Chapter 56

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I woke up the next morning and packed my bags for me Ash and Harry's cousin bonding time. I got in the shower and hurried and got out and got out and got dressed and i scrunched my hair and put a little makeup and  got my shoes on and walked to the kitchen to see Ashton making him a bowl of cereal.  "Good morning" i said hugging him.  "Good morning how you and my little niece or nephew doing? "He cooed to my belly kissing it. I giggled and I saw Luke get up and i ran to him and he asked, "Why are your things packed up?" "Oh me, Ash, and Harry are going to Florida for 3 days to Disney World and Sea World im so excited!!!" I said hugging him. "That's great they better take care of you" He warned looking at Ashton. "Don't worry Harry promised me he would give me back massages and Ash will rub my feet" I said smiling. "Good i want my princess pampered" He said kissing me. After Harry came in and i saw him and i ran to him and hugged. All i have to say is Harry gives amazing hugs!!  After he asked, "Are you ready?" He looked at me smiling. "Oh yeah but i have to bring my medicine with me so i don't get morning sickness" I said going to the medicine cabinet getting my pills. After i got them i got my purse and Harry carried my luggage for me, such a kind cousin. After Harry drove his rental Lamborghini  away to Florida!!

We were about 40 miles away from Florida and Timber by Pitbull and Ke$ha and i smiled and got really excited. I sat in the back so i could sleep and i already slept for 2 hours so i am wide awake and excited t go to Disney World! "We have 30 more minutes till Florida!" Harry said looking at me with those beautiful emerald eyes and flashed his famous smile and i giggled. I know he is my cousin, but he is hot i will admit it. After i saw the sign of The State of Florida and i screamed. "FLORIDA!!!!!!!!" and Ashton screamed and laughed and screamed then we all screamed and i heard a few girls scream and i saw two teen girls screaming looking at us with The Redemptions and 5SOS and One Direction posters on the car windows and they  opened the window and screamed, "Oh my gosh your Alexia i love you so much!!!" "I love you too " i said waving at the girls and they saw Harry Styles and they freaked.  "HARRY  FUCKING STYLES OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU!!!!!!" One of the girls squealed. "I love you too love what's your name?" He said smiling at them. "My name is Alexandria and this is my friend Chelsea and we love you so much like no joke!" They said smiling and laughing. "Well i hope we can meet again soon we have to go somewhere by girls" Ashton said blowing a  kiss to them and they squealed and rolled the window back up. "Aww they were sweet girls" I said smiling. "Yeah i know our fans are the best" Harry said. "Excuse me?" Ashton said sassily. "They were fans of all of us no arguing we are going to Disney World!!" I said squealing like a little girl.

After about another 3 hours of driving we finally made it to our hotel. I got my purse and got one of those luggage carts and pulled it to  Harry and Ashton so they don't have to carry everything in. I checked us in and we made it to our hotel room. There was 3 bedrooms with our own personal bathrooms and i squealed. I love hotels! "why are you so squealy today" Ashton asked. "I don't know i just am" i said smiling.  After we unpacked everything we decided to get something before we left. It was hot there so i was in short and a t shirt and i hurried and grabbed my bag and we were off to get some food! We walked down tot eh car and we all had to decided what to get. "I think we should get some tacos" Me and Harry said at the same time. We looked at each other and Ashton. "I can see why we are all related we all love tacos!" He said. "We should go to Taco Bell i want a churro!" I said smiling looking at Harry with my best eyes and he said, "Fine" and we were off to Taco bell!

 After our awesome lunch we decided to go to Disney world now. i was so excited i finally get to meet Mickey Mouse and Minney Mouse!! I was jumping up and down until Ashton held me down because when i get excited i jump up and down.  "My dream has finally came true!" I say trying to hold in happy tears. "Are you gonna cry" Ash cooed hugging me like a baby. "Stop bro i Ain't no baby!" I said slapping his arm. e laughed and he said, "Yeah you will always be a baby" He said laughing. After we finally made it to Disney world and we got to ride the shuttle there and i was trying to hold in my excitement. I looked and i saw a girl with a child that looks 4 or 5 and she looked a couple years older than me and she was holding him while he was smiling saying to his mom "mommy i can go see goofy now!". I looked at this and mentally" awed" and i thought i hope that is going to be me when i have my kid and i saw a couple people look at me because i have a baby bump. I think they thought Harry was the father. I saw one woman and she said, "Your boyfriend is cute" "Oh sorry he is my cousin and he has a girlfriend sorry" I said and she gave me a dirty look and i laughed.  After we got out we had to got on a ferry and i looked and i saw the Cinderella's Castle and i squealed really loudly. "Look there is the castle!!" I said to Harry. He smiled and said "Yeah that is my favorite part of the park". I looked at Ashton and he was in complete awe and he looked at me and said,

"Dreams do come true!!"  He said hugging me.


After All the boys riding all the rides, which i can't ride because im pregnant i got to meet Mickey and Minney and Cinderella and even Peter Pan!  He gave me a hug and we took a picture together and we saw all the fireworks and saw the light parade and i saw Tinker Bell and she waved at me and i squealed like a 5 year old, but who cares i love it. After it was over i saw a ice cream and i bought me some cookie's Cream  ice cream and Harry got Mint Chocolate chip and Ashton got Birthday cake and we ate it until we went to the exit and we had to get back on the ferry and  i was exhausted and my feet were aching. "My feet hurt!" I whined. "Ill rub them when we get back" Harry said hugging me and kissing the top of my forehead and i smiled.  WE got back to the shuttle and went back to the car and we headed back to the hotel.

After that really fun day at Disney i decided to text Luke goodnight and he sent me a cute little kissy face and i sent one back and it was really funny. After that i got to my bedroom and changed into my PJ's and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and i saw Harry smiling at his phone and i said "Who you texting?" I said.  "Hanna" He said blushing and i  smiled.  "You really love her don't you?" I said sitting next to him on the couch. "You have no clue" He said. "Actually i kinda do as you can kinda tell my this little buddy" I said placing my hand on my belly. "I still can't believe your gonna have baby what are you gonna name it?" He asked "Well if its a girl im naming it Rose Marie Hemmings or if its a boy i will name him Connor Jayden Hemmings"  "Cute names" He said. "Yeah but i should be getting some sleep goodnight Harry love you" Goodnight Alexia love you too" He said hugging me. I went to my room took my pill and i was off to a dreamy sleep...

{A/N Hey guys here is a awesome chapter i hope you like it i got to come home early cause i feel like poop :/ but anyways i hope you been having a good school day and question of the day is: If you could change your name what would it be? Mine would be paisley because i was meant to be named that but i was named Salem :) answer down below and keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me <3}

Love Ya <3 :*

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