Chapter 58

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"Hey babe i missed you i didn't get to finish your punishment" HE said grabbing on to my wrist tightly. I Kept twisting but his grip was strong and i screamed, "HARRY, ASHTON HELP ME!!". He slapped me hard enough i felt my cheek swell and he warned, "Yell again you'll get it worse babe". He tied me up and went to my room and locked the door and i kept screaming but it was 2 in the morning and the boys were heavy sleepers so I decided to do something.  I kicked him in the balls and he fell and i hurried unlocked the door and screamed and went to Harry's room and i felt  tears and i screamed, "HARRY OPEN THE  DOOR!!!!!". I heard him get up but chase got me and he opened the door and Chase threw me down on the ground hitting my back and i screamed. "What the fuck!?!" Harry screamed looking at Chase. "She deserved it that bitch slapped my girlfriend". I tried to et up and i saw Chase look at my baby bump and said, "Aww look what we have here you fucked some dude and got pregnant i think it doesn't deserve to live" He said lifting his. "NO PLEASE NOT MY BABY!!" I said trying to move and Harry pushed him against the wall and Ashton came out and was stunned. Chase threw me down on the ground and i heard my back crack and  yelped in pain. Ashton came to picked me up and we headed for the door. Harry punched Chase straight in the nose and kneed him in the gut and Chase was on the ground and Ashton ran to the hotel door and said, "Shh its gonna be alright ok?" He said tears rolling down his face. "M-My back" I said weakly. "What?" "I-I  think i injured it" i said. "Don't worry we are going tot he hospital and im gonna call Luke ok?" "I'm Scared Ash" I said tears streaming down my swollen cheek.

Ashton drove me to the hospital and Harry called 911 and Chase got arrested and i was laying in a hospital bed once again with a bruised back and i swollen cheek. Luke and the rest of the guys are  coming and felt horrible. My past always fucks things up. Why can't i just die and everything will be fine, but i think i have a fiancé and a baby on the way which i almost lost. I have been through a lot but i am stronger ii can get through this. I was sitting there eating a popsicle and Harry was just emotionless and sad and Ashton was in his panicky mood and i tell him to calm down because i will be ok. I saw my mom walk in the room and i said, "Mom!" I said and she ran and hugged me and she said, "I'm so sorry Alexia i wasn't there to be there" "It's ok mom Ashton got me to the hospital as soon as he could and i have just a bruised back and a swollen cheek" I said. "That's terrible!" My mom said crying even more. I saw Luke with red puffy eyes and i opened my arms and he ran and said, "Thank God you and the baby are ok who did this?" He said getting angry. "C-Chase" I said nervously. "That son of a bitch!!" Luke said hitting the table an making me jump. "Calm down Luke" Harry said patting his back.

I saw Hanna first and she rushed in here and said, "Are you okay??" "Yes i am fine" I said smiling weakly.  "You don't seem fine i have only known you for almost a month and a half and i can tell you aren't better spill it" She said. "Well Chase was my bully in school same with Amber and Mitchell and Kayla they would steal my lunch and push me down and torture me" I said and she looked like she was going to cry and she hugged me. "You didn't deserve that and our Kayla?" "Yes but she apologized and told us the whole story so i forgave her" "You have some guts you know" She said hugging me. "Thanks" I said smiling. After Alyssa came in and she hugged me and kissed me saying, "Oh my goodness i was worried sick!!"  "Don't worry i am in better hands now" I said hugging her back.  "I will find that dude Chase and i will chop off his balls ok?". I laughed and said, "Do whatever you want". After that Cassie came in and she hugged me and said, "Chase is lucky i wasn't there to beat  his ass!" "Sheesh calm down Cassie". Me and Cassie have been best friends since we were about 4 years old so we are the closest out of all the girls. After that Kayla came in and she had tears streaming down her face and she said, "I'm so sorry Chase did that its just horrible and wrong and im still very sorry on how i treated you you didn't deserve it!" "It's ok i already forgave you i'm definitely not forgiving Amber, Mitchell, or Chase" I said smiling. "That's good I heard Amber got pregnant by Mitchell and Chase got pissed so he came here to capture you". I thought for a second and got really curious. "How do you know that?" "Because Chase accidently texted me the night before and i was trying to text you but it said your phone is off so i thought you were sleeping" "Oh i never got any stupid phone!" I said. "It's ok i would've called you, but i didn't want to disturb your cousin bonding time" She said shyly.

After all the girls saw me i saw Michael come in and gave me a big, but soft bear hug. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that especially now that your pregnant" He said frowning. "It's ok he tried to step on my stomach but Harry kind of punched him and beat him up" I said smiling. "That's good " He said smiling hugging me and kissing me on the cheek. After Calum came in and hugged me and started to cry, "I could've lost you!" "It's fine Cal i'm perfectly fine see" I said. "But you have a swollen cheek and a bruised back how is that fine?!" He said. I swear he is like my new father. "I should just call you dad for now on" I laughed and he did too.  The doctor came in and said, "Luckily your baby made it safe and you should be able to leave tomorrow just don't push it" He said patting my back.  Ouch that really hurt! After he left Everyone came in and Harry came to me and started to cry. "I don't want to see you like that ever i will protect you" He said hugging me and kissing my head. "Thank you Harry" "Your welcome Alexia". Ashton came to me and hugged and said, "I hate seeing you in pain i despise it" "I do too" "Good well  now all the guys are giving you girls extra protection" "Thanks Ash" "Your Welcome Alexia" He said hugging me. After they brought me ion food and i got really excited. I freaking love food!!!

After i ate and everyone else did everyone left except Luke. "He was lucky i wasn't there i would've kicked his ass" He said getting frustrated. "Calm down Luke Harry and Ash were there and Harry was lucky for getting chase off me he was gonna kill our baby" I said rubbing my belly. "I'm sorry i just wish i was there to help you i can't stand seeing you in pain like when overdosed it was killing me on the inside and i don't want that to happen" "It won't happen again but i'm not promising anything will happen that i can't control" I said "I'm ok with that i'm staying here with you tonight" "You don't have to i'll be fine on my own" "No I want to so i am" He said kissing me.  I missed his lips and his kiss so bad i crave it. After we finished our little session he got on his PJ's and he got the cot off the couch and we both fell into a peaceful slumber.

{A/N Hello everyone how are you? Well here is a new chapter for you i have been busy with Health homework and everything its been a little stressful. Anyways Question of the day is: What grade are you in? I'm in 8th grade :) And i want to thank you for over 12,000 reads that's incredible i love all of my readers and keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me on twitter @salemloves1d <3}

Love ya <3 :*

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