Eighty Seven

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My eyes opened and I was in a graveyard. People all around me crying and dressed in black. I turned around only to see a closed coffin and Harry standing with his hand on it.

"I miss you." Watching him walk away, I tried to call out to him, but had no voice.

"Neely?" I heard the voice I hadn't heard in the longest time.

"Dad?" I finally had a voice.

"Hey pumpkin," Dad smiled as we hugged.

"Why are you here?"

"To tell you that you've got too much to live for."

"It's so hard. I don't know what to do without you. I feel so lost and out of control."

"You can do it, honey. We believe in you and know you're going to be something great. Keep fighting and know we love you with all our hearts."

"Why couldn't mom come?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

"She wanted to, but she was afraid."

"Dad, I don't know what to do."

"You do. Follow your heart and keep it beating. Aunt Susie will help you."

"I love you," I sobbed into his chest as we hugged.

"I love you, beautiful. Go live life and be. The world needs you." Beginning to cry harder, I stood there, feeling a sharp push on my chest and fell to the ground. Voices were swirling around my head and everything suddenly became very cold and dark.

"We've got to get her to the hospital, now."

"There's no time. She was under for too long."

"No! I'm here. I'm still alive!" Again nothing came out as I felt I was being lifted. My eyes wouldn't open and my body was limp. I couldn't talk or move. I couldn't breathe. No oxygen was filling my lungs and I immediately began to panic, but again. No reaction from my body.

"Neely," Louis cried. "Please hold on."

"I'm trying."

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