Chapter 51

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I woke up to sudden to get sick i twisted out of Luke's grip and ran to the bathroom opened the toilet and threw up. Luke came in and held my hair back he is such a sweetheart. After i finished getting sick i sat there on the bathroom floor crying and exhausted. "I don't like morning sickness" I whined. "I don't think any pregnant women do" He said picking me up chuckling. He set me on the bed gently and he went over to his side and got in and cuddled with me until i fell asleep.

I woke up feeling great and i saw my stomach looking a little bigger but not much unless you really pay attention. "Look babe you can see my belly grew a little it!" I said very excitedly. He looked and he smiled really big and hugged me and he said, "I can't wait to be a dad!!" He screamed out the window  and i laughed placing my hand on my stomach. I looked down and my hand was on my belly and i put it down. i think that is a motherly instinct to protect your child. I decided to go in the shower and get ready so i can visit Cassie before we perform. I got a shower and got ready and didn't do my hair or make-up because i have a stylists for that. I put on my shoes got my purse and jacket and me and Luke walked out of the door and went to the elevators. We rode it down and i saw paps outside and i saw Harry and Hanna walking out from the other elevator and i waved for them and i stood next to Luke and having his arm protecting me from the paps. Harry did the same for Hanna. Me and Hanna held hands so we didn't lose each other. Me and Hanna just met yesterday but it feels like we met like years ago. We finally made it to the car and Hanna said, "I'm really excited to see your band play tonight same with yours Luke" she said smiling. "I am excited for you to see us play" I said smiling at Harry and Hanna.  After Luke started the car and we were off into the hospital to visit Cassie.

We parked the car into the hospital and me and Hanna went on our boyfriend's backs and they ran away from the paps. I snuggled my head in the crook of Luke's neck. He smelled like Axe body spray and i love when he smells good it's a turn on. We walked through the doors and they let us off their backs and  i went to the stairs and i walked to Cassie's room and opened the door to see Alyssa and Michael there. "Hey guys" Cassie said smiling. "Hey Cassie how are you feeling?" I asked sitting on the couch. "Better than ever i think its the pain medication is working" She said eating some ice cream. "She might get released next week",  Alyssa said looking at us very excited. She kissed Michael and he smiled at her. He didn't even smile like when him and Kelsey were dating. I  think in my head, "They are meant to be!!". My phone buzzed and i saw a text from Ashton saying he will be there in a few minutes. "Guys Ashton just texted me saying him and Kayla are coming in a few minutes" I said. A few minutes later Ashton and Kayla walked in and we looked from the movie that was playing on the TV. "Hey Kayla and Ashton" I said giving both a hug. "Hey Alexia what time do we have to be at the stadium?" Calum asked. "I think at about 2:30 becuase sound check" I said. "Ok i have one more hour with my baby" He said kissing Cassie. Cassie blushed and looked down and Calum picked up her chin and said, "No need to be shy" He said kissing her nose. Me and Hanna "Aww'ed" and we hugged each of our boyfriends and i Michael said, "Hey  i can see a bump a little!!" "Yeah it only looks like i am gaining weight" I said. Luke looked at me and said, "You are not getting fat your growing my son or daughter or both" He said smiling.

"You really want twins don't you?" I said smiling. "Yes really bad!" He whined laying his hand on my stomach. My mom walked in and said, "good after noon everyone Alexia how are you doing? Any morning sickness yet?" She said smiling. "I'm good and yes i do and i sucks" I said pouting my lip out.  "Don't worry it won't last  the whole time i had the same problem when i was having you" She said laughing hugging me and she said, "Ah you can almost see a little bump!" She said placing a hand on my stomach. "I know i can't wait for my grandbaby to grow and be healthy!" she said tearing up. I hugged her and she said, "Your father would love too see his grandbaby" she said crying in my shoulder. She finally stopped and she said, "Sorry guys just a little meltdown" She said laughing walking tot eh bathroom. "did your dad die Alexia?" Harry exclaimed. "Yeah like 3 months ago in a plane crash my mom survived but my dad didn't he fell in the ocean and drowned and we never found his body" i said trying not to tear up and Ashton looked up at me and said quikly, "Let's change the subject". My tears went back down and i  checked at the clock and it read 2:00 and i said "Guys time to leave Cassie we will see you after the concert" I siad. "No need i will have my medicine so i'll be out" She said laughing huggin all of us and we went to all our cars and headed to teh stadium.

We made there just in and all the fans were screaming all of our names and i  heard someone "Alexia i love you!!" and another one "I ship Luxia!!!". I laughed and we parked in the garage and i saw everyone and i waved and they screamed. I looked and some cried and i saw a little girl and she looked at me and i ran to hug her and she cried and i haded her a backstage pass and i said, "here see you after the concert" I said and she "T-thank you s-so much" She said hicupping. I ran back in the garage and i walked backstage and Alyssa gave me my outfit and i got it on and went to the hair stylist and she crimped my hait and pulled some back and i wentto my make-up artist and she did and nice smokey eye and i was all done and everyone was looking good but Cassie was missing. I felt really bad and i looked at trhe same stage and my palms started to sweat and my heartrate sped up and i started to hyperventilate and i felt tears and luckily everything is water proof and tear proof and i fell on my knees and i remembered seeing Cassie fall and Luke falling and Henrys face when i stabbed him and i screamed, "MAKE IT STOP!!". Luke and Harry ran out and he picked me up and said, ":Shh everything is done i'm right here" Luke said rubbing my back. "b-but i k-killed s-someone" I said crying in his chest. "You did it for self-defense he deserved it i am fine Alexia there is nothing to worry about i am right here" . I stayed there in his grip until Harry took me and i was hyperventilating and he asked me, "did you bring your inhaler with you in your purse? ". i nodded and he picked me up bridal style and ran to the dressing room and ran to my purse and foumd my inhaler. He gave it to me and i took it and i immeadiatly felt better. i hugged and thanked Harry. He is the best cousin anyone could ask for.

After we did sound check and everyone was walkng in to take thair seats and i was anxiously waiting for us to perform. Harry and Hanna were in the front row and they were smiling and when the person said we had 2 minutes we did our thing and me, Calum, Kayla, and Alyssa and we heard for us to run out and we all ran out and i screamed in the microphone, "HELLO ST. LOUIS THIS IS THE REDEMPTIONS!!", and withthat we started to play.

{A/N Hey guys i know this is late but happy new years!!<3 i can't wait to see whatr 2014 has in store for me i have already things planned:) so question of the day is: What is your new years resolution? Mine is to keep my room clean and to try to keep away from drama (probably won't happen) but tell me yours in the comments and keep reading, voting, sharing, and follow me<3}

Love ya <3 :*

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