Chapter 81

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I heard Luke's alarm go off and I got out of the bed and turned it off and I walked out to the scent of french toast. I slowly walked down stairs and i peeked around the  corner to see him and his mom cooking and his mom turned around and she smiled warmly and greeted me, "Hello Alexia how was your sleep?" "Oh it  was wonderful thank you" I replied warmly and sat next to Luke. "You two are the cutest thing ever"  Liz said grabbing a plate for him and I. "She filled it up and we thanked her and she went upstairs to shower.

"Your mother is lovely"  I said plopping a piece of french toast in my mouth. "Well she is indeed, but you should hurry you start work in an hour and a half" "Oh crap i forgot Jessica will get pissed if i get there late" I said putting more food in my mouth till i couldn't no more. I drank the rest of my milk and i ran to Luke's bathroom and i grabbed my shampoo and conditioner from my bag and my outfit of the day and ran to the shower.

 I turned it on and stripped and showered quickly. I got out and brushed my teeth and pulled my hair in a ponytail and put on my outfit and put on some concealer and mascara. I opened the door and i ran right into Luke. "Woah slow down babe you won't be late" Luke said chuckling at my rate of speed. "I can't help it. I hate being late." I said grabbing my shoes and putting them on. "I'll drive you to your house for you to get your car and I'll come visit you when you're on break." "Okay thanks for letting me stay" "You're more than welcome to stay another night, i need a cuddle buddy at night" Luke said winking at me and my cheeks flushed, "No I would love to but I am having alone time tonight." "Awe but why?" "Luke whined walking down the stairs. We walked out the door and got in Luke's car.

We arrived at my house and i ran inside and grabbed my keys and said hey to my mom and i unlocked my car and got in. I heard Luke honk and i blew him a kiss and he caught it. I pulled out of the driveway and drove to Starbucks.. I parked my car and ran to the door to be greeted by Jessica. "Alexia it's good to see you!" She said giving me a warm hug. "You look so different the tour did really change you". She handed me my apron and i tied it and put my hat on. I went behind the register. A woman came in and I put on my smile and said ,"Welcome to Starbucks how may i take your order?" "I would like a Vanilla Bean Frappechino  please" "Coming right up!" I replied cheerfully.

    I made the frappe and i handed it to her and smiled and said, "Have a lovely day come again". "Good job kiddo i knew you still had it in you!" Jessica said coming out of the back room, carrying a box full of the Grande cups."Well i've gained a lot of confidence these past few months" I said washing the dish i just used and i saw Luke's car pull in and i smiled and sat on the counter. He walked in and smiled and said, Hey baby how is work going??" "It's going great, even though i have had one customer" I said coming out from behind the counter and giving Luke a hug. "Well since you ave no customers could you come to school early i miss you there and Amber  keeps checking me out and i need you to do something about it" H said making a grossed out face.

"I'll have that handled real quick!" I threatened and i asked Jessica if i could leave early and she said yes. I put my apron back and  grabbed my purse and i grabbed the keys and gave Luke a quick kiss and said, "I'll see you in school" "Okay I love you!" "Love you too!" I said starting my car. I sped off out of the parking lot and i turned on the radio and Steal My Girl came on and i turned it up and started screaming the lyrics, "EVERYBODY WANT TO STEAL MY GIRL!! EVERYONE WANT TO TAKE HER HEART AWAY COUPLE BILLION IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD FIND ANOTHER ONE BECAUSE SHE BELONGS TO ME!!" I turned to the school parking lot and placed my car in park. 

    I turned my car off and grabbed my backpack and ran toward the school's main doors. I opened the doors and i saw the packed hallways. It was a bittersweet feeling to be back. Bitter because i have homework and fake people i have to deal with, and sweet because i have missed my average life. I'll probably never get an average life ever again, because The Redemptions are already getting more and more popular. I see the new freshman looking at me in awe and some sophomores were giving me nasty glares, but i don't really care. I went to the office and the Secretary welcomed me back and handed me my schedule. I saw Luke walk in and the first person i see walk up to him was that bitch Amber!  I stomp my way through the crowd and i shoved Amber and wrapped my arms around Luke's neck and started to kiss him. It was started to get a Little heated and I saw Amber's face and i smiled and i politely said, "I suggest you go and never go near him again or you'll have hell to pay". She gave me a death glare and  walked off and everyone else was cheering for me.

     I walked into my history class and i sat down in my usual seat. I always sit in the back so i never get picked on. I took out my laptop and grabbed my headphones and put them in and started to play Stay With Me by Sam Smith and i just closed my eyes and let the music fill my ears and i smiled and i opened my eyes to see Kelsey looking at me and took one of my headphones out. "Hey I'm in your history class now!" "Well i can see that now. Did you get switched into Honors?" "Yup i took the test and they let me start the classes today i'm so happy!" "I'm also happy the only person i like in this class is Luke, but he got switched so your my history buddy" "Yay!" Kelsey exclaimed and took out her laptop and put headphones in as well. The bell rang and the class began.


     I walked out of msoy Pre-Calc class and ran to my locker. I grabbed my government textbook and my laptop and closed my locker door and i turned around to see Luke right behind me. I jumped and said, "Jeez Luke you scared the living shit out of me!"  I said playfully slapping his arm. He chuckled and said, "Sorry babe didn't mean to scare you". He hugged me and asked, "What class do you have now?" "Government why?"  "Let's just skip the rest of the day?" "Why i only had like two classes today?" "So lets just go". I stood there for a moment thinking about it and i turned away from him and opened my locker door and grabbed my bag and slammed my locker shut. "Lets go" I said walking past him towards the school doors. 

      "Your so hot Alexia i swear" Luke said. I turned around and winked and replied seductively "Oh i know." I grabbed my car keys and i shouted at Luke across the parking lot, "Hey where are we going to go?" "To the store and then to our new place i need to start painting the rooms"  "Okay o get to pick the colors for our room though!" I screamed at him and he smiled and said, "Whatever keeps you happy!." I  opened my car door, got in, and slammed it shut. I put the key in the ignition and started it up. The first song that came on was Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony which is the best song ever!! I pulled out of the parking lot and away i went to the store...

{A/N Hey guys i am so sorry i haven't updated in such a long time i was extremely busy with family issues and homework and finals these last two months so  i'm sorry but here is the new chapter and i hope you enjoy it:) So, Question of the Day is How has your Christmas break been? Mine has been pretty good except for now because I'm sick but answer yours down below in the comments and Thank you so much for your comments about how much you love this story it gives me so much motivation to keep doing this and i love you guys so much<3 Keep Reading, Voting, Sharing, and Follow me!:)}

Twitter: @salemloves1d

Instagram: salem_ann_nicole

Love ya<3 :*

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