Chapter 58 - Civil War In Hueco Mundo! Ulquiorra's Death (filler)

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

It has been 2 days since my little crying episode with Toshiro, and he has been more protective then usual. I'm currently laying in bed with my arms crossed against my chest, while clenching my jaw in frustration at the same time.

Toshiro has ordered the team on patrol for any danger of hollows or any Arrancar's from Aizen. While I was put on strict orders to stay put in bed! I smirked at the irony of this situation, Toshiro knowing full well that I will never obey to such an order and it's only a matter of time before they need me.

Toshiro Hitsugaya's POV

I was patrolling an area through karakura as I felt an intense amount of spiritual pressure, knowing full well who it's from. The arrancar's are back so soon, it made me clench my jaw in anger.

My soul pager began to ring repeatedly in my robe pocket and I quickly retrieved it placing it against my ear. "We have a confirmed arrancar presents in karakura town, I repeat we have a confirmed arrancar presents in karakura town".

As I was holding my soul phone to my ear, hearing the information from Rin Tsubokura, I started running in a fast pace to the location of the Arrancar's "we have confirmed the Arrancar's presents at coordinate 3800".

"We know! I'm requesting a Gentei Kaijo" I sternly state.

"Don't worry we have already simplified the producers to receive permission, you should be granted permission immediately." Rin confirmed

"Understood." I replied quickly knowing that the line ended, I decided to jump up in the air as I continued running. "It sure has gotten convenient"

I place my soul pager back against my ear letting the others know of the situation. "Rangiku, renji, ikkaku, Yumichika. Acknowledge."

"Yes I have a conformation sir" Rangiku replies

I hear Ikkaku laugh in excitement. "Looks like things will be fun again".

"I hope that this one is stronger then the last one". Yumichika added.

"This is Renji, I'm the furthest one away, you guys just go on ahead of me" renji confirms sternly.


Ari Kurosaki's POV

I stopped sulking an hour ago and decided to go back to sleep but what ruined it was feeling the incredible amount of spiritual pressure, I sat up from my bed and pulled out my soul phone from under my pillow. I flipped the device open seeing that 3 Arrancar's have appeared. I clench my jaw in frustration being annoyed again. I grabbed my soul candy dispenser and popped a green candy into my mouth. "No way I'm missing out on this one. You stay put until I get back" I ordered my mod soul she only nodded her head in response and laid back down in my bed.


Toshiro Hitsugaya's POV

Rangiku caught up to me as we both continued to run in the air, and jumped from building to building. "What now Captain?" Rangiku questions

"Keep a look out, there very close" I ordered, as Rangiku and I landed in a construction site. Seconds later Ikkaku and Yumichika appeared beside us, we were all standing in a line.

"Captain Hitsugaya sir". Ikkaku calls out.

"Yes there coming!" I confirmed. We all got into a fighting stance each of us grasping our Zanpakutō's ready.

2 of the Arrancar's appeared before us. "How cocky of them! Well there going down. Now stab Erizo".

The Arrancar's spiritual pressure increases as we try and keep our composure, the arrancar transforms. He grew 3 segmented tail like appendages that have sharp ends, the whole top half of his body is covered in armor and seeing his hollow hole in the middle of his chest.

The other Arrancar started laughing in mock. "The difference in our power is obvious. There's no need to take you seriously, unfortunately we don't have time. We need you to die here. Freeze Jabali".

The other arrancar quickly transformed as his upper body and arms are covered in white armor too, his earlier hollow mask with a skull and bull like horn that covered the upper left quarter of his face, is now around his lower jaw  leaving his face uncovered.

Rangiku and I were facing the red haired arrancar that transformed first. I was currently standing in the air heavily panting and sweating due to my efforts of keeping up.

Ikkaku and Yumichika faced off against the other arrancar on the ground.

"I see that's your released Zanpakutō is it?" I questioned in mock.

"That's right, this is my true form" the arrancar proudly stated as he opened his arms out wide. "I will end this with one shot"

I quickly dodged the tails. "Rain over the frosted heavens Hyōrinmaru" I yell while swinging my sword from left to right releasing the ice dragon.

The arrancar laughed hysterically shooting his tail like arms towards my Hyōrinmaru making it crumble, and catching me off guard seeing his tail come straight towards me. But It was quickly blocked by Rangiku.

She charged towards the arrancar in full force.

"Useless!" The arrancar lifted one of his tails in the air and strikes towards Rangiku, she squeals as she blocks his attack but barely.

Death Do Us Part [Toshiro Hitsugaya X OC]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora