!" Michael  and Kelsey were holding hands and being all lovey-dovey and Ashton was all alone, but i have a surprise for him Claire is  coming tonight and Ask Ashton out yay!! "We're here" Ashton said. "All i saw were girls everywhere. We got out and everyone me and Luke holding hands. "Eww look at this fat ass holding Luke's hand you don't deserve him". I was walking and a girl pulled my hair an screamed "If i see you with Luke again I'm going to kill you. I was silent every rude comment hit me like a ton bricks but i put on a brave face  for everyone. i went inside and Luke said "I'm really sorry they did that" "it's fine Luke they don't bother me". "Ok good" WE went into the dressing room while they did a meet and greet. I kept remembering every single thing they said to me and i just bursted into tears. "What's wrong Alexia??" Kelsey said. "Th-they were s-saying rude t-things to m-me why d-do they have to b-be so rude!!!" i hiccuped. "They did it to me and Cassie too so your not alone" "No people were telling me they were going to kill me and they know where i live!". They were stunned "oh my god Alexia I'm sorry" they said!  "it's fine girls I'll tell Ashton and we'll have security around my house. They came in and saw me my eyes were red and puffy. "What's wrong babe?" "Everything they were telling me death threats for fuck sake's what am i go-going to do!!". "We are getting security around the house that is what we are doing" Ashton said. Everyone agreed and we played video games. Me and Cassie were on a team: team Calexia. Michael and Kelsey: Team Micsey  Calum and Luke :Team Cake. and Me and Ashton(Because i didn't want to make him feel left out) :Team Ashia. 

We played and guess who won: Team Calexia!!!! "Ha take that boys we won! " Whatever" All of them said. "5 minutes" The guy said  "Ill see you on the floor" Luke said and he kissed me "Good luck". We went to our seats before anyone could sit down. Every started to come in and i started to get worried. I held Cassie's hand" It's going to be fine Alexia no one is going to hurt you". We waited and people started to come sit next to us. I kept hearing with my name and it started to bother and i turned around and said "I'm not deaf keep your name out of your mouths ok?" They just gave me a dirty look and started it up again. We just sat there until it was time for the concert. "Hello Sydney how we all dong?!?!?!" they screamed. "Great!!" They screamed. They were playing Try hard my favorite by them. We were all singing along. "I'm trying to hard again!" We sang. Luke looked at me and i blew a kiss and he kept and he moved his lips saying "For later". They played until the end of the concert. Once everyone left the man said "All the girls with backstage passes come with me". they gave us dirty while i  went backstage. I found Luke and i hugged him "Good job babe" "Hey can i get that kiss now?" "Of course babe". I kissed him and all the girls saw me and Luke and one coughed " *Cough * cough  whore *cough  cough". Luke just told m to ignore it. they all were all up in his face and i saw her kissing Luke. My heart shattered into a million tiny pieces. "REALLY LUKE WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!" "No it's not what it looks at all" "REALLY  IT LOOKED LIKE YOU WERE KISSING THAT WHORE OVER  THERE I'M LEAVING DON'T TEXT ME!" Please Alexia please listen to me " Luke started to cry. "I'm sorry Luke i need a little alone time ill text you tomorrow bye" and i left. I Called and cab and went home. I went up to my room and cried and cried. I went to my bathroom and looked at myself Why was i stupid? He  wouldn't date a ugly girl like me i am so stupid!! I just went to my pillow and screamed "Why am i so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and  i got my PJ's on and cried myself asleep once again another heartbreak.

{A/N sorry i didn't update yesterday i was at a football game. Well here you go keep reading :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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