Chapter 12 - The Avengers

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Ari's POV

I watch lady Yoruichi flash step disappearing from my view and getting to Ichigo stopping him before he makes a fool of himself.

I could sense Byakuya, and knowing him he won't show any mercy stopping the ryoka from getting Rukia. Which makes me worry for Ichigo, knowing that he isn't strong enough yet to defeat a opponent like Byakuya.

I sighed deeply, before flash stepping back to my barracks.

(Time skip)
It has been a few days since I encountered lady Yoruichi and since then a lot has been happening in the seireitei. A few of the ryoka's have been admitted for emergency aid by squad 4. The head captain wanted to keep them alive just in case for further questioning on Aizen's murder, but I have this sick gut feeling that these ryoka are innocent.

Captain Ukitake informed me of what happened, saying that lady Yoruichi will make Ichigo strong to defeat Byakuya, and the first thing that came to my mind was she will teach him banki. It's the only way ichigo can defeat him and save Rukia.

I haven't seen Toshiro either, ever since the Aizen incident. He has taken a full responsibility of squad 5 and still has to take care of his own squad on top of that, while Momo is still confined in prison for her earlier actions. I thought that I would go and pay him a quick visit, and hopefully not only distract him with everything going on and myself too.

I was walking in slow strides to the squad 10 barracks, it was night time and the air had a light calming breeze. It made me feel content not having to stress about the current situations.

Once I made it to the squad 10 barracks I wasted no time walking inside and going straight to Toshiro's office knowing he would be their. I slid open the sliding door and once entering, I felt the air in the room became tense and I looked ahead to see Toshiro and Rangiku, Toshiro's lieutenant staring at each other with a hard gaze like they both were deep in thought about the same situation. I closed the sliding door behind me and walked closer towards Toshiro office desk, noticing me, snapping him out of his daze.

"Ari". He said nonchalantly. I awkwardly waved and released a light laugh, feeling that I came at a bad time.

Toshiro stood up from his office desk, and stopped right in front of me. His turquoise eyes showed worry, and he wrapped his arms around me, I brought my arms around him and hugging him back tightly. He sighed in relief, burying his face in my long hair.

"I'm glad that your okay, especially with everything going on". He said, while releasing his hold and to look at me instead this time checking if I was okay. Once he saw that I was okay he was satisfied. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Toshiro you have nothing to worry about, I'm more then capable to take care of myself". I stated a matter of fact. But his eyes said differently they held so much worry it made my heart melt at the sight.

We were suddenly interrupted by someone speaking on the other side of the sliding door.

"Excuse me sir I am Kōkichiro Takezoe squad 10, 7th seat. I'm looking for captain Hitsugaya and lieutenant Matsumoto may I come in". The man formally addressed.

"Yes what do you want?" Toshiro questioned in annoyance. The man opened the sliding door, and was bowing down on one knee and looked up at the 3 of us.

"Sir I beg your pardon, but this is a urgent matter, there's been an incident at the prison that requires your immediate attention. Sir lieutenant Abarai, and lieutenant Hinamori as well, as lieutenant Kira sir. All of them have vanished from there cells". The 7th seat has finished informing us of the matters at hand.

I looked towards Toshiro and his eyes widen in shock not expecting this to happen.

We all moved to the 5th squad barracks to the prison cells where Momo was being held. Toshiro Rangiku and I were stood outside of the cell listening to a guard beg for forgiveness for letting the lieutenant get away.

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