Chapter 50 :)

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 Cassie was rolled back in and she was unconscious. I sat nex to her and i held her hand i said crying silently, "You made it Cassie you can see your godchild" i said placing my hand on my belly. "You don't even look pregnant" Michael said. "Duh i just gotten pregnant silly you won't see me having a big belly in like a couple months" I said laughing. "Oh" He said flushing red with emabarrassment. I wiped my eyes and Luke looked at me and said, "Oh someone is already getting emotional" He said hugging me and i cried some more, "It's n-not funny" I said hicupping. Everyone else laughed and i made me cry more. Wow i am a crybaby! I finally stopped when Alyssa yelled at everyone to stop and she decided to take me out for some coffee. 

We were heading to her car and she asked, "Aren't you scared to be having a baby especially during tour?" "Well one tour is almost over and i am terrified but i am keeping my ground for everyone but deep inside im nervous as hell" I said putting on my seatbelt. She started the car and we headed off to Starbucks. We decided to go in the drive-thru. "One white hot chcoclate and one peppermint mocha" Alyssa said and drove to the  first window. We payed and got our coffee and my hot chocolate. I blew on it and sipped it and smiled and screamed, "I love hot chocolate!!". Alyssa stomped on the brakes and said, "Jeez  Alexia don't do that again you scared the crap out of me" She said laughing.  She finally made it back in the hospital parking lot without wreacking. I was in a very hyper mood and i got out and i saw paps everywhere. Shit. I ducked and headed toward the door and i heard someone say, "Are you dating Harry Styles?" and i screamed, "Eww no he is my cousin!"  and i ran into the hospital  and found the elevator.  We both got in and Alyssa said, "Is this the price we pay for dating the one we love?" "Yup but i have to hide from the paps because this belly is going to be poking out!" I said cooing to my belly. "The baby can't hear you yet he is like only a cell" Alyssa said. "So the cell could hear me then" I said sticking my tongue at Alyssa. She laughed and we walked into Cassie's room.

"Hey Aleixa" Cassie said weakly. "Oh my gosh hey babe" I said hugging Cassie. "I feel a whole bunch better now" Cassie said smiling. I saw the color coming back to her face which is so good. "I am glad you're feeling better". I sat down sipping on my hot chocolate and Luke asked. "Can i have a sip. "Rule #1 Do not ask a pregnan woman for a sip or a bite of a food or drink" I said kissing his cheek. "Ugh fine then" He said laughing. Kayla and Ashton walked in and she said, "Sorry we were late me and Ashton had a date" she said smiling and saw a new neckalce on her and hugged Ashton and i said, "Good job brother" "Thanks i picked it myslef" He said smiling proudly. I patted him on the back and sat in the chair and i saw Calum walking and he smiled and said, "Yay your okay Cassie thank God i don't think i could live with out you" He said putting a vase of flowers aways and she asked, "Did you buy these for me?" she said happily. "Yes i did and here is some chocolate too" he said handing her a box of chocolates and she said" Oh Calum you know me so well!" she said then kissed him on the lips. and Harry and Hanna and walked and Harry screamed, "CASSIE YOU'RE OK!!!" He said running to hug her gently. "Yes i am ok" she said hugging him back and Hanna walked up to her, "Hello Cassie i'm Hanna nice to meet you" she said hugging Cassie. "Nice to meet you i wished i was recovered now i cant believe i have to miss the concert  tomorrow" Cassie said poutly. "Hey you need to recover Cassie that is more importnant" Mom said. "You're right Shelly thanks will you stay here with me while they play so i won't be alone i want Hanna and Harry to go to the  Concert to see how good The Redemptions are" Cassie said proudly. 

We all laughed and Cassie had to get her medicine and she was out and the nurse told us to go home because she will be out all night so we all decided to go out to dinner and we went to AppleBee's and we walked inside and paps were all outside and Harry said, "Sorry guys the paps like to follow me around" He apologized. "Hey it's no big deal i remember that time me and Luke were at the beach in Sydney with Ashton and we made out for the paps to get pictures ahh those were the days" I said. Luke laughed and my mom said, "That was you two in the magazine that day?!" "Yeah it was" Luke said. We all laughed and Harry decided to make a toast, "To Alexia and Luke's baby and for Cassie recovering" Harry screamed and i saw three girls look up and walked up t me. The one who looked abou 14 asked me, "Are you Luke's girlfriend?" "Yes i am" I smiled. "Is it true your really pregnant?" she said smiling looked very excited. "Yes but shh don't tell anyone ok? "I said smiling a them.  They all hugged me and got a picture with them and we finsihed  eationg  and Luke asked, "Who were they?" "Oh just 3 special fans thats all" i said smiling. "Why are they special? "Luke asked. "Becasue i told them about how i am pregnant and they promised not to tell and i took a picture with them and they were so sweet!" i said hugging him.  "I thought you weren't going to tell the 5SOSFam?!" Luke exclaimed. "Well they were going to find out eventually" I said smiling. "Well you have a point. After that  we paid for our meal and we all headed to the hotel.

We parked the car and i headed into the hotel and  i ran to the elevator and i opened the room door adn headed to the bathroom and washed my face and Luke ran into the bathroom "Sorry i really have to piss" He said unbuckling his belt and taking his pants off. I laughed and let my hair down and dried my face off and got one of Luke's shirt and put it on and he said, "You look cute in my shirts" he said smiling. "I can't wait to see that baby bump" He said coming up from behind me and placing his large hands on my stomach. i put my head on his chest and he kissed me and went into the bed and he asked, ":When do we go buy the baby stuff" He asked excitedly. "When i find out the gender of it" I said laughing . "How long will that take? "He whined. "Like 2 months maybe 3" i said hugging him. I thought in my head, "Why can i be that excited like he is?. then i wlked to bed letting my hair down and out of nowhere Luke said, "i know your nervous but hey calm down don't stress over it you have  9 months to prepare for the birth of our lovely baby" He said kissing me. I just shrugged and turned off the lamp and fell into a peaceful sleep.

{A/N Hey guys here is a new update for ya :) I hope yu guys had a Very Merry Christmas and Question of  the Day:  What were the two most important christmas gifts did you get?  I got One Direction tickets and Our Moment by One Direction! :) comment donw below and have a happy holidays and  keep reading, voting, sharing, and Follow me <3}

Love Ya <3 :*

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