Chapter 17

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I woke up to see Luke literally holding me down. I wiggled out of him and i took a shower and came out too see Luke whining. "Come back to bed!" "No i have to do stuff today" "Like what?" "Trying  to find a job today" "Where?" "Like Starbucks or something like that" "Oh have fun babe" "Oh i will" I got nice clothes on and walked out the door.

I walked into Starbucks and waited for the lady to come out and i was super nervous. I was playing with my fingers and the lady came out "Hello are you Miss Irwin?" "Yes ma'am" "Ok lets get started" "So have you ever been to a Starbucks or ever worked in one?" "No but i always go to Starbucks and always make espressos and other coffees at my home" "Nice you have experience so how old are you?" "I'm 16 years old" "Perfect age" "What working days would you like?" "Umm how about Wednesdays and Thursdays are fine with me" "Ok great well I'll call you when i find out my answer thank you for coming Miss Irwin" "Your welcome Ma'am have a nice day" "You too". I walked out and i felt really happy. I might get a job yay!! i went to my car and headed home. I headed home and saw everyone at the house "Hey Alexia" "Hey guys what's up?" " Just came back from Starbucks  i might get a job there!!" "Congrats Alexia" they said. I sat on the couch and was on Luke's lap. "You feel like a couch Luke i love it" "Thanks babe". We were all sitting on the couch and floor and Calum decided "We should go to Adventure land!!!!!" "Yes i love Adventure Land!" Cassie screamed. "Then let's go!" Ashton said. "Me, Cassie, Luke and Calum take my car" i said. "Kelsey, Michael, and me will take my car" Ashton said. "lets go!! and we were off to Adventure land.

We made it there and Me and Cassie ran to the entrance and we got in for free because my brother was famous so we ran to the first ride we saw. "The screamer". It went upside down at 30 MPH" "We need to ride this!" Said Cassie. We went on it and 20 more rides until we were starving. 'Calm down alexia you'll puke on the next ride" Luke said "I don't care I'm starving" i said eating a slice of pizza. After we ate we decided to play games. I won a big Jamaican banana! Luke was playing to win me a giant big red bear that said I love you on its tummy. he was playing basketball and he got all 10 shots!! "Yay!! thanks babe i love you" i said hugging him. "Your welcome anything for you Alexia i love you so much" "I love you too". We left Adventure Land with really big stuffed animals.

We came back to my house and everyone left "I'll see you in school tomorrow Alexia bye love you" "Bye love you too" I hugged him and he left. Me and Ashton were watching movies and he said "You and Luke are getting pretty serious" "Ash we just started dating for like 3 weeks we aren't serious yet" "You already had sex with him your getting serious i just don't want you to get hurt your my little sister i don't want to see you hurting" "I know Ashton but i have this weird feeling that he just might be the one" " had the same feeling with Claire but she wasn't she was like a false one but i rally loved her so much but she didn't feel the same" "I know but i can tell Luke loves me and i love him and we trust each other i know he's the one he has to be" "Don't get your hopes up ok that's all I'm saying because once you think that everything changed so please don't get your hopes up promise?" "Promise". "Ok I'm going to bed ill see you tomorrow alexia goodnight love you "Love you too Ash goodnight". I sat there think what if he isn't the one? What if he doesn't like me and is just using me? I tried to get those questions out of my mine and i went upstairs and put on my PJ's and just laid there and thought to myself Is he going to save me or break me? i just laid there and thought for a minute and i thought I hope he saves me because i need him more than anything right now but am  i am not using him for recovering i am falling hard for him and I'm the luckiest girl to have him. How did i get so lucky? I fell into a dreamy sleep.

{A/N i hoped you liked this chapter I'm sorry if this chapter sucks i stayed up all night and I'm like ugh right now and i have school tomorrow. I haven't had time to tell you about me I'm Salem and I'm 13 and i love 5SOS and 1D i have  body image issues i know people that know me are like your beautiful i know they think that but i don't  think that I'm trying to get over it buts its hard but I'm getting better I've did things i regret no i didn't have sex but starving myself  but yeah I'm getting better i comment about yourself i would like to know keep reading :)}

love ya <3 :)

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