Chapter 37 - Countdown To The Detonation

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Ari Kurosaki's POV

Toshiro and I were walking back to his barracks in silence, luckily we weren't far away otherwise we would have flash stepped. The night was calm and quiet. Too quiet considering all the trouble we have received in the last few days.

I deeply sighed in content taking in the night sky, the moon was gleaming through the night clouds as I stared in awe. There was no wind in the air so it felt peaceful.

Toshiro and I have been walking for 10 minutes in silence, I was in another world of my own getting lost in my thoughts. Thinking back to the fight that just happened a few hours ago, made me feel uneasy. I haven't froze in a battle, in a long time, and I hope that it won't happen again. The last time it happened was when Aizen turned me into a hollow, and I was very young and only just became a soul reaper. So why now would I freeze up? that was the bubbling question dancing around in my thoughts. It can't be the hollow inside of me, I learnt to fully control it's abilities but never would I ever use it in a battle. I would be executed if the soul society found out. Maybe it was a panic attack I do get them sometimes but it didn't feel like one.

"Ari" Toshiro says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I didn't realize until now that he was gazing at me intently "Are you okay?

I was gazing back into his turquoise eyes even in the night they glowed bright. "I'm fine Toshiro" I lightly smiled in reassurance.

"Good! When we get back to the barracks you should get some rest" he softly suggested

And like always I playfully roll my eyes "Yes Sir"

Toshiro lightly smirked and shook his head at me for my childish behavior. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Hmm! Seal me in a kidō barrier" I state sarcastically

"That would be a good idea" he playfully agreed

"Oh and I forgot to mention if you did plan on putting me in a barrier I will break free, find you, and kill you senselessly" I say staring at Toshiro with a devious smile

Toshiro paled a little at my words not being sure if I was being sarcastic or if I was being serious. "I will make sure to remember that if it ever crosses my mind"

I continued to smile at him with that devious smile and in seconds I burst out laughing not being able to keep a straight face anymore "Toshiro you would be the last person I would ever think of killing I care about you too much"

And suddenly Toshiro stopped walking and turned to me staring at me intently once again "Ari I have to tell you something"

My once giggly expression turned into concerned one. "What is it Toshiro?"

"I....I lik" But before Toshiro could finish his sentence, I didn't realize that we both were already standing in front of the 10th division barracks and Toshiro's subroutine's that were guarding the gates called out to us. There were 5 men guarding his gate and they were all ecstatic to see us return.

"Awe the Captains back, and Captain Kurosaki.

"What happened to you captain?" One asked as all of them ran up to us and bowed down on one knee.

"Are you both alright Captains? Captain Kurosaki you look exhausted" one of Toshiro's men asked in concern. To tell you the truth I am, I looked down at my attire and saw that my clothes were covered in dirt and I had a few rips here and there, from colliding into the roof.

"Yes we are fine" Toshiro answered sternly for the both of us.

"I brought down the Bount. The area is still frozen over from my Zanpakuto, but it will melt soon enough. I want you to go their and to retrieve the Bount" Toshiro ordered calmly.

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