Thirty Three-

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Harry's POV:

Hearing a knock on the door, I quickly walked to open it.

"Hi," the short, blonde man smiled. "Dr. Ashton Irwin."

"Hi, thank you for coming so late. I wouldn't have called you if she wasn't really sick," I sighed as we shook hands. Making sure Neely had on pants before he got there she was now under the covers, still laying on her side.

"Neely?" he cooed, slightly shaking her shoulder. She rolled over coughing and I knew she was having a hard time breathing.

"Can you tell me where it hurts?"

"Everywhere," she croaked, clutching her chest and coughing. "I'm nauseated as well." Watching as he pulled his stethoscope from his bag and placed it on her chest, I became anxious.

"It seems that you've got bronchitis and the flu at the same time," he said, pressing his hand to her forehead before removing his stethoscope. "Lots of fluids, bed rest, I can prescribe her something for the bronchitis, but the flu, I think it'll just have to naturally stave off."

"Is there anything to do to keep her fever down?" I asked as he stood.


"Thanks for coming. When can that prescription be in? I know nothing is really open."

"I can get it first thing in the morning and drop it by. Make sure she gets a good nights rest. You as well," he smiled.

"Will do," I nodded. Thanking him as he walked out the door, I closed and locked it before walking back into Neely's room. Sighing as I sat down in the beanbag chair in the corner, I leaned my head against the wall, hoping sleep would soon find me again.
My eyes flew open at the sound of my phone ringing and I dug it from my pocket, shutting the alarm off. Neely was still sleeping, I tiptoed to the kitchen, smelling coffee and breakfast being made.

"Good morning," the man said with a dull tone.

"Good morning," I replied, wondering who the hell he was.

"Would you like some breakfast? I presume Neely is still asleep."

"Thank you. May I ask your name?"


"How'd you get in?"

"I have a key."

"How'd you get a key?"

"I've had one for years. I work for Max."


"I have Neely's medicine. It was dropped by earlier. Coffee is in the pot, sugar and everything is on the counter. Are you going to be here with her today?" he asked, sitting a steaming plate in front of me.

"I don't have to be at work until 8:40, so I will for a little while longer, but then I have to go."

"Make sure she takes this and some Tylenol before you do. She's more likely to listen to you than me," he smiled.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Are you with Neely?"

"Like together?"


"Yes," I nodded looking down at my plate and trying to hide my smile.

"Ah," he chuckled.


"You love her, don't you?"

"How'd you know?"

"I've seen that look many times to know what it means."

"Have you ever been in love?" I asked, hoping I wasn't overstepping any boundaries.

"I was married once."

"What happened?"

"Car accident."

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. It was ages ago and I've gotten better with time." I only nodded as I continued to eat.

"Have you told her you love her yet?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"No," I sighed. "Can't seem to find the right time to."

"Anytime is the right time. Life is too short to not tell people how you feel while you've still got the chance."

"I don't know how to tell her, though. I'm scared," I admitted. I was scared, utterly terrified.

"With Neely, you've got to be careful. She's very fragile even though she plays it off like she's not. She takes everything to heart and get jealous at the drop of a hat. She is introverted, but loves to be around people. She likes little things; walks, books, history, even though she'd never admit it. I once saw her get excited over a compilation of World War II newspapers that she'd found in her aunt's attic. She still has them locked away in her desk drawer," he smiled. "I've been around Neely since she was a little girl. She has always been misunderstood because she is so different than what society deems normal. She's been to hell and back, bringing back souvenirs with a smile. All I ask is that you treat her heart like it's made of glass and try not to crack or break it. She's just finally glued all the pieces back together."

"I'll try my best," I sighed, unable to look him in the eyes. Finishing my food, I sat my dishes in the sink and walked back into Neely's room. Still sleeping, I searched her desk for a sheet of paper and pen. If this was the only way I could tell her how much I loved her, fine. I'd write it.

People say so many things about love. They say how it feels, how to show it, what it is. But nobody could've prepared me for what it is like to love you. Yes, you read that right... I love you. You're like the morning sun, brightening my day even with the thought of your name. Calming and kind, I don't think I've ever met anyone like you.

I love you, with every fiber of my being. I love that your nose crinkles when you smile or laugh, I love how you have a snaggle tooth that isn't noticeable unless you look really closely. I love the way your laughter fills a room almost much like your presence. You walk in gracefully and everyone stops to take notice. Your energy, I love your energy. You bring light to every situation no matter how bad. I love your skin. The little birthmark on your right hip, the way your neck and shoulder meet in an elegant swoop. I love your stomach and your thighs, soft and warm, just as you are. I love the way your hips curve. I love every inch of you.

I think what I love most about you is you. You don't care what people think or if they like you or not. You rock high heels with confidence and a bright red smile. I love your confidence, even if sometimes it's faked. I love your smart mouth, always dragging me in and then you so quickly kick me back out. I love the way you think, your outlook on things. You see the beauty in the most outrageous things, and that is such an amazing quality to have.

I love the way my name rolls from your lips. Your lips, I love how they fit together just as our hands do. I love the way you look at me sometimes, just out of the blue and when I say "what?" You just shrug and say, "nothing." With a smile. I love that you love to be athletic. Getting to see you grow on and off the court is such a privilege. I just love you, Neely.

If I could give you one thing other than my heart, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Why? Because then you'd be able to see how precious you are to me. I'm in love with you and I won't stop loving you anytime soon.

I'll see you later. I've left my heart with you, keep up with it for me.

All my love,

Folding the letter, I laid it softly on the pillow she wasn't using and kissed her forehead before walking out of her room and closing the door behind me.

Ahhhhhhh! Thank y'all so much for all the reads and votes! As I stated earlier in the book, I do use some quotes off tumblr that I feel apply to the story. I'm not one to deny where I get some of this mushy stuff from. Anyway,thank y'all so much again and keep sharing, commenting and voting!

Much love and always stay Larry af.

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