Chapter 23

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I woke up to the smell of Luke on my pillow. I went to my vanity to see a not by Luke:

"Hey babe had to go record a couple songs today be back  at 9:00 sharp

love you <3 :*

Luke xoxo

I smiled i love when he writes note instead of texts i think its more sweeter than a stupid text message. I put the note back and went to go get a shower and i actually wanted to go to  school today and i decided to wear something  special because it was prom week where almost every girl a week before prom wears casual dresses to school before going to wear a really dressy prom dress. This is my last two years of college till university if i go. I put on a nice dress and did my hair and makeup and i went downstairs. I got some breakfast and headed toward school.

I made it on time and i ran to the door to see Mitchell there and his other friends. They just stared at me and  Mitchell pinched my bum. I slapped him. "What the fuck was that for?!?!" "You slapped my ass and don't do it again i have a boyfriend" "Oh really who?" "Luke Hemmings". They were all stunned. A really different girl dates  one of the hottest and most popular guys in school. "Wow i can't believe he would actually ask you out". "What's that' supposed to mean Mitchell??" "He told me he was a pussy and would never ask you out because  he was scared of you dating wise." "Oh really?" "Yeah he told me himself i can't believe he actually did it" "Well he probably hates you because you  slapped me in the face.." "I'm really sorry i did that i regret doing it and dating Amber she  is a druggie now and she is going to die one of these days". "I'm not surprised  she hasn't yet I'm just being honest". We both laughed and walked into class.


I sat next to Cassie and Kelsey and Kayla were next to me. "So where  are the guys?" Asked Kelsey. "They went recording for their album". We were all talking except Kayla she was just sitting there looking depressed. "Kayla are you ok?" "Does it look it?" "I guess not you just need to get over him  ok there a lot of boys who think you're cute like Mitchell he thinks your cute". "He does? Isn't he dating Amber?" "Not anymore i think i can hook you guys up" I winked. "Nah I'm good i would rather be single right now i just need you guys you guys are really fun and cheer me up and besides its winter and i would like to do something fun?". We all though for a sec and we all said, "How about snowboarding?" "nah how about at Christmas time or close to it we can go to America to California" Kayla suggested. " YES I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO CALIFORNIA I WANT TO GO!!!" Cassie screamed. "Calm down Cassie we don't know officially if we are going or not  maybe if the band is going then we can go!" I said "god idea Alexia lets do that" Kelsey said. After that the bell ring and i headed o my last class of the day Maths.

I walked in and Kayla was sitting there talking to Mitchell and i mentally said "Aww they need to date!" but she only wants Ashton but he likes Claire still. I just did my work until it was time to leave and i put everything away got my bag and walked out to my car. I looked around the parking lot and i didn't see my car!! Where did it go! "What the fuck did my car go?!?!" I looked and Luke was there with his car. "Hey" "Hey where did my fucking car go!!!" "Umm Ashton took it so i could take you to Starbucks and we can have a coffee" "Umm do you know i work there right after school?" "Yeah so i wanted to take you to work can a boyfriend do that?"  "Yeah you can" "good lets go!". I  went into the car and we sped off before any of fans came to the car.

We pulled in into Starbucks and i got out my name tag out and i walked in. "Hey Alexia" "Hey Jessica how was your day?" "It's was good yours?" "Boring in school". She laughed and i went to register and i asked "Hello sexy boy you want some delicious coffee?" "Oh yes i would you lovely amazing woman one Vanilla Cappuccino please?" "Coming up sexy man" i winked. I got the drink and he stayed there for my whole shift. "You can leave if you want" "No i like this i get free coffee i like it and i love being with you it's boring without you even with the boys". My hear melted "Aww thanks Luke that means a lot to me i love you so much" then i kissed him with a whole lot of passion in this one. It got heated until Jessica came in and said No making out on the job Alexia" Jessica said and laughed. I blushed and said "Ok sorry". After that my shift ended and i walked with Luke to his car and we headed to my house.

After we were close to my house he took a right turn. "Where are we going Luke?"  "You'll see". we continued driving and i saw the Pearl Beach, My favorite beach because of the sunset. "Well we have only been dating for like almost a month now but i want you give you this". He handed me a red velvet box and i opened it there was a ring. "Wait are you doing what i think you ar-" "Of course not it's a promise ring  because i promise you I'll be your only one and i love you so much". I was so  happy i had tears in my eyes "I-i love you too Luke i know your the one for me i want to spend the rest of my life with you". He picked me up and spun me around. "I love you so much" Luke said and he kissed my nose. "I love you too" then i picked his chin and put my lips on his soft pin ones. It was the best kiss yet. I just made a commitment to him a promise ring but it was still a commitment. We decided to spend the night there and i made a fire and i decided to go  for a swim. i took everything off but i had my bra and panties on and Luke came in. He was really fit. He picked me up and i kissed him and i heated up by 1000%. he unclasped my bra and took off my panties i just kept kissing him and i got access to his mouth and i entered my tongue and he took me to the towel and put a condom on and you should know what happens next.

After we were finished i was panting and i looked at Luke and he had a big smile on his face. "That was really fun" "Yeah it was. After we talked for another hour ate hot dogs and went to sleep feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

{A/N here is a longer update i hope you like it and question of the day what other  band besides 5sos do you like? i love One Direction and Little mix! keep sharing and reading :)}  

Love ya <3 :)

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