Chapter 16 - Reality of the Despair

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Toshiro Hitsugaya's POV

"Central 46 it gets its name from the 40 sages and 6 judges who have been gathered from across the soul society, it is the highest judiciary system that exists within the soul society. When a soul reaper is charged with a crime, whether it occurred in the soul society or the world of the living, it is here that they're judged. once a verdict is handed down central 46 then designates who will execute the sentence. The stealth force, or the thirteen court guard squads, once they declare there verdict it is absolute no one not even a captain can appeal there decision that is the function of central 46".

As Rangiku and I took in the scene before us, all the central 46 sages were dead all over the underground compound.

We descended the staircase to see if we could find any clues to this unexpected turn of events. I placed my finger tips on the wooden table of blood.

"This blood is completely dry it's already blackened and even started to crack and flake. This obviously didn't happen yesterday or the day before that" I expressed.

The question is when? The last time central 46 operated normally was just before renji was defeated. After that Marshall law was declared and the central underground assembly hall was locked down completely. no one was allowed to enter or leave. The defense system was engaged sealing all entrances and there was no sign of forced entry when we got here, that means they were killed before then. if that's the case all the judgements and decisions that have come from central 46 since that time.

"They were fake!" I exasperate as I clench my teeth.

But who could have pulled this off? Gin? Even he is not cable of doing this by himself so there must have been others who helped. I mentally thought getting more frustrated by the second. Rangiku stood behind me looking in front of her at the mess, it became silent for a few moments

"Captain Hitsugaya, I figured I'd find you here". Someone yelled out from above of the staircase in the shadows.

I tore my gaze away from the dead men scattered about, and saw the stranger.

"Izuru are you the one responsible for this". I questioned sternly.

Izuru only walked out of sight. "After him Rangiku c'mon". I ordered.

Rangiku and I began to run back up towards the long staircase trying to catch up to Izuru. As we left the underground assembly hall we spotted him climbing back up to the entrance. We slashed stepped moving closer to keep up with his fast paced run. We made it on the outside bridge following him out to the Seireitei. Izuru jumped upon a tiled roof still running at full speed. I grunted in my efforts trying to keep up following in his actions jumping on the tiled roof behind.

"It's no use running, answer me Izuru! Are you responsible for what happened back their?".

"No I barely allowed in from the inside before you arrived my roll was to unlock the doors from the inside so you can get into the underground assembly hall". Izuru explained briefly

"Who gave you those orders. Who was it? I demanded.

"Its no secret central 46 gave the order". Izuru stated bluntly looking back to me.

"Then where is the official seal, show me damn it!!". I furiously spat getting more frustrated with his silly games.

"Instead of chasing me asking pointless questions about orders and official seals shouldn't you be more concerned about protecting momo". Izuru stated in a warning tone.

My eyes widen in worry "What are you talking about she is perfectly safe she's...". I firmly explained before I got cut off.

"She's not in the squad 10 barracks if that's what your thinking! You put a force field around the room momo was sleeping in didn't you. A Kyōmon a high level force field that repels attacks from the outside so you left her their thinking she'd be safe, but that force field is meant to keep people out not in. Momo is a master of Kidō breaking a force field like that would be child's play for her and she can put a force field around herself to hide her spiritual pressure while moving about, you didn't even notice did you. She has been right behind you, following you the entire time". Izuru explained being right about every single detail, and I was so oblivious.

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