Chapter 69

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I looked in shock and she said, "Hello guys and Alyssa" "Why are you here?" "I decided to visit North Carolina". It was very awkward for a second and i looked at Michael and he had tears streaming down his face and Kelsey saw him and  she said, "Mikey" "Kelsey" Was all he said and  he ran off and i saw Alyssa and she looked insanely jealous. "Your pregnant?" She said looking down at my belly" "Yeah  i'm almost 3 months" "That's great can ask you a question?" "Sure" "Why did you guys just leave me there me and you and Cassie used to be all best friends i just got left in the dust..." She said tears started to pour down her face. I felt really guilty and Alyssa said, "We left you because your a horrible friend to everyone!" "I wasn't a horrible friend you were!" "Ok guys calm down!" Luke said pushing the two girls back. "I want to know the whole story of both of you" Cassie said. "Well i'll go first" Kelsey said. "It all started when i live in Melbourne and i was started in a new school that was when i met Alyssa. We instantly clicked and we started to hang out a lot more and at the end of that year we were best friends. We always stayed at each other's house and we told each other everything until Alyssa got a boyfriend. His name was Brett and he was really nice. That time Alyssa had her brown hair and she didn't have any piercings at all.".

Kelsey continued, "They looked like the "It" couple of the school. He was 6'2 and he had blond hair and green eyes and Alyssa was perfect for him. Then after they started to date she always cancelled our plans and hardly talked to me in school and then she stopped texting me and stopped sitting by me at lunch and i was all alone. She would just ask me questions about what is the best restaurant for her and Brett to go to and one day i got a text from Brett saying he needed to talk to me. I agreed to talk to him he said it was important and i met him in an empty parking lot and i walked out and he gave me a coke and i drank it and i got really dizzy and next thing i knew he was on top of me and he was taking off my clothes and he told me not to tell..." she choked up and she continued and she said, "He raped me in that parking lot and the day after i got rumors saying i slept with Alyssa's boyfriend and everyone was just bullying me and Alyssa called me horrible names" She said wiping her tears and looked at Alyssa. "I never meant for all that to happen he got of me and raped me i didn't want it at all, but you didn't believe me you believed your stupid prep friends and i was alone with no one and i tried to kill myself then after my suicide attempt we all moved to Sydney and then i started new with all you guys" she said looking at all of us and i looked at Alyssa and she looked like she was going to burst into tears and she said, "I'm so sorry Kelsey i didn't know he raped you i didn't know any of it I was a horrible friend i'm so sorry!!" She said sobbing into Calum's chest and Kelsey looked down and she said, "You really had no idea what i went through, you were the only friend i had and then you just pushed me away to be forgotten but Karma's a bitch you know" she said looking at a  hysterical Alyssa.

"He told me you slept with him and i was stupid enough to believe him i'm so sorry Kelsey!" "You took Michael away from me!!" Kelsey screamed at her and Michael turned the corner and heard Kelsey rant on, "You took the one positive thing in my life and took it away from me and look where i am  no where i have severe depression for fuck's sake and i have no one in Sydney now that everyone is here and i now i might as well die because you took everyone away from me again and i'm just a worthless space in society" Kelsey said crying and hugging me. Michael walked out and looked at both Alyssa and Kelsey and he asked, "You still love me Kelsey?" "Forever and always you used to always say that to me" She said looking at him. Alyssa went up to Michael and she hugged him and she said, "You may still love him but he has moved on now" Alyssa said putting her arm around him and i  looked at a Kelsey and she said, "Alexia you still love me right?" "Of course i do your my best friend". she smiled and she looked at Alyssa and she said, "i don't know what to say to you because you've caused me so much pain and suffering  that i want to die your a horrible friend" She said and Alyssa looked down and she said, "I am i know it you deserve to call me all the names you want i did it to you". "I'm not going to do that i wouldn't want another person going what i went through even if you caused it" she said . "Michael i also want to say sorry for doing that to you" "Forgive and forget right?" "I guess so but it was a stupid mistake for even kissing that guy i was drunk and-" "It's ok Kelsey i forgive you" Michael said hugging her and Kelsey hugged him back and she said, "Friends?" "Friends." He said kissing her on the cheek.

After that we decided to make Kelsey our awesome manager and Kelsey didn't really talk to Kayla until we went out to the bus, "How are you and Ash?" "We are great are you interested in anyone?" "Yeah i am talking to this one guy..." "Who??" Cassie interrupted. "His name is Kyle and he is from Sydney and he is super cute and he is taking me out on a  date when i come back from America" "What is Kyle's last name?" "Umm i think Styles he is related to Harry styles they are cousins isn't that cool!" She said and i said, "We know Harry Styles" "You do??" "Yeah we are cousins so you are interested in my cousin!" I said high fiving her. "We could become cousin -in-laws if we ever get married" Kelsey said and Alyssa giggled and she said, "Show me a picture!" "Ok he looks like this" she showed us a picture and Cassie said, "I know i have a boyfriend but he is cute!!" "I heard that!!!" Calum shouted and we all giggled and Rose came running and she looked at Kelsey and she squealed, "Your Kelsey from the Redemption!!" "Well i am their manager and who are you?" "I'm Rose Irwin Alexia and Luke's new adopted daughter" "You have an adopted daughter?!?!" She exclaimed and i told  her the whole story on how her mom died and she wiped her tears and hugged Rose tightly "Shh Aunt Kelsey is here!" and Rose only giggled and she said, "My mommy's funeral is tomorrow would you like to come?" "Umm sure if it's ok with all you guy" "Yeah of course it is" Alyssa said cuddling with Michael and i saw Kelsey's eyes look down and Ashton ran to Kelsey and screamed, "My bestie is back i missed you so much!!!" "i missed you too  Ash" she giggled and she asked, "Do you guys have any spare bunks?" "No but you can have the soft sofa" I said and she said, "Yes i love this sofa!!" and we all giggled and i looked and Kelsey said, "I brought some games" She said taking out Dead Space. "DEAD SPACE!!!!!!!" We all screamed and tackled Kelsey and she screamed, "I'm getting gang raped help me!!". My mother came out and said, "Kelsey is that you?" "Yes it is" She said getting out of the tangled mess and she hugged my mom and she said, "I missed you Kelsey" "I missed you too Mrs. Irwin" "you can call me mom" "Oh ok mom" she said.

After us all playing me and my gaming buddy Cassie were winning and we won and beat everyone and we had  a little  celebration with ice cream sundaes and it was delicious i might add. After I gave Kelsey a pillow and blanket and she said, "Thanks for joining me back in the group" "Anytime buddy" I hugged her and she looked at my belly and asked, "Is it a boy or girl?" "I don't know yet because i am waiting till birth to find out" "Yeah you love surprises" she said hugging me goodnight and I went and took my pills and tucked Rose in bed and i walked to my bunk and Luke came in and wrapped his arms around me and hummed me a song and i fell into a dreamy sleep.

{A/N Two days in a row i have updated!! :) i hope you guys had a great  weekend and Now school is tomorrow no!1 but i am just gonna get the week over with and hopefully not get a lot of homework. The Question of they day is: What are your biggest fears?? Mine are bugs and spiders and snakes  and the dark. comment yours down below and I love you guys and Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me and the book recommendation is called Jerks  care?.. and i'll put the link n the external link}

Love ya <3 :*

P.S  That's what Kyle looks like :)

Save Me ( Luke Hemmings love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora