Chapter 44

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I ran into the room and i felt like part of me died. I just walked into the room and sat down on the couch. I just looked at Calum. He was the only person who understood what i was going. The one thing i cared for the most and one of my best friends were just shot and might die.  I tried to keep my tears but they spilled over and i started to cry again. My mom came up to my and hugged me and said "Everything will be ok baby ok?" "I don't think it will be mom i really don't think it w-will" I said. I walked out of the room and I called for a cab. I got in and i said "Can you send me to the St. Louis memorial hospital please?" "You got it ma'am".

The cab driver arrived there and i got out and paid him and ran into the hospital and said "Hello im here to see Luke Robert Hemmings please?" "Ok he is room 305 up the stairs and the 4th room on the left" "Ok thanks" "Your welcome". I went to the stairs and ran to the second floor and found the room. I opened the door and i couldn't believe what i saw. Luke was in the bed his face pale as a sheet and unconscious. I started to walk up to him and my knees started to get weak. "Luke can you h-hear me?". I placed my hand in his and i asked "Can you squeeze my hand please?". I felt my hand get squeezed a little and i started to smile. "T-that's good Luke i just want you to know that i love you so much and whatever happens i'll always be here with you i just love you a-and i can't live without you i just can't!" I started to sob. I saw Ashton come in and he looked at me and said "Come here". I went and sat on Ash's lap. "I just want you to know Alexia that you were very brave and i love you for that but I know Luke he will get through this he did it when you Overdosed". I hugged him and said "I love you Ashton". "I love you too Alexia i'm proud of you". "D-dad would've said that" I said tearing up. I missed dad so much. "i know he would've but i am the man of the house now". i laughed and hugged him and i heard a groan. "L-Luke?" I said stunned. "Alexia?" He said very hoarse. I started to cry and  i hugged him and i said "Oh my gosh you're alive!" I said smiling. He laughed very weakly and said "Yep i'm here in the flesh" I kissed him on the cheek and he got color on his skin back.

After talking Luke or about an hour i decided to go see Cassie. "I am scared Ash" I said holding his hand. I opened the door to see Calum crying and saying "She isn't doing too good but they said she has a 60% chance of recovering. "Where did she get shot?" I asked nervously. "In the small intestines they might have to do surgery". I felt like crying. She looked horrible she was just white and she had a breathing tube down her throat. I started to cry and i hugged  Calum and said "I-i'm really sorry Cal" "I should be sorry too she was one of your best friends you've known her since she was 6 years old". I hugged him and hugged Cassie and prayed in my head: Dear god please let Cassie recover she really deserves she has went through a lot and i don't want her to end like this so please help her amen.  I kissed her head and walked out. I just sat there in Luke's room looking at him while he slept. I shed a few tears and turned on the TV and watched some SpongeBob. I was watching my third episode when Calum screamed "YOU'RE AWAKE THANK GOD!!"  I ran to Cassie's and she looked at me crying, "Thank god that your ok i thought you got shot!" She said hugging me. "You saved my life Alexia i can never repay you your the most caring person in the world i swear you are stubborn but caring" she said crying and laughing. Calum went to the other side and kissed her and of course i left those two alone. i walked back to Luke's room watching SpongeBob and i looked at him and said "I thought you hated SpongeBob?" I said smirking. "Well i like it now it's funny" He said smiling.

He scooted over and i climbed in bed with him and he said "You know tomorrow is our 4 month anniversary" he said smiling and i said "Yeah i remember i am going to buy you something when i leave the hospital" "You don't have to buy me anything i already bought you something and you are not buying me anything" "Oh yes i am" i said smiling kissing his lightly on his soft pink lips. i got up and got my jacket and kissed him goodnight and said "I will be back when i get your gift" I said smiling kissing him again. I got my purse and got Kayla and said "You need to help me get Luke and anniversary gift like a video game or something" "Ok i know what exactly to get him COD Ghost he has been wanted that forever" Kayla said. "How do you know that?"  "Because when you shower all he talks about wanting that for like the past 3 weeks now" Kayla said walking to the rental car.  I got in the drivers seat and she got in the passengers seat and we drove to Best Buy.

We parked our car and i saw people lining up and Kayla said "They are waiting for the PlayStation  4". I nodded my head and i walked in and walked to the video game section and found it and hurried to the Cashier desk. "That will be $62.89 please" " sheesh that much for a video game my gosh". I paid the employee and walked out and unlocked the car and we sped back to the hotel. I parked the car next to the Tour bus and walked into the hotel and walked to the room and got all the wrapping paper . Since i suck at wrapping i let Kayla do it "I am going to have to teach you how to wrap gifts before Christmas so you could wrap them" "Or i could just out them all in bags and get tissue paper" I said smiling. After i wrote on the card i also bought him and put a cute little bow on it. i smiled at our awesome job at gift wrapping and decorating. I put the gift on the table and i went to get my phone and texted Luke goodnight and i went to get a shower and put on some PJ's and went to my bed thinking of my Superman Luke Robert Hemmings.

{A/N Hey everyone how are you all doing? I haven't updated for awhile so i decided to update now because i am in the mood to and question of  the day is:  How was your thanksgiving  break? Put your answers in the comments i would love to see them and keep reading, voting, sharing, and follow me :)}

Love ya <3 :)

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