Chapter 26

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I woke up to everything bright white. Oh my god I'm dead aren't i??! I looked to see Luke sleeping on  the chair. I started to cry. He has been such a great boyfriend to me i really don't deserve him. He woke up to see a single tear fell on my cheek. "Hey why are you crying?". He came up to me and hugged me. "I don't deserve a kind boy like you there are thousands of girls way prettier and skinnier and has less issues I'm a freak and  you deserve someone better". "You are definitely not a freak you are my love and i love you yeah i know but they are boring and your so funny and loud and you click with me and i love that about you. You are so kind to everyone and you stay strong for the sake of Ashton and your mom and i know deep down your screaming help and I'm your superman and I'm here to save you Alexia there is no words to describe my love for you and tomorrow is our 1 month anniversary and i am happy to spend it here with you because i love you so much and i don't deserve those girls they are boring i love you and only you". I was sobbing when he ended  that and i hugged him and said. "Thanks you for saving me Luke Hemmings i love you so much!!" I love you too Alexia". Then he put my chin up and kissed me. I felt like fireworks like the first time and i just kissed back. It got more heated and i won entrance into his mouth. We were having a make-out session until Cassie came in. "Oh my god!!". I turned around and i blushed tomato red. "Well I'm just going to go now" She said and we continued our little couple time. 

After Lunch i was watching Ridiculousness and cracking up because people getting hurt is kind of funny to me i don't know why it's just is. I was watching and my mom came in. "Hey sweetie" "Hey mom i missed you" "I missed you  too well  we have to have a serious discussion". "Ok" "Well you need to tell me what Uncle Jim did to you so the cops know where to look for him.". I tensed up. They haven't found him yet  I'm going to die!! "Well it was when i was 10 years old at the Easter  celebration and me and Ashton were playing  tag and Jim came out and i though he wanted to play so i tagged him then he picked me up and we we're were heading to the shed because he said we were playing hide and seek then he made me take off my shirt and pants and undies and he r-raped me" I said starting to cry. "What did he say to you after?" mom said. "He told me if i tell anyone he will kill m-me" i said hiccuping. My mom hugged me and said" Shh we just got new security i the house Ashton is the next room he has a laceration on his arm but he will be fine". "Ok thanks god he is i was the only one shot right?" "About that Alexia..." "What mom who got shot WHO!?!?" "Kayla got shot when she was heading to our house in the chest area not by the heart though". I was shocked i didn't know what to say "Is she going to be ok?" "Honey we don't know but you don't need to get worked up". "I know mom thanks for the talk update me on anything" "Ok honey i will i love you" "I love you too". After that mom left the room.

I was on my phone playing Subway Surfer  and Cassie came in. "Hey Cassie" "Hey" "What's the matter?" "Oh nothing just bummed out about everything especially you and Kayla you guys got shot sheesh what more can you take Alexia?" "I don't really know probably heartbreak i can never get over heartbreak". "Who would?" "Some people i guess". "Well i have to get home me and Calum have a movie date going to see Insidious Chapter 2!" "OK bye have fun". I was really depressed i haven't went on a real date in like forever and i probably have to spend my 1 month anniversary in the hospital  yay... Luke came in after band practice and gave me a hug "Hey babe" "Oh hey"  "What's up?" "You know the usual  staying in bed the whole fucking day!!!!" "Woah calm down Alexia i don't mind you being here really your just bummed you can't go out for our anniversary aren't you?" "Yeah i want to go somewhere fun but NOO i have to spend it here with dead people and sick  people and its just not fair to me and i want to go home!!" i whined. Hey you could ask for just bed rest for the rest  at home if you like?" "No i can't we aren't  allowed to live there for a week  cause of safety issues". "Well how about my house?". I thought about it for a second and i said "Why not?" "Ok well ill talk to your mom about it and see what she says ill be right back". "Ok ill be here". I waited and waited until he came  back in. "Guess what?" "i can stay?!?" "Yeah yay!!!!" Luke screamed. "Shh Luke i need clothes though". " I know that is why i took forever i got you clothes". "They better match" "They do don't worry" He laughed and handed me some clothes and helped me walk to the bathroom to change.

I walked out of the bathroom and i limped my way to the car. "Aw i forgot about your leg i could've carried you" "No i am fine i am a big girl Luke" I said. "Ok then sassy pants" he said and we and then we went to McDonald's and i walked in and order a Big mac because i don't eat hospital food yuck!  I sat down and started to eat. "Sheesh Alexia your stuffing your food down have you been eating?" UM no i hate  hospital food" "Alexia Ann Irwin you better eat all your food!!" He said in a motherly voice. "Ok mommy!!" I screamed. We laughed and continued to eat until i  was stuffed. "As what Ashton said i have a meat headache!!" I said. "Me too" Luke said. I saw Camera flashes. Oh. Shit! I tried to get to the car but all the  fans were blocking me. "Eww whore!!!!" one girl said a couple said other rude comments and Luke finally found me Kissed me in front of them and picked me up bridal- styles to the car. "Luke why did you do that?!!?" "Do what kiss you can't i do that?" "Yeah but in front of the fans" Then my phone was buzzing like crazy with Twitter notifications. "That's what happens i get a shit ton of hate I'm about to delete my twitter pretty soon  it's getting annoying". "I'm really sorry i didn't know they were sending you that much hate" "it's ok Luke they are just jealous bitches!!" I said and we both laughed and he drove to his house.

{A/N Hey guys thanks so much for the reads and votes it means a lot to me  so question of day is  What are you most insecure about? mine is my teeth and boobs because my friends tease me because they say I'm flat chested and i know  they are joking  around but it kind of hurts my feelings especially some of my friends saying i don't have any just because they are small because im skinny and it hurts me because I'm self-conscience about my body and it makes me insecure even more i know its weird though but yeah tell me your answer in the comments and keep sharing, reading, and voting :)}

Love ya <3 :)


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