Chapter 33 - Shinigami vs. Shinigami!

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Ari Kurosaki POV

We were all running at a fast pace through the forest trying to get to the west gate. Once we left the Forest we entered through to the West rukon district seeing Jidanbō laying flat on his stomach.

"Jidanbō!!" Ichigo called out in concern, we all stopped our running and came to a complete stop, taking in the scene before us.

Standing a few meters in front of the gate was a Siege engine, it is a wooden machine that is designed to break through giant doors.

"How did they get the gate to open?" Renji questioned in confusion.

"Obviously with that huge device" Uryūu pointed out.

Ichigo gasped in recognition as he looked on ahead in the distance, I followed his gaze seeing 3 figures walking in the Seireitei.

"Kariya!" Ichigo called out. suddenly the bount man with white hair turned around facing us and raised his right hand up in the air as a gust of wind came shooting towards the wooden machine making it fall apart

We all gasped as the wind and dust got in our eyes I paced my forearms in front of my face  shielding it from the dirt. The wind stopped and the long wooden beam that was once holding up the large gate fell towards the ground in a loud thud.

"It's falling" renji stated as we all watched the heavy gate fall shut with the 3 Bounts on the other side.

"Kariya" Ichigo yelled out in frustration.

"Damn it! They got away." Toshiro says in a groan.

As the dust was beginning to clear Orihime was began to heal Jidanbō wounds. "Jidanbō please just wake up"

Jidanbō lowly grunted as his eyes fluttered open. He groaned as he lifted himself up leaning on his hands and knees. "Welcome back" Orihime kindly greeted

"Hmmm! It's you, you've returned"

Orihime stood to her feet from her kneeled position on the ground. "Do you remember me?"

Jidanbō hummed as he turned his head in confusion and looked back to Orihime "hmmm!! What happened? Don't tell me you saved me once again"

"That's not what's important right now, is your arm feeling any better?" She asked in concern.

Jidanbō smiled softly as he changed his leaning position and sat on the ground with his leg crossed over the other. "Not bad, soon I'll be as good as new again"

I turn my gaze and spot. Toshiro, Rangiku, And Renji running towards they went to find out when the gate can be opened.

"ichigo, like I thought its going to take sometime before the Sekkiseki can be opened" renji informed in a pant

"That's going to be a problem" ichigo sternly gazed up at Jidanbō. "Unless Jidanbō I know that you have been injured pretty bad, but do you think, you can open up the gate for us"

Jidanbō smiled "of course, why wouldn't I? I still have 2 arms"

Jidanbō stands to his feet and walked over to the giant gate and began to lift it upwards as he lets out groans of effort. We were all standing beside waiting for the gate to be lifted up high enough to get through.

Ichigo's friends stared in amazement at the giant lifting the heavy wooden gate. "Great you did it Jidanbō" ichigo praised

We all began to run under the gate but as we were about to pass through Jidambō almost lost his grip we abruptly stopped in our tracks and stared up at Jidanbō in worry.

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