Sixty Four-

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Pic is me playing basketball lmfao excuse the face. I'm double jointed in my elbows so that's why my arm looks weird😂...

Getting ready to go to dinner, I felt like I was being sent out on my first hit for the mob. I didn't know if anyone would see us out together and if they did, if they'd assume anything. Pulling on my dress, I finalized my hair and makeup before hearing a knock on my bedroom door.

"World's greatest boyfriend is here to pick up his gorgeous girlfriend," Harry teased, coming into view of the mirror and I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey," I beamed, poking my earring through my ear. His arms wrapped around my waist and he rested his head on my shoulder. "What's all this about?"

"I just love you."

"I get that a lot." We both chuckled and he turned me around to face him. His eyes met mine and it was almost as if he was staring straight into my soul.

"You mean so much to me," he murmured. "And I know I don't tell you nearly as much as I should. You are amazing."

"Well, thanks," I blushed. "I think you're amazing, too. Are you okay?"

"I just don't wanna lose you."

"You're not gonna lose me, okay? Ever."

"I'm being silly, I'm sorry," he chuckled.

"There's no need to be sorry," I cooed. "It's sweet."

"Alright love birds!" Max called from the hallway.

"We're coming!" I called back, taking one last glance in the mirror.

"I would hope not," Max teased as we walked out of my bedroom and I knew I'd turned tomato red.

"Shut up." Rolling my eyes as I grabbed my jacket and scarf, we walked out the door.

"No tomfoolery in the car on the way there," Max warned.

"Harry's driving so I don't think there's going to be any," I laughed, wishing he would seriously shut the fuck up.

"I'll make sure to get there safely, sir," Harry chuckled. Making our way to the restaurant, I held Harry's hand and squeezed it a few times before we finally pulled up at the valet. Getting out in the bone chilling wind, we made our way inside and I was immediately welcome in the familiar atmosphere I'd seen only 2 years prior when it opened.

"Hey Jeremy," I smiled as we sat down at the rustic wooden tables covered in white linens.

"Long time no see, short stuff. What are you drinking tonight?"

"Let's crack open a bottle of Lewis and then whatever drinks they want, they're more than welcome to have," Max interjected.

"Can I do the Sangria?" I smiled widely.

"Red or white?"

"Definitely red."

"Got it," Jeremy nodded. "And for you?"

"Can I have the Kamikazberry?"

"Absolutely, I'll be right back."

"Thanks Jer-bear."

"Jer-bear?" Harry laughed as he walked away.

"It's a nickname I came up with," I shrugged. "And you know you just ordered a very girly drink, right?"

"So?" he shrugged. "It sounded good, so I wanted to try it."

"More power to you, babe," I teased.

"Is anyone else coming, Max?" I asked as we sat there.

"Other than Jimmy and Kathy, Aunt Diana. Aunt Candy was gonna come, but she's sick."

"How wonderful."

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"You'll see when my Aunt Diana gets here," I sighed, wishing Jeremy would hurry with my sangria.


"Look at you!" I heard Kathy's familiar, warm voice exclaim as she walked toward us, Jimmy trailing behind.

"It's so good to see you!" I squealed, bending down to give her a hug.

"Hey Jimmy," I beamed, hugging him. Harry stood behind me, holding my arms lightly with a smile.

"Who is this?" Kathy beamed, looking at him.

"This is my boyfriend," I almost gushed.

"Harry," he grinned widely. "It's lovely to meet you both. I've heard a lot about you."

"Only the good things I hope," Kathy laughed.

"Jim Baxler, nice to meet you," Jimmy smiled as they shook hands. Sitting down, we were all gathered around the table and the wine had been decanted.

As dinner continued, I began to anticipate when Kathy would start asking him questions and it seemed she'd wanted to start before appetizers came out.

"So, Harry," she smiled. "Tell us a little bit about yourself."

"I used to work in a bakery," he chuckled.

"What do you do now? Do you and Neely go to school together?"

"I coach a little league baseball team. I was fortunate enough to graduate college two years ago."

"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking."

"I'll be 19 in February," he effortlessly lied and I almost audibly sighed with relief. He'd really be 22, but who was counting?

"Oh," she nodded. "That's really cool. How did you two meet?"

"We actually met at Starbucks back in August," Harry blushed. "It's a rather silly story. I'd see her every Friday night sitting in this leather chair with a book and a cup of coffee. I thought she was absolutely beautiful, but didn't have the guts to talk to her. One Friday, they'd called her name for her drink, but I thought it was mine. We both went for the drink and the rest is history." He kissed my cheek and I blushed. I made a mental note to ask him how he managed to lie so well.

*changed ending bc no me gusta.

Hey guys! Want to thank you so much for almost 50k. this is massive. I was wondering if we could get the votes and comments up? Like, 50 votes and 20 comments? It takes a lot to write this and the votes and comments have been dropping off. I love you all and thank you so much for the support.

Much love.xx

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